Apple CEO Tim Cook.."I'm Gay"...


Well-Known Member
that and the iphone 6.5:wink:

"While I have never denied my sexuality, I haven't publicly acknowledged it either, until now," he said in his commentary. "So let me be clear: I'm proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me."


Well-Known Member
um, apparently, mr. cook thought it newsworthy to release it?
he didn't post it to roll it up politics forum tho did he?

What do you find so special about his sexuality that you thought we needed to know?

Its 20fucking14 people can be gay, straight or any where in between.


Well-Known Member
he didn't post it to roll it up politics forum tho did he?

What do you find so special about his sexuality that you thought we needed to know?

Its 20fucking14 people can be gay, straight or any where in between.
it something that tech insiders can appreciate..the thread is REALLY about the shitty release of i6-6.5 and ipad8..which ties in to my thread about apple seeking to sell in iran.


what else can i explain to you?


desert dude

Well-Known Member
I am trying to judge where on my list of things which concern or interest me do I place this new knowledge of Tim Cook's sexual preference. It seems to fall right off the list.


Well-Known Member
The iPhone sucks, and so does Tim Cook. ;-)

Get an android.
i had an android but the software had a bug and i was missing my "hotspot" feature..the patch didn't work and needed that feature..i'm on an i5..with everything i'm hearing, i think i'll hold off..