Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

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I don't think being rich has anything to do with being Republican. There is of course your average greedy person, who would sell their soul for a dollar. They see the GOP as being more in tune with their aspirations, which is usually trying to fuck the other guy before he fucks you ( Republicans like that). What most don't seem to understand is that usually they are the fucked ones, screwed by their Republican employers and politicians. I think it mostly has to do with ignorance, or just plain stupidity, and that the majority think that being a Republican is being a "True American", and being a Democrat is the same as being a Communist. Also, If you examine the levels of education in Red states, you will find a shit load of GED's and highest grade level attained being the 8th. I vote stupid, like really fucking stupid for the majority of Republicans, and the rest just being cocksuckers.
I just write off people immediately when i hear them reference the right/left paradigm or any political party

still awake since last night? Of course you are. THAT'S why you're not succeeding and spending your days bitching about the income gap online

Enjoy your day....I was up at 5:30 and now I'm off to a meeting...
Bald faced lying is oldest trick in the book and the OP falls for it constantly. The DEMS are the Fat Cats, and you are snooked by the LIE if you think otherwise. It is easy to fool most of the people, most of the time.
Of the 10 richest House districts, only two have Republican congressmen. Democrats claim the top six, sprinkled along the East and West coasts. Most are in overwhelmingly Democratic states like New York and California.
White, brown, black, yellow, rich, poor, middle class, everybody should vote libertarian or the nearest believer in individual liberty on the ballot, Republican or Democrat.

If you believe the state owes you a living, then use your vote to rob those who actually make a living. You can collect your check and masturbate to fantasies of rape all day long at leisure.

If you want the state to monitor your morals then use your vote to empower the morality brigade. You can secretly masturbate to fantasies of rape in the evenings, with the curtains drawn.
"Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?"

Coming from a guy who has an armed terrorist as his avatar and thinks Russell Brand rocks! LOL
What this thread needs is some literature that hints at necrophilic rape.

White, brown, black, yellow, rich, poor, middle class, everybody should vote libertarian or the nearest believer in individual liberty on the ballot, Republican or Democrat.

If you believe the state owes you a living, then use your vote to rob those who actually make a living. You can collect your check and masturbate to fantasies of rape all day long at leisure.

If you want the state to monitor your morals then use your vote to empower the morality brigade. You can secretly masturbate to fantasies of rape in the evenings, with the curtains drawn.

all this coming from the guy who has relied on government his entire life for everything he has.

that's cute.
LOL interesting..

Well, this thread went exactly as predicted

Not a single valid reason, got it

Republicans have nothing left to offer the country. Steer the wheel left or run the party off the cliff, either action would be better for the country as a whole, but you silly fucks are too selfish and ignorant to think of anything but your own interests, so these next couple election cycles should be interesting..
I am confused Pada. Considering the Republicans' statements, I would have thought you were pulling the R lever, when you weren't stroking your D lever.

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