Kush Killington
Well-Known Member
Sooo i bought some azomite hoping that it cud replace my earthjuice microblast (and provide a complete array of mircos) but the label only has 6 minerals listed:
K2O - .2%
Ca - 1.8%
Mg - .5%
Cl - .1%
Co - .002%
Na - .1%
Derived from volcanic ashes.
I assume the rest are just to small in amount to be listed?
Basically, can azomite effectively replace ALL my micro nutrient needs (aside cal/mg for which i have.. GO cal/mag)? I was planning to brew it in a AACT of Reverse osmosis water with some Blue Moutain Organics Super Plant Tonic and some of Roots organic Trinity for my mothers/clones.
If so, at what rate per gal should i add the azomite (its powdered) ?
Or would i be better off jus top dressing my pots? Rate?
Sir KK
Edit: Cal/Mg are secondaries, not micro
K2O - .2%
Ca - 1.8%
Mg - .5%
Cl - .1%
Co - .002%
Na - .1%
Derived from volcanic ashes.
I assume the rest are just to small in amount to be listed?
Basically, can azomite effectively replace ALL my micro nutrient needs (aside cal/mg for which i have.. GO cal/mag)? I was planning to brew it in a AACT of Reverse osmosis water with some Blue Moutain Organics Super Plant Tonic and some of Roots organic Trinity for my mothers/clones.
If so, at what rate per gal should i add the azomite (its powdered) ?
Or would i be better off jus top dressing my pots? Rate?
Sir KK
Edit: Cal/Mg are secondaries, not micro