Club 600


Well-Known Member
Dr D, I think it was you that was asking how others keep track of their grows.. I just found a program I downloaded called grow buddy. I haven't had much time to play with it but it looks like it might be the best program I've found so far. Here's the link:


Well-Known Member
Cool i will check it out. I use a simple calendar app now and it is way better then keeping up with triple digits in your head. I cut most of hb 3 down and have it hanging, but not as much smell as i would like. #1 didnt do much for a long time and now damn:weed:
Hb #1 turning good and purple
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Well-Known Member
lol @DST have fun man! you'll have a "blast" ;)

That honey bee looks incredible dr d, damn, so nice!

And yeah, jimmer's probably going through what i experienced but X10 lol! Man o man, i love weed, but would never want to go through that again lmao


Well-Known Member
So this is the lump i got from my test bag of trim (not even sure what trim it was, never really smelled of much either.....anyway, THIS IS ONLY A TEST, I REPEAT! THIS IS ONLY A TEST!:)
I used two cans, but I done two seperate runs with it as the liquid was quite clear even on the first run (yesh, pish poor quality shake shir!). I sprayed into pyrex, then when finished I popped into a water bath (no skillet though, just boiling water from kettle). Then watched it bubble until it was almost gone but popping like crazy, then used my dab thingywhatsit to whip it around a bit. The scraped it up, trf to silicone mat, then popped it into the tin. Now here's where I am starting to get like, "Am I doing this right?". Set up the pump and vac, all good, first time nothing, but then realised I had to open a valve a certain way, then bingo, the needles starts to shoot up. However, I can only get to 27, not 29 like all the bho chemists have been banging on about, ffs.I am below sea level so not sure if that has anything to do with it, or is it the 1.5cfm pump that the place sold me not good enough, as all the demos and what are 3cfm pumps.....well, I can still smell bho although I hit a dab and have had no headache yet, which is my usual reaction to crap bho. I have got it back in the vac again, pumpin away........will see if it gets any less stank. Shoudl I be curing this stuff?

I think the little black specs are from my scrapy tool thing (old erl).
Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
are you doing a large run now then or is that for another time? not had bho in a while, it would destroy all plans for the day so fitting to make it on a sunday afternoon lol.

did you blast it outdoors?


Well-Known Member
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