Should i?

Blaze happy

Active Member
Im chilled as all hell, got a big smile on my dial! I hope i didnt offend you, i was just messin around with ya!

Its really just that i find this a really odd thread, i really couldnt imagine why you would need to ask. To me smoking weed is just an everyday thing, like getting dressed or eating..

So to me, this thread is about as usefull/interesting as one called should i wear boxershorts or undies today lol.. usualy you make decisions like that yourself.

And whats really got me really stumped is the all the threads you made, which is just a link to this thread? May i ask why?

And i noticed youve done this before?
And 7 hours later....

And more...
9hrs later.....
Then 5 days later....

You do realise that if you post in your origional thread it goes straight back up to the top of the forums.. Why go and clutter up these great forums we all get to share.

Threads like this and the other 3 you made as links to this thread, the 4 in total, just dilute the good threads and makes it harder to find the good helpful interesting threads, related to growing....

Does it really take you 4 seperate threads to decide if you wanna smoke a bowl? And how exactly do you use everyones answers to make your decision? do you tally the results lol?

If its got nothing to do with growing, please keep it out of that forum, if anyone wants to read threads like this they go to toke and talk, if they want to find info about growing they go to the grow forums, please dont fill the grow forum up with multipul random chit chatty threads, theres a place for it.

Anyways, for the benifit of this forum i hope you understand, peace man.
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Well-Known Member
lol whatever mr officer i was just trying to get awnsers for my grow and awnsers for my quistions witch this site is for am i right? dude i do totaly aggre but ya i still cant belive you took all that time and effert to right all the bs


Well-Known Member
blaze makes a good point...
definately no need for multiple threads on the same subject. especially weather you should smoke or not.
one thread is enough, but 4 goddamn! thats just ridiculous.