Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
fever., she said dogs do get them ..just like humans.
she said that if hes not better in 5 days than it could be a blood infection , but she said its most likely just a fever /cold .
she said 90% of dogs get better in the next 5 days ,
I was cleaning My shop the other day and a friend came by and She was plastered,started moving stuff on her own when I spotted a 2-3 Ft Copperhead.I said stay still I have one copperhead here and @ that time My Male Blue Heeler slung another one.I caught both snakes and dropped them into my crawfish boiler seperated by the strainer.Checked and the smaller snake had bit them both (Australian Shepherd's)" ..1/2 a vicodin per dog and a blast of shatter and they were fine.These Australian Bastard's are a whole different kinda dog.Still Love My German Shepherd though, saw "Sniper" Yesterday...Their is a little irony in this though.I had to slap around a badass with one arm the other night and the small snake only had one fang....Weird.


Well-Known Member
I would have let them live but My Girlfriend isn't as understanding as Me....My demerol Dementia induced friend took a few pic's...


Undercover Mod
oh man, life has its ups and downs.
Has anyone here ever been involved with a manic depressive?
It is a real struggle. The highs are so high and the lows are so lows.

It is really taking a toll on me and at the same time I don't feel like I can let go.


Well-Known Member
oh man, life has its ups and downs.
Has anyone here ever been involved with a manic depressive?
It is a real struggle. The highs are so high and the lows are so lows.

It is really taking a toll on me and at the same time I don't feel like I can let go.

I used to bang this cop's wife, She lived downstairs from Me after My Divorce....Woah!I think Her condition was like a paragraph long, then I dated a Woman with the FAA and She had so many personalities it was insane.Count the Med'sShe takes in the morning fellaz...Read the label's if ya can.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I used to bang this cop's wife, She lived downstairs from Me after My Divorce....Woah!I think Her condition was like a paragraph long, then I dated a Woman with the FAA and She had so many personalities it was insane.Count the Med'sShe takes in the morning fellaz...Read the label's if ya can.
There's so many questions I'd like to ask about this :)

But what did FAA chick look like? I seem to remember one of my personalities working at an FSS for awhile.

Ok so I'm bored..... I'm supposed to be running and it's like fucking cold out there. The pool is on freeze control! So I'm having another cup of coffee (and I don't much like coffee but hub had set up a pot for himself for later, come to think of it I may go upstairs and shave my legs with his razor too), as soon as I get done with the coffee I'm checking outside again.


Staff member
i love when the teacher JUST ASSIGNS YOU specifically a topic..
my teacher decided to do this huge topic research paper, and she handed out topics to every student.

so what does she give the only fucking white girl in class
First Nations Self -Government....
