first outdoor grow


Active Member
hey guys checked in on the grow today, just over 3 weeks, 23 days to be exact. The indica plant is going great and so is the other one which i would say has more dominant indica genetics but still part sativa. I've also noticed some strange white spots on the Sativa plant and confused as to what it could be? maybe some water spilt on the leaves that was too high in acidity? anyways not too worried at the moment. also bumped into a fucking monster on the way back from my grow which scared the living shit out of me. Enjoy and tips would be great! thanks



Well-Known Member
Maybe some water got onto the leaves and it burnt a little in the sun? Keep an eye on it so you know it isnt bugs. Id say spray them with some neem oil for reassurance.


Active Member
yeah keep an eye on trying to not tip water on the lesves or when morning dew starts it can burn your leaves because the water magnifys the sun rays


Active Member
Maybe some water got onto the leaves and it burnt a little in the sun? Keep an eye on it so you know it isnt bugs. Id say spray them with some neem oil for reassurance.
yepp thanks im pretty sure it isnt bugs as the direction of one of the white spots runs directly off the leaf, i will still avoid my water touching them though.
yeah keep an eye on trying to not tip water on the lesves or when morning dew starts it can burn your leaves because the water magnifys the sun rays
also how much water in milliletres would u recommend i use to water each plant at 25 days old? thanks


Active Member
well pour not to much water on them make sure you start watering them after you transplant them and before you transplant make sure the soil is nice and wet but not drenched


Active Member
that doesnt seem to bad but if your wateriing often you may want to use a little less, i watered every day because the sun would dry the dirt out really quick maybe even two waterings a day if too hot


Active Member
went up to my grow today to see how they were going (30 days old) and really stoked with the Indica (bagseed) going really well. the 2nd best is one out of two sativas which looks ok but im worried about my little runt sativa thing. (not sure what to call it). well basically its leaves are drooping and not because of the rain, it just hasnt been going to well compared to the others and im sort of worried. any tips that could help me out would be great thanks! 1st pic - Indica. 2nd - good sativa. 3rd - unhealthy sativa.


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Well-Known Member
went up to my grow today to see how they were going (30 days old) and really stoked with the Indica (bagseed) going really well. the 2nd best is one out of two sativas which looks ok but im worried about my little runt sativa thing. (not sure what to call it). well basically its leaves are drooping and not because of the rain, it just hasnt been going to well compared to the others and im sort of worried. any tips that could help me out would be great thanks! 1st pic - Indica. 2nd - good sativa. 3rd - unhealthy sativa.
Remove the water bottles and any other rubbish u have laying around bury it even if a police chopper flys over ur games up m8 will stand out like dogs balls good to see u finally have a grow and how do u know the strain? The lanky stringy plant looks like a boy rest look ok


Active Member
Remove the water bottles and any other rubbish u have laying around bury it even if a police chopper flys over ur games up m8 will stand out like dogs balls good to see u finally have a grow and how do u know the strain? The lanky stringy plant looks like a boy rest look ok
The droopin prob from the heat wave we had last week m8
okay will do, going to refill all with water and definitely hide them better. I remeber what seeds they were from when i smoked the bud and the indica and sativa seeds were very different. Also as u can tellin the pic one is clearly indica compared to the others. and do u think i should just kill the lanky one? as in the one i said is weaker?