Hahahahahahaha first mufucka in lineSmoke Report
StrainDonTesla 's Super Lemon Haze × Chernobyl
Appearance: slightly leafy, very coated with crystal, purple tinge to bud
Texture: dry, easy to break, slightly greasy, good overall crumble
Smell: like its Toonie Tuesday and im the first ma'fucka in line
Taste: slight piney/lemony kick on first burn, earthy overall
Effect: very mellow onset, cleansing feeling in lungs, clear and creative thought processes, soaring after 5-7 minutes, numbness in brow region, wanting to do something but mind is taking over the body
Overall: 8/10
-Garden looking better and mo primo .. princesses still on 16 8 for another day, then on to the 14 10..you think the babies will mind being on 14 10 only? the new wave starts today if we like..
-btw, WC+BSM tea inna da morn…gonna add Frass one hour before pullin' bubbler.
-have about 20 gal of 4 way base mix recycled from last time. it was inoculated one time, mon, one time. it has survived a decent amount of leaching (reddish run off)
think its a good home for one of the new amendment cans? i could pull 2 gal out or measure 18 1 gal pots ha. i can't see these 5 gal pails being only 5 of these little smart pots.. thats just crazy mon
tell me what cha think bra
yes, yes, yes.You could just add the amendments straight to the 20 gallons of recycled mix or cut it back a few gallons. But i would use the high power mix. You will also want some source of manure; either plenty of worm castings and/or grab a bag of steer manure.
Hahaha, Similar experience here bro, well said. Hits me about At the 3 to 4 minute mark tho but I'm usin.. Well here, you might laugh but its f-ck-n awesomeSmoke Report
StrainDonTesla 's Super Lemon Haze × Chernobyl
Appearance: slightly leafy, very coated with crystal, purple tinge to bud
Texture: dry, easy to break, slightly greasy, good overall crumble
Smell: like its Toonie Tuesday and im the first ma'fucka in line
Taste: slight piney/lemony kick on first burn, earthy overall
Effect: very mellow onset, cleansing feeling in lungs, clear and creative thought processes, soaring after 5-7 minutes, numbness in brow region, wanting to do something but mind is taking over the body
Overall: 8/10
They will live. Might be a little more nodal spacing is all.yes, yes, yes.
yesss, yes mon,
lets see, castin's, I'm a bit shy on the 3 gals, i prob got 1.5 our own, so i was gonna add some more in a couple weeks..of our own, avoid da store mon. what chu think?
i still got horse manure tho, dawg. no lie, i want an ideal batch, one time, furry n alive.
warm, moist and dark, naw mean? yyyepppp you do don't cha
so i'll pull a couple gal's out and put the Dons Vampire Blend into action. i'll save the Rasta Batch for when we get another tote and some of that humus dirt, which i couldn't find today BOOOOOMBACLOT!!
but i was in a rush and them doors was locked like nun draws. s'all G tho bro cause something dawned on a Don.. was wondering where on earth could i build a big earthworm farm and keep it warm.. then poof it hit me.. it could be anywhere. so i started picturing' custom bed frame with pull out worm farm drawer underneath. half storage half slithering kingdom
mon, what chu know about dat? I'm tired of laying so low. girl be like, what the heck is that sound, baby, i be like, shh my kingdom be slithering', they matin'.
lol. anyywayyys, girls get to try everywhere but the bed haha thats jus a Don rule yo, sheet everybody know dat, they don't call me Johnny Gushemgoooda for nothin hahahah
for real tho, what about the babies being born under 14 10 tell me one time One Steptro, you think they down? could keep it at 16 8