Club 600

Very nice scrog Someguy, I'm Impressed with what those kind of lights can do. Are those diy or did you buy them? They look cool!?

I made those light bars. the three together are about 500w at the plug. I also made some short bars out of some led flood light cobs. I just put them above my larger vegging plants. The flouro fixture next to them is really an led tube troffer.


I am trying out defoliation on a couple small clones, I've seen some very positive plants from the method so figured I'd give it a shot. All 11/11 of the clones in the Aero cloner have rooted so things should be moving along toflowering fairly qquickly :) the tangilope in the dwc are kicking butt. The pic of the tent is how I'm going to have things setup, plus 2 more dwc buckets, 12 plants. It will be tight in there but I may vert scrog the branches that will be closest to the wall to prevent too much crowding. It sure yet. Definitely will need a short veg time though


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yea. essentially three sided vert. 2' depth is not enough. If you look in my journal. The cabinet I used to run was a three sided vert. no way to safely surround the light with plants. 3x3 is just enough space to go all the way around the light. you might be able to stadium the two longer sides from the lamp to work in more plants. Lots of options.

Vertical with omni-directional light sources seems like the most efficent use of them. Regular growing and flat scrog seem to make the most of directional sources. (just my thoughts on the matter...LOL)
x2 on that. I cant imagine trimming seven days a week. sounds like pure hell to me...LOL.

My wife is like.. why dont you just buy an automated trimmer. She doesn't know the one I want is like 700$ LOL Looking at how those table top things are made makes me thing I could just make one.
My last trim session was 51/2 days and nights and l was ready for a rest home.
No way could l imagine doing that for a living.
My hat is off to you bro.:clap::clap::clap: