New Member
Reagan is dead, thank God, that trickle down was the worst Idea ever. Even the sound of it sounds evil.No way, never happen.....I'm talking about a Reagan revolution.....
Reagan is dead, thank God, that trickle down was the worst Idea ever. Even the sound of it sounds evil.No way, never happen.....I'm talking about a Reagan revolution.....
Your arrogance is seem to have the tools for understanding.. now just keep digging ...
you can probably find 1000 reasons TERRORISTS were created...
each convenient for passing the buck, pushing the blame.. and avoiding responsibility...
I'll give you one huge HINT..
stop pointing fingers....
Who does ONE blame for PURCHASING a house... nobody, ONE takes full credit... and yet the concepts of purchasing, home loans, property theory etc were not created by "you"... rather you are just a pon of another man's game.. which is fine... which is fun.. as <OING as one is aware and one is not defending this imaginary world with the lives of other men and woman...
and actually, that is fine too.. BUT pay back s a bitch and I'd rather live in reality.. where everything is perfect, free and loving.. then defend my ignorance..
Pointing the finger at others reveals and acceptance of being a PON of yet another game... don;t believe the hype.. it just makes you a monkey..
In other words, a reason to go into Iraq was to draw the terrorists there.We drew out the enemy on ground of our choosing and defeated them. It was a key reason for going into Iraq, I think.
No thank you. But I have a non-conventional suggestion for what YOU could do with it.want a bananna?
One word for that asshole, "Trickledown". That says it all.I have a personal grudge against Reagan. My mom died when I was 12, leaving me some minor social security benefits from her years of paying into it. Well, the year I was due to turn 18 and graduate from high school, Reagan signed a law that invalidated social security to anyone turning 18 that year, unless they were fulltime enrolled in March. How can you graduate from high school in June, but be fulltime enrolled in college by March? Obviously, you can't. In effect, he stole three years of my social security (before signing that law the payments were supposed to go until I turned 21), that my mom worked her whole life for.
At the same time, he spent $250,000 on a new set of china for the White House. In protest, I wrote him a letter on a paper plate folded in half and asked him to sell just *one* of those expensive plates and restore the social security that my mom worked for. I never got a reply of course, and now I'm probably on some kind of watch list.
Since I could no longer afford to go to college, I joined the Army. That's when I realized that that was probably his very intention with signing that bill into law, to plump up the ranks of the military by stealing the social security from the poor and leaving them few viable options for a better future. And it worked. Bastard.
At the end of Jimmy Carter's term, the country was "enjoying" an inflation rate and interest rates both exceeding 18%.,9171,921854,00.html
Reagan was hired as president by the American people in landslide victories both times he ran for president. His job was to get the economy back on track, which he did, by slashing the income tax rates on the most productive in society, putting that money back into the hands of the private sector, and removing it from the hands of inefficient federal bureaucrats. The Reagan economic policies caused an unprecedented economic boom that lasted to near the end of the Clinton administration.
And by the way, when Ronald Reagan spoke in Berlin, he had something really concrete to talk about.
In other words, a reason to go into Iraq was to draw the terrorists there.
hey VI. you really need to put this in context.. you are comparing the only president since WWII to reduce the USA debt to the president who PRINTED more money than all the presidents from Gorge Washington to Jimmy Carter Combined (times 2)...
FYI - reason the dollar aint worth shit today cause of your buddy reagan....
Have you heard of Iran Contra.. GW senior.. head of the CIA.. offering the Iranians 200 million to hold the hostages until after the election (reagan vs carter)...
The most unpatriotic act since... since... well, EVER...
and if that's not enough for you.. how about you look at what the presidents have done since after thet left office.. it gets real ugly.. real ugly bro!
I don't know and I don't really care. Some say they were there and some say they were, the weren't there before the GOOD OL' USA showed up on the scene?
But they showed up in droves when we did arrive, the second time.
Sounds like you've slipped your mooring, better get a tighter grip on reality. I'd have to say there are millions of Americans that disagree with you, especially us old farts surviving off of SS. I really can't understand your reasoning, but there are mental patients all over the net. What I've found is, most people on the net are from middle to upper class. It takes money to afford a computer, a place to operate from and internet access charges, things a lot of poor folks can't afford. So a lot of opinions, Like yours, are skewed from the gates. Yeah, it's nice to have nothing better to do than sit in my office and play with mental migets, but even I know that I had to work my ass off for 50+ years to get here. Some folks with opinions like mine can't afford to be here, so I'll have to speak for them, I know this is probably too simplistic for you to grasp, but see if you can get it. Thanks for listening.From the same article......very interesting stuff.....if you can read....
Money, Value, and Monetary History
The "money-changers" in the Temple were, of course, Jews. Franklin Roosevelt is usually not thought of as anti-Semitic; but Paul Johnson, in his A History of the Jews [HarperPerennial, 1987], says of him:
He was both anti-Semitic, in a mild way, and ill informed. When the topic came up at the Casablanca Conference, he spoke of "the understandable complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews in Germany, namely that while they represented a small part of the population, over 50 per cent of the lawyers, doctors, schoolteachers, college professors in Germany were Jews" (the actual figures were 16.3, 10.9, 2.6 and 0.5 per cent). [p. 504]Even if it were not disturbing that Roosevelt should have held such views, at the time an actual genocide was being carried out against the Jews in Eastern Europe, it should be suspicious that Roosevelt in our "money-changers" quote is clearly laying the blame for the Depression on financiers and on the profit motive. The "ancient truths" he speaks of turn out to be the principles of mediaeval economics, things like the "just price," the "just wage," and a Guild (i.e. union) monopoly over labor. Such principles, dressed up as "Progressivism," created the Depression under Hoover, prolonged it under Roosevelt, and have haunted American politics ever since with destructive and corrupting devices like the minimum wage, "collective bargaining," and Social Security.
The enemy. The insurgents, if your are from Reuters. The 'Freedom Fighters,' if you are Cindy Sheehan.THEY DID?
Are you sure?
who are they?
And how can you not care about the specifics of your own argument?
except that you are sure you are correct and I am wrong.