Willow tree water/tea for added root growth


Well-Known Member
Now im not real sure on this but I have herd that you could make a solution out of a willow tree branch and water your plants with it to create extra root growth naturally without buying expensive chemical nutes.

I have herd that you can also root clones this way too . So you take a branch from a willow tree and split a piece down the middle and soak it in your plant water for a couple days then water the plants with that reg water you soaked like normal .

Is there any truth to this can anyone confirm this willow trees are known to grow massive roots so almost seems beliveable
I had read that blanched willow branches were a natural rooting hormone and that it was widely used in the past.Cut the branches for the size pot You will use and simply pour Boiling water into the branches and let it set overnight.This isn't a gel but it work's.
Now im not real sure on this but I have herd that you could make a solution out of a willow tree branch and water your plants with it to create extra root growth naturally without buying expensive chemical nutes.

I have herd that you can also root clones this way too . So you take a branch from a willow tree and split a piece down the middle and soak it in your plant water for a couple days then water the plants with that reg water you soaked like normal .

Is there any truth to this can anyone confirm this willow trees are known to grow massive roots so almost seems beliveable
it's the bark that you want, and for clones aloe works just as well, and it's easier, and not quite so brutal to the willow tree
willow bark tree tea, is a popular head ache remover in poor countries,
is also used to enhance the growth of roots on cuttings for clones
although it may assist you with root issues, good quality soil is better all round
Yes it works as a rooting hormone also helps the plant fight off disease and overcome shock I regularly feed my plants small amounts here and there it makes them go super green I fed two identical plants 1 with and 1 without and the one with looked healthier all around doesn't affect yield in anyway but if u have a sick looking plant then use willow water without a doubt don't use it too much though as the active ingredient is also used to reverse the sex of plants (make ur female turn hermie) to create seeds without a male(feminizing) which is how you get your guaranteed fem seeds.
I do it every Spring. I gather small branches and strip off the small leaves and willow buds. I chop the material up and put in a large 2-quart cooking pot and fill with water to one inch from the top. Simmer for all day, turn off at night, and simmer again another 12 hours. Drain off the liquid and toss the willow parts. I use the liquid as cloning gel and also to help root seedlings. TRIVIA -- the form of acid found in willow bark is what they make aspirin out of. Bonus!

Good luck, BigSteve.
Yes it works as a rooting hormone also helps the plant fight off disease and overcome shock I regularly feed my plants small amounts here and there it makes them go super green I fed two identical plants 1 with and 1 without and the one with looked healthier all around doesn't affect yield in anyway but if u have a sick looking plant then use willow water without a doubt don't use it too much though as the active ingredient is also used to reverse the sex of plants (make ur female turn hermie) to create seeds without a male(feminizing) which is how you get your guaranteed fem seeds.
i,m just in the middle of makeing some i came here to find out how to test the strength ,cos iv,e just got a handfull and blended them in hot water. Some one else may have 6 handfull and also blended them in hot water if we both used the same amount of water his is going to be alot stronger than mine but we are watering the same amount that was my problem. Now you mentioned that the extract from the willow (salyx) also contain sex reverseing properties . this is outragous realy ive just gone through abou 5 or 6 different videos and a good few articles it hasn,t been mentioned thousand,s of innocents could potentialy be left with male plants , there would be so many male plants in the world the pollen would be on parr with chinas emmision problems the females wouldnt stand a chance all pollonated all produceing seeds you could drive a new and flourishing commerce in marajuana seeds into the ground..are you sure??
It works and there are many ways to make it. The things in it that make it works are Salicylic acid and Indolebutyric acid = Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA)

I think this one does best..

Use 1/3 willow cuttings to 2/3 water. Collect your cuttings from the ends of branch's. this where the highest amount of IBA will be. This is best done in the spring when new growth is running hard.
Remove leaves and cut into 1 inch sections.
Add those to a quart jar 2/3 full of water - till full. Set in the sun for 3 days. Boiling works but heating it like that changes chemical compounds and that is not what we want here.

I have yet to see any "sex reversal" actions from use of "willow water".

Soak your cuttings in the willow water for several hrs or overnight and continue on like you do after using a commercial rooting agent.
i,m just in the middle of makeing some i came here to find out how to test the strength ,cos iv,e just got a handfull and blended them in hot water. Some one else may have 6 handfull and also blended them in hot water if we both used the same amount of water his is going to be alot stronger than mine but we are watering the same amount that was my problem. Now you mentioned that the extract from the willow (salyx) also contain sex reverseing properties . this is outragous realy ive just gone through abou 5 or 6 different videos and a good few articles it hasn,t been mentioned thousand,s of innocents could potentialy be left with male plants , there would be so many male plants in the world the pollen would be on parr with chinas emmision problems the females wouldnt stand a chance all pollonated all produceing seeds you could drive a new and flourishing commerce in marajuana seeds into the ground..are you sure??
Wake up McFly its 2017

we use household honey these days

good luck
I've used willow water with no ill effects. I dont use it now and I have great balls of white roots and big stinky trees all without using willow water, molasses, honey, sugar, aloe, bud boosters, candy, pop, pins or chemicals. Buds grow dense hard smelly and large with just poop and water and calcium and fungi. Mine grow so fast in veg now I have to top them multiple times before I flower to keep the height down for thought. my poor willow trees I am so sorry
The main question was if it works to atleast root a cutting I don't know much more. What I had herd is a guy watered here and there with some willow water and claimed he had more root mass and had a higher yield have no proof so just trying to find some input
This works.

In nature anything growing around a willow tree will be healthier than surrounding foliage etc. The root exudes feed fungal networks that transport the willow compounds far and wide making everything grow better in a perimeter around the tree. Yes willow bark soaked in water then strained off makes a usefull rooting hormone and also will induce a systemic acquired resistance response in plants making them better to deal with pests and disease.

What you read/heard is true. Find a willow tree and collect some small branches(watch out dont bring any bugs home) and try feeding with a donar test plant, even taking a cutting and let it soak for a while in the solution. Only way to know for sure right. But I know it works and is true.

Good Growing.

edit- Actually take 2 take cuttings and run the test with the other cutting in just water, or even one more cutting using rooting hormone product, then we'll see wusup.
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