First grow need help how does my plant look

IMAG0605.jpg Hello I really need help growing im on the second week how does she look and can someone explain when to start nutes so far I brought dyna gro grow and bloom when do I start the grow
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Well-Known Member
That's fairly short for two weeks. When did you start counting? From they day you put the seed in the ground or the day your plant popped out of the soil?

And for that matter, what kind of soil did you use?
What strain of weed do you have?
What kind of lights are you using?
How far away from the plant is it?
It popped out October 24 and the soil is growing medium pro mix bx it says for seed starting should or can I switch and if so to what?, I have her sitting right under a 100w cfl. The strain is a bubba kush


Well-Known Member
The first week or two the plant is building it's root will take off that 100 actual watts or 100 watt equivalent ?


Well-Known Member
Well to me it looks like tips are yellow, yes? Soilless mix has no nutrients in it, meaning there's most likely a nutrient defficiancy (deffinantly nitrogen right now, but possibly more than that)

And also, 100w cfl isnt really enough light to grow a weed plant.

Your plant at two weeks, looks like mine do at 3-4 days. Not to talk shit at all, but I just want you to get the idea that somethings wrong.

How big is the container your plants in? I'd say transplant into a bigger container with actual soil in it so you can get some kind of buffer zone. And I'd also give like a 1/4 dose of grow nutes to get some color and growth back into your girl
Well to me it looks like tips are yellow, yes? Soilless mix has no nutrients in it, meaning there's most likely a nutrient defficiancy (deffinantly nitrogen right now, but possibly more than that)

And also, 100w cfl isnt really enough light to grow a weed plant.

Your plant at two weeks, looks like mine do at 3-4 days. Not to talk shit at all, but I just want you to get the idea that somethings wrong.

How big is the container your plants in? I'd say transplant into a bigger container with actual soil in it so you can get some kind of buffer zone. And I'd also give like a 1/4 dose of grow nutes to get some color and growth back into your girl
Lmao like yours at 3 to 4 days im trying man don't take it easy on me I need to learn, but I just took her out of the red party cup into a 6x6 square pot and I thought I could veg with a 100w then throw her in my 2x2x5 grow box with 300 led. What kind of soil happy frog or what?


Well-Known Member
Just throw it straight under the LED, your better off. And yea happy frogs good. Ocean forest is good. But if you already planted into a soiless medium, I would just run with it.

Just read a few threads about how to use soiless mix for a grow, and figure out what you need to do from there. I always use soil so I'm not 100% on the AMOUNT of nutes your girl needs, but using my common sense I'd say a plant that small can't handle more than 1/4 strength nutes. Your better off starting with an 1/8 and seeing how she reacts.
Thanks man I also have a 100w 2700k can I mix the two light or will that take her to flowering if so tomorrow ill just throw her in the box


Well-Known Member
100w plenty for now. Did it droop and the leaf tips dip down in the wet soil when you watered? That will rot tips of leaves off.


I've grown under CFL and LED before.
I dont know why, but my plant that was under both the cfl AND led grew a lot slower than the plant under just the LED.
[QUOTEactually looks better after a day in this bigger potwhitebb2727, post: 11027557, member: 749089"]100w plenty for now. Did it droop and the leaf tips dip down in the wet soil when you watered? That will rot tips of leaves off.[/QUOTE]
No it ac


Well-Known Member
I would SUGGEST you run them both. You can't have to much light on your girls! Well you can, but it's usually more of a heat issue.

But to flower the plant, you switch the light cycle to 12 hours on, and 12 hours off. For vegatative growth, I run my light for 24 hours a day until my girls are big enough to flower. The amount of, or kind of lights you ha e don't enduce flowering, it's the timing of the light lights that matters


Well-Known Member
He doesn't have to waste the electric just yet. 100w plenty enough for now.
It is stressed, don't stress it more.

I've grown under CFL and LED before.
I dont know why, but my plant that was under both the cfl AND led grew a lot slower than the plant under just the LED.
That was probably due to it being different plants not the lights. Different plants have different growth rates.
The only way to state that for fact is to run 2 clones side by side.


That was probably due to it being different plants not the lights. Different plants have different growth rates.
The only way to state that for fact is to run 2 clones side by side.
Kind of what I was thinking - Can't remember the strains either it was last year some time.