Obama wins, we lose. McCain wins, we lose.

Dave sez:

"I look at events in the world and tend to ask the question "Why did this happen?" and then research it out to its fundamental roots."

So, Dave, If you've done your research, then you ought to know why we're really in Iraq. Before I tell you, I'll give you a chance to tell me, that is if you've really done your research. But I doubt you really have a clue.
The American Mafia was imported with the influx of Italian immigrants in the late 19th Century. The mafia was well entrenched by the time prohibition started.

However, Prohibition was an absolute BOOMTIME for all organized crime. The Mafia rose to the challenge and thrived. Your analogy with the War on Terror is apt here. Al Queda was in existence before 9-11. In fact they had already directly attacked us abroad - three times, I think. 2 U.S. Embassys and a warship.

But it was not our immediate, swift, and mighty response to 9-11 which energized the bad guys and swelled their ranks. Instead, there was a modest influx of new recruits going to Afghanistan.

It was Iraq. We drew out the enemy on ground of our choosing and defeated them. It was a key reason for going into Iraq, I think. Fight them where it is advantageous to us. Now we are prevailing in Iraq. The winner chooses the field of battle based on his needs, not the needs of the enemy.

you seem to have the tools for understanding.. now just keep digging ...

you can probably find 1000 reasons TERRORISTS were created...

each convenient for passing the buck, pushing the blame.. and avoiding responsibility...

I'll give you one huge HINT..

stop pointing fingers....

Who does ONE blame for PURCHASING a house... nobody, ONE takes full credit... and yet the concepts of purchasing, home loans, property theory etc were not created by "you"... rather you are just a pon of another man's game.. which is fine... which is fun.. as <OING as one is aware and one is not defending this imaginary world with the lives of other men and woman...

and actually, that is fine too.. BUT pay back s a bitch and I'd rather live in reality.. where everything is perfect, free and loving.. then defend my ignorance..

Pointing the finger at others reveals and acceptance of being a PON of yet another game... don;t believe the hype.. it just makes you a monkey..

want a bananna?
Are you trying to tell me that the US Government and "The People" are not the same? I am an American. Bush is my POTUS as was every single POTUS who came before him. We are a representative republic and therefore my government's actions are a direct reflection upon me. You don't want to go there with me, trust me. I happen to be one of the few people that places the onus of responsibility on the shoulders of "us". I look at events in the world and tend to ask the question "Why did this happen?" and then research it out to its fundamental roots. OBL was once allied with us and now he's our enemy. Why? How did that happen? I know why.

But for the sake of argument since you're clearly lacking in the history department, I'll throw you a bone...

This one shouldn't be too tough....Why did the Iranian people storm the US Embassy back in the 70's and oust the Shah of Iran?

Woof, woof......

"It is the People that have allowed this travesty to happen. "

America? Is that the travesty....
Are you trying to tell me that the US Government and "The People" are not the same? I am an American. Bush is my POTUS as was every single POTUS who came before him. We are a representative republic and therefore my government's actions are a direct reflection upon me. You don't want to go there with me, trust me. I happen to be one of the few people that places the onus of responsibility on the shoulders of "us". It is the People that have allowed this travesty to happen. I look at events in the world and tend to ask the question "Why did this happen?" and then research it out to its fundamental roots. OBL was once allied with us and now he's our enemy. Why? How did that happen? I know why.

But for the sake of argument since you're clearly lacking in the history department, I'll throw you a bone...

This one shouldn't be too tough....Why did the Iranian people storm the US Embassy back in the 70's and oust the Shah of Iran?

..............Wow, it was an afterthought, even.....where is your son....?
Or did your new/used motorcycle breakdown?
You know I gave the guy a compliment and he didn't aknowledge it. Do you think it may have something to do with this comment he made to me on another post. Quote Dave: "I'll kick your cum stained teeth down your motherfucking throat", some very unkind words, eh? And how in the hell did he know about my teeth anyway? ~LOL~.
..............Wow, it was an afterthought, even.....where is your son....?
I don't know why you're bringing my son into this, but he's currently serving as a 2nd Class Petty Officer for the Navy in Guam and I'm very proud of that.
I don't know why you're bringing my son into this, but he's currently serving as a 2nd Class Petty Officer for the Navy in Guam and I'm very proud of that.

So am I.............

It is the People that have allowed this travesty to happen.

We, the people, Dave? You and your son? All the other brave Americans fighting for our and others freedoms? Memorial day just came and went......their is no travesty, only lessons to be learned.
America? Is that the travesty....
As an American, I am very proud of my country and my flag. I am proud of my service every bit as much as I am proud of my son's service. When I've traveled abroad, whenever I was asked where I'm from I promptly replied that I was an American. I love my country and that is why I'm so concerned with what I see. The travesty is that "we the People" have allowed our "representatives" to do whatever the hell they want with wild abandon. As a result, our representatives are now beholden to special interests and no longer represent their constituencies. We elect these people and then walk away. We don't bother to scrutinize what they vote on. How many people here, other than a small handful perhaps, actually go to the House of Reps and Senate websites to see what they're voting on and how they've voted?
All the other brave Americans fighting for our and others freedoms?

do you actually know anybody in the service?

i never met a service man or woman who was fighting for OUR freedoms....

Why don't you meet a few service people and ask them what circumstances they joined UNDER/IN....
Just as you are ccodiane.. for perpetuating the rumor that boys and girls are fighting in the dessert for your freedoms...
As an American, I am very proud of my country and my flag. I am proud of my service every bit as much as I am proud of my son's service. When I've traveled abroad, whenever I was asked where I'm from I promptly replied that I was an American. I love my country and that is why I'm so concerned with what I see. The travesty is that "we the People" have allowed our "representatives" to do whatever the hell they want with wild abandon. As a result, our representatives are now beholden to special interests and no longer represent their constituencies. We elect these people and then walk away. We don't bother to scrutinize what they vote on. How many people here, other than a small handful perhaps, actually go to the House of Reps and Senate websites to see what they're voting on and how they've voted?

History is cyclical......it's been "as bad" before......many times.....I'll just throw out the civil war as a starting point for this line of reasoning.
For me, every day is better than the one before....I guess I'm just "lucky".
Maybe so. For me, the galvanizing moment was when the Federal government showed up at our business and forced us, compliments of CALEA, to install surveillance equipment into our Central Office so that they could perform warrantless wiretaps.
We need to stand up to the bureaucracy, this we can agree on.....it will take a lot for people to get fed up, but when it happens, and we are all criminals by mandate, we'll revolt. Do what you can to stifle their intrusion. We're Americans, damn it! Rugged individuals, survivors.... All that shit.
When the SS checks stop coming, the revolution will begin for real. All us old fuckers will get in the street with our weapons and get blown away with cluster bombs, then the military will revolt as they see their parents and grandparents getting blown away. The only revolution that will work in this country is a coup by the insiders, high military brass that get the real picture.