My outdoor season is finally done... its a bitter sweet feeling. Learned a lot tho for my 1st solo geen house run.. next year will be better.. gunna eather use biger pots like 100gals (no more 15gals) cut the bottoms out of my 15 gals an put em in ground with a cpl feet of good soil under em.. or jus dig holes 3ft deep or more an fill em with nice good soil. Can tell my ladies root bounded in flower. They thrived all during veg tho, but started yellowing a month into flower an nugs jus stopped thriving/bulking up on me ... good buddy of mine who has done alot more outdoor then I said it cause of rootbound.. never had this issue inside where I got my methods down.. but outside i learned is alot bigger an faster growth plants an root wise.. but over all good harvest.. 3lbs total an got another 1an half hangin atleast.. also learned what strains of mine do better outside an wat dont.... my GH is only 20ftx10ft, 10ft from left to rght an 20 ft deep an 8-9ft tall give or take so had to regulate on size (thats why I went 15gals) .. but im happy with my results an quality of meds.. I cant smoke do to probation of a dui,

. but my local dispensary has loved all my meds an wen I told em it was outdoor they were surprised.. so over all im happy, but most of all I gained some knowledge on outdoor growing.. wish I would of found this thread sooner so u guys could of knowledged me more but I have learned alot from u all I the past month an have enjoyed watching everyones plants an harvest! Don't plan on leaving this thread netime soon tho! Can't get rif me thay easy now lol..