We just dont make much anymore. Everything is made by machine. Remodeling has become glorified product installation. My dad taught me how to make cabinets by hand. But whats the point, i can go to Home depot and buy premade and just screw them to the wall. Craftsmanship was lost to machines and china. the whole free trade thing that bill clinton signed into law that saw the loss of most of Americas manufacturing and the complete annihilation of the middle class. They dont teach trade skills anymore. If i could go back to school on a scholarship and learn hydromat or cnc machine operation, or heavy machine operator (bulldozers, cranes) i would in a second. But you have to pay for it up front. Then work like a dog slave to whoever trained you. Trucking industry is even worse.
Let me digress. lol We are now a service country. And because of these lost trade skills, we are really going to start feeling it when our countrys infrastructure starts collapsing. Look at Detroit. a glimpse into our future if we continue on our current path. and with global warming and the rise of the oceans it wont be much and coastal cities will have to move as they will be 20 or 30 feet under water. Thanks Kock Brothers.