bodhi seeds

OK.... my bean list is complete! I have 73 breeder packs that have 3 or more beans (most have 10ish).... Not counting my crosses and singles.

Maybe I'll tell the wife I'll stop at 100. For awhile anyway.
Nice.. All the beans you have popped, Strange Love being your Fav.. Encore Bodhi..
Many times the difference between "no charges filed" and "mandatory minimums"

Fuck. That.

At a certain point I asked myself.... Which is in use more? My grow rooms or my firearms?......Then I made a tough decision.

But I think it was the right one.
i only do outdoor and not on my property
I keep my guns close by
some crazy fucks around my area

I tried to qoute there so not sure if it worked

I emailed mrs b last week asked if i could test
any outdoor
she asked for addy
so maybe i will

Breko u got that sour bubblex solostash done
Reliable yes but in CQB a long rifle is sub par to a sub machine gun! Personally i would bust out my smith 500
S&W or my rem tac 870 with staggered slugs/00buck
Boar shot thats what i have for the old lady when i am gone. Great stuff a slug and four 00 throws a nice pattern. Told her to neal in side the bedroom door point up and when they turn in the hallway buddy thats a rap;)
Goji f2 #4 is a beast boys i cant get it in the pics but it is going nice and purple.
IMG_20141029_190412.jpg IMG_20141029_190430.jpg
i only do outdoor and not on my property
I keep my guns close by
some crazy fucks around my area

I tried to qoute there so not sure if it worked

I emailed mrs b last week asked if i could test
any outdoor
she asked for addy
so maybe i will

Breko u got that sour bubblex solostash done

OH BABY! On day 58. let most things go to 65-70...... I can start taking some pics of her. Fucking gorgeous. The most pungent straight forward pink bubblegum smell I've personally encountered. Dripping resin, single totem structure.....

I have like 10 crosses snodome sent me each sounding sexier than the last. TBH I'm most excited when I pop his beans these days. All 3 I've done of his have been unique and in my top 10 EASY.
OH BABY! On day 58. let most things go to 65-70...... I can start taking some pics of her. Fucking gorgeous. The most pungent straight forward pink bubblegum smell I've personally encountered. Dripping resin, single totem structure.....

I have like 10 crosses snodome sent me each sounding sexier than the last. TBH I'm most excited when I pop his beans these days. All 3 I've done of his have been unique and in my top 10 EASY.

Im not sure who he is but i got mine
free from depot last year
very beutiful plant
I cant really do smells bad sinusus
But its jared up
just curious of what the plant cappable of
Maybe the person you speak of sent to depot for freebies i dont know
I got tigersmilk and super snow lotus
to try next summer

Drd81. Your plants look nice
Whats looking or growing better f1 or 2
I did not grow the f1 or make the cross on this one. I can get the f1 cut but turned it down for the time being. I like to grow seed and see what i get. Will be makeing f3 seed.
O ok
I did not grow the f1 or make the cross on this one. I can get the f1 cut but turned it down for the time being. I like to grow seed and see what i get. Will be makeing f3 seed.
O ok i see
i cross every thing and i mean everything
I got so many different beans f1 this f2 that
This crossed to this that crossed to that
vise versa and on and on and on
Still hunting the special plants i want for outdoor

It could be best most yield plant on earth
and im still not happy
Wouldn't be glad getting hit with an automatic firearm felony should the feds knock down ones door. To each their own
Not sure how it works by you guys, but over here we have to prove use as a sporting weapon, and are allowed very minimal side arms. It was damn close or the entire country had to have everything from 9mm and up destroyed. So rifles and side arms are now total heirlooms, we had to have our double barrel disarmed.
Who said anything auto? My ak is semi but I can shoot plenty fast
And hit nothing all the time. Banana guns don't scare me lol. Doubt anybody still knows how to tap out the rounds 3 at a time, only way to handle an AK. Was never a match for the R1 carbine in bush. But now we are talking weaponry only seen in military service over here. Nah you see some toss swinging an AK from the hip, chillax, pick up a pebble and chuck it at his face he is getting hurt first. The thing with te AK is the kind of character that holds it. Child killers. It is not the weapon, it is that sub human mind.
O ok
O ok i see
i cross every thing and i mean everything
I got so many different beans f1 this f2 that
This crossed to this that crossed to that
vise versa and on and on and on
Still hunting the special plants i want for outdoor

It could be best most yield plant on earth
and im still not happy

The happiness is in the quest my friend :)