Well-Known Member
OK, I support civil rights.
then reconcile that statement with your belief that businesses should be allowed to deny service to people on the sole basis of skin color.
OK, I support civil rights.
Everyone knows it's true
then reconcile that statement with your belief that businesses should be allowed to deny service to people on the sole basis of skin color.
I believe that if a black man grew up in B'ham Alabama and faced racism every day of his life he should be allowed to not serve whites if he chooses.
I believe two people can make a transaction without big brother dictating terms.
I believe that if some redneck tried to open a whites only establishment he would go broke today.
I believe society handles things regarding society decades ahead of the old farts in DC.
I believe you are not intelligent enough to understand this so you yell RACIST!!
so in other words, you are all for allowing denial of service based on skin color, which is in complete contradiction to civil rights, but you support civil rights and you are not racist.
do you also think if someone in this day and age refused service to gays, they would go broke?
I think you are a tired broken record and whenever I get involved with you I get bored, so I know the rest of the forum gets bored too.
This is a decent place most of the time, why do you take such pleasure in shitting on the floor of every thread.
why do you keep lying?
if you didn't lie so often, i wouldn;t have to call you a liar. problem solved.
for example, if you just admitted you were a racist who opposes civil rights, instead of pretending that you are not racist and do support civil rights, i would not have to call you the two face that you are.
see how that works?
then why can't you cite any evidence at all for it?
It bothers you enough that you have to make shit up about me.
I'd be flattered if I weren't so creeped out by your stalky snitchery.
What's your count up to today btw?
Because that'd make me a snitch. But if it weren't true, you'd not have gotten all pissy about Beenthere not snitching on those you recruit to harass others and out of spite get him banned. That's rather pathetic, dude. I'm sorry, but it is.
what have i made up about you?
you are a racist who opposes civil rights. you lie about your savior rend pawl. on and on and on.
care to actually cite something this time, crybaby?
cite something after the shit you just posted? get real stalker snitch
would you look at that?
ginwilly can't cite his own claims again.
shit, what a surprise.
citing evidence for your own claims would make yo a snitch?
I'm almost feeling sorry for you at this point.
They're PMs made to me in confidence. Outing my source is snitching. But this is really getting to you. Just like Smokey the Bear, only you know the truth. You have to live with it.
They're PMs made to me in confidence. Outing my source is snitching. But this is really getting to you. Just like Smokey the Bear, only you know the truth. You have to live with it.
i'd feel sorry for anyone who attempted the task of pointing out to you what a hypocrite racist you are.
How many times have you whined to mods today snitchy stalker dude?
the truth is that you are making up a rumor about bullshit because you can't cite your previous claims.