Pro Marijauna Candidate for Governor is Wisconsin is Fake


Well-Known Member
ruderalis is ditch weed.
Not when it's crossed and back crossed with the likes of AK47.

But no, I wouldn't grow it anymore, but in a limited space situation it provides a shitload of medium-medium/high strength dank with excellent smell and taste for limited effort.

Everything has it's place, Buckyboy.



Well-Known Member
Not when it's crossed and back crossed with the likes of AK47.

But no, I wouldn't grow it anymore, but in a limited space situation it provides a shitload of medium-medium/high strength dank with excellent smell and taste for limited effort.

Everything has it's place, Buckyboy.

ditch weed.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Yep they are passing laws attempting just that as well. All the Republican signs are also on a solid blue background this year as well. The background color Democrats normally use.

So, you are worried that Democratic voters will think Walker is a Democrat and vote for him because of the color of the sign, but you are not worried that Republican voters will mistake Walker for a Democrat and vote for somebody else?

Are Democrats that dumb for you to have such a low opinion of their ability to think?

Who fed you this talking point?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
i put food on my table by being a "weed snob". i carefully choose my genetics.

ditch weed is ditch weed. only someone with their training wheels on would waste their time with it.
Why don't you get a real job? I spent years and over 10,000 hours writing, writing and more writing. That profession.isn't going anywhere soon. What happens when no one gives a fuck about your genetics? I can buy a fancy heirloom tomato, but most still buy a hot house or roma.

Your "profession" isn't something to last for decades to come.


Well-Known Member
So, you are worried that Democratic voters will think Walker is a Democrat and vote for him because of the color of the sign, but you are not worried that Republican voters will mistake Walker for a Democrat and vote for somebody else?

Are Democrats that dumb for you to have such a low opinion of their ability to think?

Who fed you this talking point?
My obeservation. And if you googled it as a talking point you would come up short.


Well-Known Member
Here is another observation.
All the out of state money gives Walker the advantage of giving away the Yard signs for free. And they are big.


Well-Known Member
Speaking at a Republican Party field office in Waukesha, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee talked up the closeness of the governor's race and the need to get Walker supporters to the polls.
Sharon Day, the co-chair, told the audience, "It's not going to be an easy election, it's a close election. Like I said, much closer than I can even understand why.
"I don't want to say anything about your Wisconsin voters but, some of them might not be as sharp as a knife."