New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

With all due respect hazy, you dodged my question.
So I'll present it in couple of different ways.

Do you think thugs, black, brown or white pose more of a threat to police and the general public than everyday people?

Would it be more a dangerous risk to walk a family through the streets of E Palo Alto than say, Walnut Creek?
I don't think you read well, with all due respect. How do you know who are thugs? Looks? you are prejudice bro, sorry if that is news to you and I'm the first to say it, but you are.
The first thing they taught me is to try and avoid situations where you have to use your gun altogether. Sad when private citizens with guns are taught to have more discretion than the police force. Second attempt? they also taught me to make sure you get him the first time, If it was me and I really felt my life threatened, there wouldn't have been a pause between firings, I would have not stopped shooting until he was dead the first time and he would not lay more than five feet from me. That is being scared for your life.
good luck to you in life
Witnesses state Brown tried to rush the cop, cop opened fire when Brown was 7m away.

That's self defence, bro.
So you suggest using your gun in all self defense????? Guess it's the easiest and quickest way. If the pig would have stayed in his car after the first assault and followed him in his cruiser while calling for back up, MB probably wouldn't have tried rushing him. I mean shit, if I just had my orbital socket smashed in like the cop said happened, I'm staying in my car, calling back up and a wagon to treat my wounds, and 2 people get to live another day, but one would probably get a stint in jail. Jail not justice enough for you? Death is the only viable punishment?
So you suggest using your gun in all self defense????? Guess it's the easiest and quickest way. If the pig would have stayed in his car after the first assault and followed him in his cruiser while calling for back up, MB probably wouldn't have tried rushing him. I mean shit, if I just had my orbital socket smashed in like the cop said happened, I'm staying in my car, calling back up and a wagon to treat my wounds, and 2 people get to live another day, but one would probably get a stint in jail. Jail not justice enough for you? Death is the only viable punishment?
If someone is defending themselves from an assailant, I don't blame them for protecting themselves using the most efficient tool available.

Maybe if we blamed the people who attacked others instead of the people defending themselves people would think twice about assaulting people cos they might get shot?
If someone is defending themselves from an assailant, I don't blame them for protecting themselves using the most efficient tool available.

Maybe if we blamed the people who attacked others instead of the people defending themselves people would think twice about assaulting people cos they might get shot?
I do blame the people attacking, I blame the police, and they should really start thinking about it, cause there just might be more dead police if everyone with a sense followed your advice.
I don't think you read well, with all due respect. How do you know who are thugs? Looks? you are prejudice bro, sorry if that is news to you and I'm the first to say it, but you are.
Come on, I think the vast majority of people with a little common sense can easily distinguish a thug from an everyday person.

And to respond to you accusation of me being prejudice, of course I am, so are most people, of all colors.
As much as you would like to insinuate, it does not make me or them racist.
I do blame the people attacking, I blame the police, and they should really start thinking about it, cause there just might be more dead police if everyone with a sense followed your advice.
At least 8 witnesses have claimed Brown was the aggressor and the cop was defending himself.

Why bother with cops at all if you're going to question their every move? I'm all for accountability but let's face it, you're just mudscuttling on this one.

Cops are cops and should be treated as such, respectful yet assertive.
Come on, I think the vast majority of people with a little common sense can easily distinguish a thug from an everyday person.

And to respond to you accusation of me being prejudice, of course I am, so are most people, of all colors.
As much as you would like to insinuate, it does not make me or them racist.
LOL, doing it now I see. When did I call you a racist? Do you honestly thing I'm too dumb to know the difference prejudice and racist?
At least 8 witnesses have claimed Brown was the aggressor and the cop was defending himself.

Why bother with cops at all if you're going to question their every move? I'm all for accountability but let's face it, you're just mudscuttling on this one.

Cops are cops and should be treated as such, respectful yet assertive.
You must not have seen enough videos of people dying while in cuffs or getting beat by the police or police breaking the law to still respect the police and take their words and actions as gospel. You think POS like this deserve my respect?
You made my point for me, thank you. Talk about making something about race, aren't you one of those that gets mad a bucky for the same thing?

LOL, doing it now I see. When did I call you a racist? Do you honestly thing I'm too dumb to know the difference prejudice and racist?

I admit you never came right out and called me a racist, but you did you best to imply it.
You also tried to throw race into the mix by giving the scenario of Wilson reacting different if he witnessed a white lady jay walking instead of Brown, then turn around and accuse me of bringing race into the conversation.

You made my point for me, thank you. Talk about making something about race, aren't you one of those that gets mad a bucky for the same thing?

Lets be honest, this whole debate has nothing to do with race and everything to do with politics.
Liberals and progressive jump at every opportunity to bring race into any crisis they the can find.
But you people aren't fooling anyone but the low information voters, the rest of us all know it's really about politics and votes, you guys are just to ashamed to admit it.
You must not have seen enough videos of people dying while in cuffs or getting beat by the police or police breaking the law to still respect the police and take their words and actions as gospel. You think POS like this deserve my respect?
All groups across society have their "bad apples".

Should we pin the actions of the ghetto gangbangers to the reputation of black people as a whole just because a tiny small minority of the group are shitheads?

And by the same virtue, should we blame all pigs for the actions of the few shitheads?

This was a clean shoot, Wilson won't be indicted and you'll have to swivel on it, so start puckering up.
I admit you never came right out and called me a racist, but you did you best to imply it.
You also tried to throw race into the mix by giving the scenario of Wilson reacting different if he witnessed a white lady jay walking instead of Brown, then turn around and accuse me of bringing race into the conversation.

Lets be honest, this whole debate has nothing to do with race and everything to do with politics.
Liberals and progressive jump at every opportunity to bring race into any crisis they the can find.
But you people aren't fooling anyone but the low information voters, the rest of us all know it's really about politics and votes, you guys are just to ashamed to admit it.

Of course you know what I was thinking, you conservatives are all knowing, and know the motives of every single human being alive, and can do it according to skin color. You can even tell me what I'm gonna do before I even know I'm gonna do it. The all mighty and powerful White Conservatives, all hail!!!
All groups across society have their "bad apples".

Should we pin the actions of the ghetto gangbangers to the reputation of black people as a whole just because a tiny small minority of the group are shitheads?

And by the same virtue, should we blame all pigs for the actions of the few shitheads?

This was a clean shoot, Wilson won't be indicted and you'll have to swivel on it, so start puckering up.
No it wasn't dip shit, seems like pretty sloppy shooting to me.
Of course you know what I was thinking, you conservatives are all knowing, and know the motives of every single human being alive, and can do it according to skin color. You can even tell me what I'm gonna do before I even know I'm gonna do it. The all mighty and powerful White Conservatives, all hail!!!

You may have a point Hazy, but in all honesty, you painted yourself into a corner with your own words.
I just new it was only a matter time for you lose your temper and your politics and contempt for whites would come out.
You may have a point Hazy, but in all honesty, you painted yourself into a corner with your own words.
I just new it was only a matter time for you lose your temper and your politics and contempt for whites would come out.
Why is pointing out that wilson's own prejudices could be the reason for him stopping MB in the first place, which in turn lead to the death of MB, painting my self into a corner? Again what was the gain in stopping a jay walker?
Why is pointing out that wilson's own prejudices could be the reason for him stopping MB in the first place, which in turn lead to the death of MB, painting my self into a corner? Again what was the gain in stopping a jay walker?
Yeah, it's totally not a cops job to stop a 6' 3" 300lbs man walking down the centre of the street.