Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

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You are truly sick to take pleasure in such a tragedy.
To imply without a shred of evidence to the contrary that it was anything other than an accident is willfully hurtful.
Seek professional help.

just contemplating the what-ifs.

i know you righties like to pretend that red didn't earn all of this by repeatedly attacking carne for being a homosexual and mocking the actual hate crime murder of his partner, but i am here to remind all of you that this was absolutely the reason why i started on this.

i even have the quotes of red mocking the murder of carne's partner in a hate crime if you want, followed by red mocking carne for being a homosexual.

but you're not interested in commenting on that.
no, it was more the "o'bwana" comment that did it.

  1. (in East Africa) a boss or master (often used as a title or form of address).

So now it's wrong to use a polite address towards his heritage? I thought you people were for respecting culture?
I don't read every thread, much less every post.
I particularly avoid politics unless directed there by a "report".
And I certainly don't post "what if's" asserting them as truth.
You're too childish to maintain an adult conversation without resorting to name calling & insults.
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obama is from hawaii, not east africa.

racists never need to play dumb, it is redundant.

According to his literary bio from 1991 until 2007, his place of birthplace was Kenya.

If Obama can choose a country at random he's from towards achieving an agenda,.why can't I?
I don't read every thread, much less every post.
I particularly avoid politics unless directed there by a "report".
And I certainly don't post "what if's" asserting them as truth.
We'll not talk again as you're too childish to maintain an adult conversation without resorting to name calling & insults.
You must DEFINITELY be a white nationalist, anti-semetic, homophobic racist rightie.

Did I leave any out?
I don't read every thread, much less every post.
I particularly avoid politics unless directed there by a "report".
And I certainly don't post "what if's" asserting them as truth.
You're too childish to maintain an adult conversation without resorting to name calling & insults.

and for some reason the half a dozen posts where sheskunk calls me a "snitch" magically remain.
just contemplating the what-ifs.

i know you righties like to pretend that red didn't earn all of this by repeatedly attacking carne for being a homosexual and mocking the actual hate crime murder of his partner, but i am here to remind all of you that this was absolutely the reason why i started on this.

i even have the quotes of red mocking the murder of carne's partner in a hate crime if you want, followed by red mocking carne for being a homosexual.

but you're not interested in commenting on that.

So you feel lowering yourself to his level makes you better? Or is it supposed to make him worse?
I don't read every thread, much less every post.
I particularly avoid politics unless directed there by a "report".
And I certainly don't post "what if's" asserting them as truth.
You're too childish to maintain an adult conversation without resorting to name calling & insults.
Insults and name calling seems appropriate when someone calls your Filipina wife a LBFM

Which is derogatory for
Little Brown Fuck Machine.
Anything insulting Red, Desert Dude and other racist POS on this board is getting is much better than the racist shit they have been spewing over this forum for a couple years now (seems like it)
Insults and name calling seems appropriate when someone calls your Filipina wife a LBFM

Which is derogatory for
Little Brown Fuck Machine.
Anything insulting Red, Desert Dude and other racist POS on this board is getting is much better than the racist shit they have been spewing over this forum for a couple years now (seems like it)

Are you crying?
Insults and name calling seems appropriate when someone calls your Filipina wife a LBFM

Which is derogatory for
Little Brown Fuck Machine.
Anything insulting Red, Desert Dude and other racist POS on this board is getting is much better than the racist shit they have been spewing over this forum for a couple years now (seems like it)

remember when he tried to start his white nationalist book club?
Insults and name calling seems appropriate when someone calls your Filipina wife a LBFM

Which is derogatory for
Little Brown Fuck Machine.
Anything insulting Red, Desert Dude and other racist POS on this board is getting is much better than the racist shit they have been spewing over this forum for a couple years now (seems like it)

Buck said he wanted to rape my wife and no one did shit. Your point?
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