Sorry, but for all that didn't vote in Florida---- you S_ _ K !!!!***!!#!!##*


Well-Known Member
It's unbelievable for the amount of people that I heard say " It's in the bag by a land slide, no reason why I would have to go down and vote "
People, if not that particular issue, what about votes needed for the rest on the ballets.....? Please, don't call yourself an American. I know a 92 year old, legally blind lady that gets her ballet sent to her house to vote and place back in her mail............. she's BLIND ! What's your excuse............... Come on guys, we need everybody............. :wall:
As one thats from Alaska
sorry man I know the last time it came up jsut.not.enough peeps voted this went

fucked up part is a few years ago I had a minor offense and when I was getting fingerprints the lady was like "you stoners should just vote as many of you guys that come through here you guys could win"
then she made a remark abiut the judge smokin weed!
I was like that bitch
This one's is my favorite; 'I'd vote more often if I felt my vote actually counted for something.'


If you want your vote to count; first, VOTE! Then hold whomever win the office accountable for doing a credible job- and if they don't, you'll be there to see them recalled.

Another thing is to have a whole agenda. It's nice to vote one issue like legalization, but the rest of the ballot still deserves your attention.

Finally, write letters to your representatives and tell them how you want them to represent you.

Tell all your friends what the important issues are and what needs to be don't.

Legalizing weed for sick people is a slam dunk. We as a nation need to use the pot issue as a wake-up call for the rest of our problems- or weed's legal status will be the least of them.
Lol, it wasn't any of the stoners you knew that influenced the vote. Its the fact that for some reason the SENIORS were overlooked in the propaganda campaign. Did you see the percentages by age group? Every age voted majority YES, except for the 60+ group....and guess who's generation votes even if they don't understand the implications? That's right, SENIORS! The point has to be made that the higher ups in the campaign did not do PROPER research on who their target audiences should be
Needed 60% to pass prop 2, they got 58%.
It was a bad Law making growing legal for a few Dozen large businesses in Florida.
Only nurseries in business longer than 30 years would have been allowed to grow.


it might take 5-10 years but Floridas age and demographics is shifting.
The Anti-drug aged people are dying off and being replaced by retired flower children and younger people.

We want Freedom to grow our own NOT be required to buy it from a Govt store that requires us to have Cannibis I.D. Cards.

Fuck No I say!

Lol, it wasn't any of the stoners you knew that influenced the vote. Its the fact that for some reason the SENIORS were overlooked in the propaganda campaign. Did you see the percentages by age group? Every age voted majority YES, except for the 60+ group....and guess who's generation votes even if they don't understand the implications? That's right, SENIORS! The point has to be made that the higher ups in the campaign did not do PROPER research on who their target audiences should be
The problem with FL is it's a retirement state. The generation of Refer Madness owned the poles. You're exactly right on the pitch. They need to focus on the elderly who are close to or currently fighting illness that can be helped by weed. The positive is it's being talked about, voted on, and slowly moving through states. It will take time, but eventually will come through. It will beed to be brought up on the ballot as much as possible.

I'm hoping within 20-25 years, by the time I hope to be close to or already retired, my state will have finally passed something.
America should follow australia on this one, it is absolutely compulsory to vote, not voting is a offense and a 150.00 fine applies if your too lazy to vote. I live in Australia but was born and grew up in Tampa Florida. I am so disappointed my home state didn't pass the amendment, I did a Facebook campaign told as many folks about it as possible and tried to do my bit from afar, to no avail, pity that stoners in Florida could not unite and get motivated to bring in medical MJ.
Naw man! It will pass in 2016, and I can almost GUARENTEE you that it will be passed federally for medicinal within 2 presidents of Obama....not so long of a wait as 20-25 years
There is no way a republican president will pass medical MJ laws and that's what we are in for.
I predict mass raids on dispensaries and medical growers. Look at the smear campaign in Florida that was whipped up by the right wing and got everyone all fearful of MJ again, it's a gateway drug, it'll be near schools, your kids will be in danger and the public buys this bullshit?
You republican voters will wish for the good ol Eric holder days once the republicans take the executive office over, they now have the legislative branch sewn up. I just can't wait for the family values and Christian morals talk to pop back up. America voted or didn't, now reap the whirlwind from the far right and fundamentalists christian groups whom they represent.
I think of Florida as Americas Taint.

Taint going to be as fun as it looks,
taint gonna Do Anthing good that's legal, now that's a problem.
Taint gonna do anything to draw attention if possible.
Taint gonna try and grow commercial weight in Florida.
Taint gonna have cannibis decriminalized.
TAint gonna have medical Cannibis.
Taint gonna have recreational cannibis for Years!

To Many Taints....

That's precisely what happened in Canada. A conservative asshole was voted in, and things actually got far worse regarding cannabis (amongst many other things).

i know but people don't think about that when they vote, they think along party lines and forget what comes along with it.
I voted Republican as a kid because well that's what dad did and that made me one too. Thank god I grew a brain! In this era smoking pot and being a conservative are not congruent because they want to take it away from you so why would you vote for someone who wants to deprive you of your Liberty to do so and drive the industry back into the alleys? I really don't get the logic of voters cutting their own throats because of partisan politics