Club 600

Pshhh Like i would knowingly drop some shit in my eyes. Red eyes always. Visine costs money. lol
I do use it in the winter driving on long tripsy. The heater will dry them so bad it will kill me, but that is maybe two times a year.
I do use it in the winter driving on long tripsy. The heater will dry them so bad it will kill me, but that is maybe two times a year.
I hate car heaters. That dry ass air makes me gag something fierce. Doesnt really dry out my eyes, but my passengers always freeze riding with me. It better be below 20 degrees F for me to run that nasty ass heater. lol
Most people cant tell when im high.. I was the only one "allowed" to smoke on the job cause no one noticed and i functioned even better..
Its only when im real tired at the same time.. I feelæ it in the eyes but i guess its nothing compared to others..
I have a m8 that wont smoke until there is visine in front of him :)
We just dont make much anymore. Everything is made by machine. Remodeling has become glorified product installation. My dad taught me how to make cabinets by hand. But whats the point, i can go to Home depot and buy premade and just screw them to the wall. Craftsmanship was lost to machines and china. the whole free trade thing that bill clinton signed into law that saw the loss of most of Americas manufacturing and the complete annihilation of the middle class. They dont teach trade skills anymore. If i could go back to school on a scholarship and learn hydromat or cnc machine operation, or heavy machine operator (bulldozers, cranes) i would in a second. But you have to pay for it up front. Then work like a dog slave to whoever trained you. Trucking industry is even worse.

Let me digress. lol We are now a service country. And because of these lost trade skills, we are really going to start feeling it when our countrys infrastructure starts collapsing. Look at Detroit. a glimpse into our future if we continue on our current path. and with global warming and the rise of the oceans it wont be much and coastal cities will have to move as they will be 20 or 30 feet under water. Thanks Kock Brothers.
We just dont make much anymore. Everything is made by machine. Remodeling has become glorified product installation. My dad taught me how to make cabinets by hand. But whats the point, i can go to Home depot and buy premade and just screw them to the wall. Craftsmanship was lost to machines and china. the whole free trade thing that bill clinton signed into law that saw the loss of most of Americas manufacturing and the complete annihilation of the middle class. They dont teach trade skills anymore. If i could go back to school on a scholarship and learn hydromat or cnc machine operation, or heavy machine operator (bulldozers, cranes) i would in a second. But you have to pay for it up front. Then work like a dog slave to whoever trained you. Trucking industry is even worse.

Let me digress. lol We are now a service country. And because of these lost trade skills, we are really going to start feeling it when our countrys infrastructure starts collapsing. Look at Detroit. a glimpse into our future if we continue on our current path. and with global warming and the rise of the oceans it wont be much and coastal cities will have to move as they will be 20 or 30 feet under water. Thanks Kock Brothers.
If you live in the US, they will give you grants and loan money so you can comfortably go back to school. I'm in my 2nd year going for A.A.S. in HVAC/R and solar thermal tech. Our government even started even more funding for these types of trade jobs, including CNC. I used to say the same thing you did until I found out the truth. The federal pell grant will cover 100% of your tuition and books and the loan money helps absorb living cost. By time I'm done, I will have a $100 a month to pay back for 6-7 years. This may be up front money but not out of my pocket until I'm back working and really a small price to pay to better myself. You were right in needing trades man in this country, but you still can't expect mine or any other taxpayers money to 100% pay your way through. The real reason for the disappearing tradesman is the fact that the younger generation doesn't want to work hard and get dirty. Also the pay for tradesman hasn't went up in comparison to every other profession over the years....If you are serious with your statement, check it out and you will be surprised how much funding is really out there.
I guess i wasent meaning money as much but i do see how you would draw that conclusion. I did find a place that I could get training in heavy equipment operation. Its 400 miles from here. Now theyre not a school, theyre a union training center. But your right, the money can be had. If you can afford to move to the training center. Im not saying its impossible or anthing. Im just saying that its a hell of a lot easier for me to go to the local university, wind up with 40k in dept and a 4 year degree. Sadly its not just one thing.

I dont think the younger generation has a issue with getting dirty. I think it has more to do with accessibility. For me to go and do the heavy machine thing, i would need around 4k to cover the hotel, food, testing costs to get the training. Pell isnt going to handle that. Sure the training is paid to the company by the government as a subsidy. go big corporations and big government. mean while the little guy has to pay for it out of his own pocket the living expense for the training he needs for a job that isnt going to pay enough to lift his ass out of poverty lol. god this country is so ass fucked backwards right now.
We just dont make much anymore. Everything is made by machine. Remodeling has become glorified product installation. My dad taught me how to make cabinets by hand. But whats the point, i can go to Home depot and buy premade and just screw them to the wall. Craftsmanship was lost to machines and china. the whole free trade thing that bill clinton signed into law that saw the loss of most of Americas manufacturing and the complete annihilation of the middle class. They dont teach trade skills anymore. If i could go back to school on a scholarship and learn hydromat or cnc machine operation, or heavy machine operator (bulldozers, cranes) i would in a second. But you have to pay for it up front. Then work like a dog slave to whoever trained you. Trucking industry is even worse.

Let me digress. lol We are now a service country. And because of these lost trade skills, we are really going to start feeling it when our countrys infrastructure starts collapsing. Look at Detroit. a glimpse into our future if we continue on our current path. and with global warming and the rise of the oceans it wont be much and coastal cities will have to move as they will be 20 or 30 feet under water. Thanks Kock Brothers.

Agree with a lot there. I'm on the coast though, and zero rising oceans. Arctic ice at both poles close to record levels. Until scientists can explain the ice age without humans while also disproving natural weather cycles and sun activity then I can't shout BS enough on global warming -> climate change -> whatever else the term is changed to due to inconsistencies in their "science".
We just dont make much anymore. Everything is made by machine. Remodeling has become glorified product installation. My dad taught me how to make cabinets by hand. But whats the point, i can go to Home depot and buy premade and just screw them to the wall. Craftsmanship was lost to machines and china. the whole free trade thing that bill clinton signed into law that saw the loss of most of Americas manufacturing and the complete annihilation of the middle class. They dont teach trade skills anymore. If i could go back to school on a scholarship and learn hydromat or cnc machine operation, or heavy machine operator (bulldozers, cranes) i would in a second. But you have to pay for it up front. Then work like a dog slave to whoever trained you. Trucking industry is even worse.

Let me digress. lol We are now a service country. And because of these lost trade skills, we are really going to start feeling it when our countrys infrastructure starts collapsing. Look at Detroit. a glimpse into our future if we continue on our current path. and with global warming and the rise of the oceans it wont be much and coastal cities will have to move as they will be 20 or 30 feet under water. Thanks Kock Brothers.
I would like to say not everyone out there is just installing crap, and there is still people doing it right. Also not everything is made by machines:)WP_000139.jpgWP_20130131_009.jpg WP_20130207_003.jpg IMG_20140810_153535.jpg
So I just wrote a letter to my professor from grad school and his wife. We were great friends. I told my wife I loved her the first time house sitting for them. We did beer school every friday. Her breast cancer is back... And it spread.... She has eaten 1000 calories in 7 days. They both are former hippies from humbolt but we never shared that part of my life. I just made the "offer" to help... We will see... Heart breaking