New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

I just new it was only a matter time for you lose your temper and your politics and contempt for whites would come out.

so you quote jared taylor, the white supremacist, and are extremely sensitive to perceived anti-white racism.

yep, you are a stormfront white supremacist.
Why is pointing out that wilson's own prejudices could be the reason for him stopping MB in the first place, which in turn lead to the death of MB, painting my self into a corner? Again what was the gain in stopping a jay walker?
he was stopped for walking in the middle of the street, then he was stopped for looking like a suspect in a strong arm robbery that just occurred nearby

And wouldnt you know it He matched the description perfectly right down to the stolen goods
Yeah, it's totally not a cops job to stop a 6' 3" 300lbs man walking down the centre of the street.
NO not really, they don't stop those fucking assholes on their bike riding down the middle of the street, like I do, why a teen? I guess most sensible people choose their battles and ask themselves is it really worth it? was it really worth it stopping this jay walking teen. I bet Wilson wishes he wasn't such a piece of shit and just would have told MB to get out of the road over his PA. Or do you think he's proud he got the fucking thug? I bet he says he would handle it different if given the chance over after all said and done.
he was stopped for walking in the middle of the street, then he was stopped for looking like a suspect in a strong arm robbery that just occurred nearby

And wouldnt you know it He matched the description perfectly right down to the stolen goods
WAIT, I though the store clerk never even called the cops, how would he know, you making shit up again?
he was stopped for walking in the middle of the street, then he was stopped for looking like a suspect in a strong arm robbery that just occurred nearby

wilson himself has said he had no idea brown was involved in that incident which the store owner himself did not even report as a robbery.
NO not really, they don't stop those fucking assholes on their bike riding down the middle of the street, like I do, why a teen? I guess most sensible people choose their battles and ask themselves is it really worth it? was it really worth it stopping this jay walking teen. I bet Wilson wishes he wasn't such a piece of shit and just would have told MB to get out of the road over his PA. Or do you think he's proud he got the fucking thug? I bet he says he would handle it different if given the chance over after all said and done.
I bet he wouldnt choose another way.
maybe he should of gave Brown a second chance to get his weapon
wilson himself has said he had no idea brown was involved in that incident which the store owner himself did not even report as a robbery.
You mean it wasn't reported because the store owner was afraid of the repercussions of an angry, rioting community of "African descent" ?
Jackson did little to dispel that image during two appearances on Friday.
He was visibly nervous, stuttering as he fumbled his notes, and made announcements that only sowed more confusion. After releasing the robbery incident report without any attempt to explain its fuller context, he let more than five hours pass before confirming, and only when asked, that Wilson did not know about the robbery when he encountered Brown.
there you go again, insinuating that blacks are out of control no matter what. but you are totally not racist.

fuck you.
Blacks totally didn't riot and destroy their own community in the aftermath of the shooting.

No way, that'd be racist.

Pathetic walrus humping Buck fails as usual.