New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

you lie. Only witness that said he was rushed was the cop. Why you have to lie in an attempt to make a point
As long as you don't count the 12 witnesses that say Brown rushed the cop, then yes your statement is true, but as it stands it is a complete lie.

“Police sources tell me more than a dozen witnesses have corroborated cop’s version of events in shooting,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch crime reporter Christine Byers tweeted, without elaborating.
Why is pointing out that wilson's own prejudices could be the reason for him stopping MB in the first place, which in turn lead to the death of MB, painting my self into a corner? Again what was the gain in stopping a jay walker?

wilson's prejudices are not why I said you painted yourself into a corner.
You did that by bringing up "white conservatives" in a derogatory nature.
Thus proving my point that almost all of us are prejudice in one way or another, that's human nature.

In general, I think of young progressives as lazy, I think of thugs as being reckless and dangerous
When I think of skinheads, the first thing that comes to mind is, white racist idiots, politicians: lying cheats.
I think of cops being corrupt, power hungry, and hypocritical.
The über wealthy, corrupt and greedy, I think you get the idea.

Remember the Oscar Grant murder, my gf and I, and two other couples marched in that protest against bart police, now that was murder.
You did that by bringing up "white conservatives" in a derogatory nature.

look at how sensitive beenthere is to perceived anti-white peresecution.

and he cites jared taylor, the white supremacist, and defends the guy.

pretty much says it all right there.
so you quote jared taylor, the white supremacist, and are extremely sensitive to perceived anti-white racism.

yep, you are a stormfront white supremacist.

I don't follow that crap UB, quite frankly, until you brought up their names, I never heard of either one of them.
Same with storm front.
Where do you get all this spare time to research this shit?
I don't follow that crap UB, quite frankly, until you brought up their names, I never heard of either one of them.
Same with storm front.
Where do you get all this spare time to research this shit?

horse shit.

you copied and pasted jared taylor fucking verbatim.

then you defended jared taylor's debunked bullshit for several more posts

before that, you started a thread based on victor thorn's article.

you are also dumber than the average racist.
if the cops who beat rodney king all walked, why would anyone think this is gonna be any different?

the fact is that yo are a fucking idiot for citing that months old article about "josie". dumber than most racists.
Anonymous stands behind everything I have said.
Self defense isnt promoting a fight and then using a weapon when you start losing
We'll agree to disagree because the Trayvon case is beyond reasonable doubt, I don't have strong feelings either way really, idiots be idioting.

Why do some lefties feel the need to defend minorities regardless of the merit of the defence?

Why no defend all wronged people regardless of skin colour?
wilson's prejudices are not why I said you painted yourself into a corner.
You did that by bringing up "white conservatives" in a derogatory nature.
Thus proving my point that almost all of us are prejudice in one way or another, that's human nature.

In general, I think of young progressives as lazy, I think of thugs as being reckless and dangerous
When I think of skinheads, the first thing that comes to mind is, white racist idiots, politicians: lying cheats.
I think of cops being corrupt, power hungry, and hypocritical.
The über wealthy, corrupt and greedy, I think you get the idea.

Remember the Oscar Grant murder, my gf and I, and two other couples marched in that protest against bart police, now that was murder.
Are you drunk or something?? you should learn to read better, I only brought up politics after you did, and only in a attempt to show how ironic your simple minded thinking really is,LOL, oh man. Every one who has a shaved head is a skin head also right? Young progressives aren't lazy they have just caught on top all the hustles that you and dummies before you fell for for so long. BTW smoked a great stick last night while trick or treating with the fam, Viaje honey and hand grenade in the rapier vitola. Been in my humi for at least a year, was a great stick, and very fitting for the evening.. Smoked to a nub.
Anonymous stands behind everything I have said.

the only thing you have posted that supports anything is an article stating that some of the new witnesses saw brown "staggering" with his arms up from about 20-25 feet away when he was shot.

staggering and charging are two completely different things.

only the racists are saying he charged. you actually stick to facts.
We'll agree to disagree because the Trayvon case is beyond reasonable doubt, I don't have strong feelings either way really, idiots be idioting.

Why do some lefties feel the need to defend minorities regardless of the merit of the defence?

Why no defend all wronged people regardless of skin colour?

that's hilarious coming from the guy who can't wait to lie about anything blacks do to make them seem more violent.
We'll agree to disagree because the Trayvon case is beyond reasonable doubt, I don't have strong feelings either way really, idiots be idioting.

Why do some lefties feel the need to defend minorities regardless of the merit of the defence?

Why no defend all wronged people regardless of skin colour?
Didnt matter what color martin was (well except to Zimmerman)
martin was murdered