The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
looks like i might be stopping growing at xmas n doing cuttings instead lol, kind of had an offer thats hard to refuse lol


Well-Known Member

yep but you cheated, now your liver is fucked from all the orals and you can't smoke a quarter oz in a week, lightweight!

that was aimed at lax btw, thought he posted that. juicehead!!


Well-Known Member
Yea i dont get wat his problem with seeds is buying and selling seeds here is totally legal .. but fckn growin aint but its fine u can talk about that


Well-Known Member
i don't use facebook but that bird in the related article with the 16 inch waist has got me coming over all funny.

might have to go and knock one out........


Well-Known Member
fucking result! we've all paid for worse.

i found an eighth down the back of the couch once, buds weren't even squashed, should have put the lotto on that weekend.
Its a mixture of exo, dog & jakes dream so its got a nice mix of flavours coming thru, its 100x better than the last cpl bags ive bought round here


Well-Known Member
Your not far wrong it does smell very fruity and slightly berry like,
well 1 J off it and im now mashed, thats what 2 days of no smoke does to my tolerance
be interesting to see what a week off does to mine lol, cant wait til thurs when i finally have some dollar


Well-Known Member
i did over a fortnight off then went to the dam, i was doing alright on the hazes til i met dst, he gave me a joint of deep blue and it absolutely kettled me!.

well stronger than the stuff i have grown, said it was near 6 month cured and mine never seen 6 weeks so i'm wondering if curing really does improve potency.


Well-Known Member
i did over a fortnight off then went to the dam, i was doing alright on the hazes til i met dst, he gave me a joint of deep blue and it absolutely kettled me!.

well stronger than the stuff i have grown, said it was near 6 month cured and mine never seen 6 weeks so i'm wondering if curing really does improve potency.
cured bud does seem to fuck ppl up quicker and more, up until a few years ago the bloke i used to buy off cured all his stuff for min 4months n it absolutely mongled me, think too many years smoking that stuff is why i struggle to get stoned these days, strength wise was stronger than green but weaker than bubble hash