First Grow in 10 years...Do I remember.......Lets see...

The Super Star Cab is doing just fine. Stat20141024_154821.jpg ring to bud a touch. The 2 Widows in there are holding their own, I'm surprised.
The Euphoria is over both of them, WELL into bud, she will be an early girl it looks like..............

Mini 150 Cab is doing fine.............other than requiring CONSTANT watering..............and then some more.................>:(
Dont matter what I feed them, they suck it up. Think their stretch is finally over........staring them young they stretch for long stretch you long time........

Had a light issue in Cab 1 today. During a nute change the light goes out..............had to jack with it.............
Checked out the TrainWreck while I was in there..........this plant continues to IMPRESS me. I am excited to see
her finish and try her................she is looking pretty nice in person. W/o lights hard to tell, but she is doing just fine for her


I lost a KILLER strain 25 years ago by NOT keeping a Mother of it...............never to have found it since.
Now I make Mom's of EVERYTHING till they grow out .............just in case of something special. At times,
like now, lol, I can get pretty Mother rich...............mean crowded...........

Tonight I made the last 9 Mom's I need for this run. I now have all the girls copied, will let them fight it out,
best Ladies stay, rest will just be turned enough room for them..........20141026_192552.jpg

Much as the TrainWreck is, the White Widow is starting to impress me. Was told so much GOOD about this particular LADY, and she
just never has shown off.................well, she is just a slow starter. I think she is saving her show for the end..............she started to ramp up
when she was flipped. Here in the 2nd week of flower, she is coming on strong. Bushing out, sticking her head WAY up, finally LOOKING happy!!Bitch, lol!



These Widows are all the same cut...........Amazing the uniformity of them, and getting MORE so the further they go............interesting!
Cool...........REAL bud porn days in, these Girls are going to be nice!!! Smelling to High Heaven :weed:


Super Star



The pics do not due them justice, they are getting very nice..............




Not bad for 37................


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My very first personally grown weed in like 15 years! About to clean a pipe and smoke this mini bud,
it appears dry, so small, and good air moving, it dried FAST, lol.......

Looks good, smells good even this green..............


Took 20 shots of it with my cell phone, cant get one in focus.........
42 days in:

Well...............THEY were RIGHT all along about The White Widow............SHE IS TH$ WIDOW!!!! DAMN SKIPPY!!!

NEVER seen a plant grow so SLOWLY in veg..........then TURN IT ON so damn hard in the flip.............DAMN...
She has come up 22 inches in 14 days !!!!!!! AND STILL COMING!!!!! GO GIRLS GO!!!!!!
She is NOW STOUT, NOT spindly, and IS going to fill in:weed: She has become just a BEAUTIFUL plant.............cannot wait to see her FINISH!!!!

12 days after her turn..................


So, looks like BIG field day on the WIDOW!!! Good to have friends:hump: I had a chance to smoke some of this plant(grown by a friend) and it is STUPID good!!
See lots o talk lately(since been back in the scene.90 about The Widow NOT being good.........NOT getting people high.........ONLY a LOOK strain......

MY ASS!!!!!

NOT THIS WIDOW.........................................:fire:

The TrainWreck is just over the top. 45 days in...........EVERY color of the spectrum in her now...............gonna be a COLOR show next 3 weeks!!!!!
So big I estimate her to yield 6 ounces dry...........WEDGED into a Cab !!!!!!! Can only imagine what she could do with some room to breath( I SHALL find out, lol)

The Super Star Cab's are kicking it too......................sorry, they be sleeping or i would take a shot, no one looking anyways,

I have MISSED my AK47 VERY BAD!!!! LOL:cuss: I put one into the White Widow Cab. She was the one I spilled ONA all over and burned her up.............
Stuck her in the back corner of the Cab, see if she would make it. Well, she made it, lol............

NOT the SAME 47 I grew in the day(DAMN IT........DAMN IT.DAMN IT!!!!) ..........DO NOT recognize this bud formation........IT IS NOT what I use to grow as 47!!!!

Time will tell the REAL story..........................She is budding, VERY quickly too..................HHHHMMMMMM...........


Just looked at the 3 Northern Lights Cab's. ALL flat getting after it.....................BIG TIME!!! Looks Like i got lucky on the NL's too!!!
They look GREAT.................if they are the real deal I'm going to be swimming in NL bud in 50 days........................:hump:
Now THATS what I'm talkin bout :hump::weed:

M..............TOO bad I'm using a cell phone under 800 watts of fire breathing HPS (with no glass.......LOSE your tube lady) .........some of the stuff in Cab 1 is phone just will not get it w/lights on................I'm gone or NOT gonna freak them with the flash at lights off..................YES IT CAN jack with them.......
been there.......done that.................:wall: ..................they are LOVING the 1992 PPM they are GULPING...............hear "talk" about NOT feeding them heavy..............yeah right,
y'all do it your for one KNOW this is a weed................all it WANTS is light, water and food. I try and give them ALL they can swallow.

Last week, they ate a diet off my meter(over2000 PPM) and nary a whimper, cough nor curled leaf. Just bud production. By hitting them real hard and early, I can
really get them cranking. Week 8 finishes up, I will run them on straight high PH water, 10-15 days...............pull all water off them and run dry last 5 days(do that 3 times during flower.....dry spells)
They have enough energy to STILL work hard last 10 days and pack on 15 % more weight................then come out clean......................way I have always done it, way I always will........
I have not put 30 minutes into the Super Silver Haze Cab. In a month and a half:wall: LOL

Not sure why...........well, because I swamped with shit to do.......................but for some reason I have ignored them.
I really wanted to see what the GREAT SSH is all about, lol. So yesterday I worked them over.

Split up the buckets, stuck the SSH over to the right, the AK47(or whatever it is because it IS NOT what I grew for 15 years as AK47) to the left.
Put in second light, put some netting up, cranked their feed, and flipped the lights. Now we shall see something start to happen in this damn Cab, lol.
The SSH is not impressing me thus far, but then again the Widow did not either until the last week of its life, so I with hold judgement at this time! lol!!!



Ok me what ya got. Got one wimp front left. The other 3 SSH's are bigger than they appear. I do not cut my plants, but train heavy
and use rolls of green wire tie................those 3 are bent n twisted up pretty well. Plenty old for the turn, if they have good genetics this Cab will show it.
If not, it will show that too. I have run this same setup 100's of times......... I KNOW what should happen. At this point I don't care, much going on
they are going back on auto pilot anyways.................

The THING over to the left is "AK47".........YEAH RIGHT!!! Whatever it is, it grows well, real well, lol, and buds early(have 1 in another Cab 2 weeks in)
and smells VERY nice in flower. Be nice if she IS some sort of AK47 selection............what I really want..................but I know it is not what I have grown
under her name before. Just not. But............the buds(14 days in) do kind of have the tell tale AK47 look to them.....and the feel is similar too........bud density,
so who knows. Whatever it is it is strong and WANTS to, go on with your bad self...............Damn, I'm stoned, lol...............