House votes for USA Federal Legalization


Well-Known Member
Fri., December 4, 2020, 1:19 p.m. GMT-5

WASHINGTON — The Democratic-controlled House on Friday approved a bill to decriminalize and tax marijuana at the federal level, reversing what supporters called a failed policy of criminalization of pot use and taking steps to address racial disparities in enforcement of federal drug laws.
Opponents, mostly Republicans, called the bill a hollow political gesture and mocked Democrats for bringing it up at a time when thousands of Americans are dying from the coronavirus pandemic.
“With all the challenges America has right now, (Republicans) think COVID relief should be on the floor, but instead, the Democrats put cats and cannabis” on the House floor, said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. “They’re picking weed over the workers. They’re picking marijuana over (providing) the much-needed money we need to go forward? to address the pandemic.

McCarthy’s comment about cats referred to a separate bill approved by the House to ban private ownership of big cats such as lions and tigers, a measure boosted by the Netflix series “Tiger King.? That bill, approved by the House on Thursday, would allow most private zoos to keep their tigers and other species but would prohibit most public contact with the animals.
Democrats said they can work on COVID-19 relief and marijuana reform at the same time and noted that the House passed a major pandemic relief bill in May that has languished in the Senate.
Supporters say the pot bill would help reverse adverse effects of the decades-long “war on drugs” by removing marijuana, or cannabis, from the list of federally controlled substances while allowing states to set their own rules on pot. The bill also would use money from an excise tax on marijuana to address the needs of groups and communities harmed by the drug war and provide for the expungement of federal marijuana convictions and arrests.
“For far too long, we have treated marijuana as a criminal justice problem instead of as a matter of personal choice and public health,? said Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and a key sponsor of the bill. “Whatever one’s views are on the use of marijuana for recreational or medicinal use, the policy of arrests, prosecution and incarceration at the federal level has proven unwise and unjust.?
The vote comes at a time when most Americans live in states where marijuana is legal in some form, and lawmakers from both parties agreed that national cannabis policy has lagged woefully behind changes at the state level. That divide has created a host of problems — loans and other banking services, for example, are hard to get for many marijuana companies because pot remains illegal at the federal level.
Four states, including New Jersey and Arizona, passed referendums allowing recreational cannabis. Voters made Oregon the first state in the nation to decriminalize possession of small amounts of cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine.
Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., called the House bill an important racial justice measure. Lee, who is Black, said the bill is the product of years of work by a range of advocates and is long overdue.
The bill “is a major step, mind you, a major step toward ending the unjust war on drugs and racial inequities that are central to these laws,? Lee said.
The bill also would open up more opportunities for marijuana businesses, including access to Small Business Administration loans to help ensure that minorities can take part in an industry dominated by white famers and growers. “This is a job-creating industry, and (the bill) also provides economic opportunities for minority-owned business owners,” Lee said.
The bill, which passed 228-164, now goes to the Republican-controlled Senate, where it is unlikely to advance. A related bill that would give pot businesses access to traditional banking services has languished in the Senate after being approved by the House last year.
Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise, the No. 2 House Republican, said GOP lawmakers have been pushing for weeks to bring up a bill that allows small businesses to receive another round of Paycheck Protection Program loans. Many small businesses are struggling or have closed as a result of the pandemic.
If House Speaker Nancy Pelosi brought the GOP bill to the House floor, “it would get over 400 votes,? Scalise told Fox News. ”And yet, she’s actually focused more on legalizing pot this week than on helping those small businesses with PPP loans. It’s just unbelievable how tone deaf (Democrats) are to these small businesses and the jobs, the families that are tied to them.”
Among its provisions, the legislation would authorize a 5% sales tax on marijuana products to fund programs aimed at assisting people and communities harmed in the so-called war on drugs, such as job training and legal aid. It also would require federal courts to expunge prior marijuana convictions.
The Big Cat Public Safety Act also is unlikely to move forward in the Senate.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, criticized Democrats, saying in a tweet that they are moving to “Prosecute Tiger King” rather than address issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
But Carole Baskin, whose animal rescue organization is featured in the Netflix series, said the legislation would culminate a decades-long effort to end abuse of tiger cubs and other big cats, and protect the public and first responders from injuries and death.
“None of these important goals are partisan in any way, and we hope the Senate will follow suit quickly to make it into law,? said Baskin, CEO and founder of Florida-based Big Cat Rescue.
Matthew Daly, The Associated Press

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I've watched those live cop shows they had on before covid. The number of poor and unfortunate folks who got caught with a small amount of bud and then to be treated worse than the lowest animal is stunning in some states.
Right on live TV. Certain states you'd be better off getting caught tossing kittens from a moving car.
The cops are brutal on small weed offenses STILL. To this day they act like you murdered their mothers.
The place/country is a mess for cannabis fairness for sure.
I wouldn't visit the USA if the trip was free.
I've watched those live cop shows they had on before covid. The number of poor and unfortunate folks who got caught with a small amount of bud and then to be treated worse than the lowest animal is stunning in some states.
Right on live TV. Certain states you'd be better off getting caught tossing kittens from a moving car.
The cops are brutal on small weed offenses STILL. To this day they act like you murdered their mothers.
The place/country is a mess for cannabis fairness for sure.
I wouldn't visit the USA if the trip was free.
Totally and in some states they come to your window, they have a card reader that empties your fcuking bank account and they call it proceeds of crime....WTF
Which makes me think like why the fucking hell would i visit the USA decrepit states? Some cops will rob me on my journey like some intrepid forest robber barrons.. what a backwards nation.
Totally and in some states they come to your window, they have a card reader that empties your fcuking bank account and they call it proceeds of crime....WTF
Yikes...good reason to only use cash....kept in bags in the barn in a steel box...hahahah
I've been at the hand of the US border services guards...taught me a HUGE lesson to they did. They taught me they are the biggest bunch of ignorant hillbilly cocksuckers on the planet. Some state cops are no better. Yup me and my money will never set foot in those backward jurisdictions. They don't want me and the same for me.
I'd so hate to be an american in this day and age. Shame really as most are great folks.
The countries status imo has dropped to new lows
Most the time they are just trying to get people to nark.
Harassing people in this day and age for small amounts of weed should actually be the criminal offense.
These shows/programs have shown me the worst in police. I can just imagine and believe what goes on with NO camera's around.
Harassing people in this day and age for small amounts of weed should actually be the criminal offense.
People get harassed for things like "open containers" and "loitering". They use the weed thing because of the technicalities surrounding it.
Yikes...good reason to only use cash....kept in bags in the barn in a steel box...hahahah
I've been at the hand of the US border services guards...taught me a HUGE lesson to they did. They taught me they are the biggest bunch of ignorant hillbilly cocksuckers on the planet. Some state cops are no better. Yup me and my money will never set foot in those backward jurisdictions. They don't want me and the same for me.
I'd so hate to be an american in this day and age. Shame really as most are great folks.
The countries status imo has dropped to new lows

It might be kind of ironic; Biden will build the wall, but it's a one way wall to keep the Americans IN and whomever they can vacuum up into their new state.
Harassing people in this day and age for small amounts of weed should actually be the criminal offense.
These shows/programs have shown me the worst in police. I can just imagine and believe what goes on with NO camera's around.
What a nightmare for these poor people. If only Trudy was one of them.

Although i can read "Oregon" somewhere in this de-formated text sample (posted previously), IMO there's still no proper mention of Oregon congressman Earl Blumenauer:

House passes historic cannabis reform legislation (2020-Dec-4)
« The MORE Act also centers economic justice by ensuring that people of color are not shut out of the emerging regulated cannabis marketplace and reinvesting in communities most impacted by prohibition. »

Yet Earl Blumenauer actively promoted the "Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement" Act (H.R.3884) after putting focus on such injustice issues for ~47 years... So my sincere hope is that he ultimately gets the credit he deserves when USA shall finally remove cannabis from its evil "schedule", considering this particular individual appears ready/prepared to defend coherent/reliable opinions telling me he's on OUR side for a change!

Too bad schedule removal on canuck land was no more than a dream in Harper days and now some forgotten/vanishing decoy under Trudeau - who done nothing of the sort that pushes in a same direction despite been trusted with 2 consecutive mandates...

To top it all the announcement didn't exactly come alone:

E. G. CBD Narcotic...

So in principle there's ZERO reasonable Public Health motive to deprive elders as myself of benefits from simple pleasurable home-cultivation as a hobby. Instead in my province a retro-active right was granted by provincial Liberals to lanlords tempted to evict cannabis consumers on the basis of visual/olfactive hints alone... With no protection other than an artificial stratagem based on the 1867 confederation loop-hole (...), mainly serving suffering patients once taken hostage by H.-C. under Harper, e.g. instrumentalizing vulnerable victims who refused being associated to "organized crime", further criminalizing genuine talented/skilled "craft" artisans since the double Federal/Provincial reform (with additional room left for bigot prohibitionists installed at city/municipal levels and even influencial groups as the CORPIQ).


It seems in Québec (and presumably also Manitoba) we find only 1 "legal" alternative which is chronic/systemic self-poisoning exposure in absolute absence of any long-term studies relative to synergy effects from savvy non-detection Pest Control Soups designed by LPs to "pass" testing unless one can gain access to "cutting edge equipment like a gas chromatograph with a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer", plus the technicians required to operate it, calling us "chemophobics" if we dare protest... In other words the burden of proof has been completely reversed, pretending this is guided by europe-inspired precautionary principle which somehow never applies to known/measurable socio-toxic nuisance as by alcohol, tobacco and many more true addiction$ all too often causing irreversible trauma leading to permanent prejudice. Etc., etc.

Even if in full control of the premise, with NO external access possible, it's just forbiden to grow CBD Cannabis on our PRIVATE balconies where mere photographic representation is a crime already... Which means every intolerant neighbour(s) are now granted the privilege to mess around, much the same as a virtual gang-rape organized to please angry voters on the look for a symbolic sacrifice once it's been declared "legal" to perpetuate similar persecution - via the monopoly "pushers" of Kosher Zyklon who behave a dozen times as worse as any guy i ever used to deal with who'd never get called twice if proven unfair/dishonest.


Trudeau's THC-centric Mari-CACA (socio-toxic) RED WARNING (2018-Mar-20) [400x400] .GiF's THC-centric Mari-CACA (socio-toxic) RED WARNING (2018-Mar-20) [400x400] .GiF

[ https:// ]

Meanwhile, during the current CoViD crisis (...), we Québekers could only observe an explosion of active alcohol promoting on mass-media combined to out-of-proportion efforts to accomodate bars that contributed as an agravating health-risk factor nonetheless, in absence of a cannabis equivalent of course, starting with the "Nez-Rouge" campaign.

Never forget Québec's provincial politicians were unanymous voting the infamous loi #44 of Lucie "Nez Rouge" Charlebois.

Lucie Charlebois - Drink to that - TLMEP @ SRC (2017-Nov-19) [480x400] .PNG

[ https:// ]
YouTube: Légalisation du cannabis, la ministre Lucie Charlebois à Tout Le Monde En Parle SQC TLMEP (2017-Nov-19)

Take note the original record got deleted and replaced with some more image-favourable version...


Now imagine the relief of reading about politicians expressing serious concern on former (cannabis) duck-hunt ideology calling for reparation at last!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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Good start but its only decrim, not legalization. And will die in the senate unless democrats win in the upcoming senate race.
Salutations,'s only decrim...

Well, intuitively the term "decriminalization" only suggests the undoing of previous wrong-doing legislature(s). So while bigot prohibitionists want taxes 1st i'm siding with Dana Larsen quite spontaneously:

Canadian pot smokers deserve an apology (2015-Nov-2)

Except now it's time to talk about reparation for even more toxic predatory attitudes since TrudeauManiacs have won. Or Trump in the states.

...will die in the senate unless...

Perhaps, but assuming the republican vote might prevail it's still their failure to correct wrong-doing that shows up on the popular radar all too often - or at least in principle... I mean, most certainly that ain't too difficult to monitor/measure casualties via civil asset forfeiture, child kidnapings, suicides after coerced "re-hab" (the scientology style...) and multiple other similar data sources - in principle.



Leave it up to the states.

Please take a look at the larger picture where USA (aside China, Persia and Peru) didn't initially sign & ratify UN's 1925 Geneva Opium Convention (with "Indian Hemp" / "Cannabis sativa L." specifically banned internationally since then*) though USA officially supported its subsequent 1931 and 1936 conventions (on manufacture + trafic). Which by the way serves typical bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists who must feel very pleased to dissimulate it under many more conventions ultimately refering to Nixon's period instead of non-sensical "science" rooted in that of doctor John Warnock (...), who apparently depended on translators for decades just to interact with his "lunatic" patients, detained at Cairo's El Abbasiya "Mental Hospital" (Asylum...) of Egypt in the previous century.

Lets keep in mind this occured right back into the Victorian age when "elite" logic involved the trafic of sex-slaves trapped by opium addiction - the very same concept recently evoked by the syndicate president of Montréal police, with a twist:

SRC: Procès d'un policier du SPVM pour l'homicide involontaire de Bony Jean-Pierre (2020-Nov-9)
« Ils sont impliqués dans le trafic de drogue en la faisant circuler dans nos écoles et ils font l'exploitation sexuelle de nos enfants pour se faire de l'argent » { Yves Francoeur }

Nonetheless, since the 2016 symbolical "message" sent by destroying the brain of Bony Jean-Pierre over 8 oz (hours from April's fool day, contained within the 4 solid frames of a window...), i can recall absolutely zero editorialist article(s) ever mentioning any such human trafic of children sufficiently "ADDICTED" to cannabis to become sex-slaves in Montréal-Nord... Never in direct juxtaposition with this case anyway!


Too bad i can't offer an english update to complete the few rare details gathered along slowly-passing years:

Ça n’aurait jamais dû arriver. C’est une catastrophe.

Despite relevant information being carefully distilled by mass media this simply confirms an early impression that agent Christian Gilbert had his trigger-finger quite ready when Bony Jean-Pierre finally arrived at that fatidic window. Yet these late developments now include some warning shot + a lame excuse about the dead guy causing his own fatal demise by putting his head where his hips normally were, somehow all in a matter of micro-seconds...

So in retrospective it seems SPVM-GTi agent Christian Gilbert (already acquainted with this very same group after another police kill dating from years before...) was presumably expecting a dangerous kid abductor prepared to use deadly weapons - the "catastrophe" probably having much more to do with a little bit of Victorian-age exageration, despite a most peculiar absence of any editorials to cover such pedophile networking based on dry cannabis flowers as the slave maker!


Remove cannabis from the "schedule" and all this mess shall gradually fall into oblivion, because it's our democratically-voted laws which get "harmonized" to serve obsolete/socio-toxic international treaties and not the other way around: e.g. cut the ombilical cord to deprive bigots of their powers.

Briefly put, IMHO the late UN/WHO announcements are no naïve coïncidence, knowing the schedule is their legacy to begin with.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


  • 6330, rue Arthur-Chevrier, App. #3, Mtl-Qc [420x390] .PNG
    6330, rue Arthur-Chevrier, App. #3, Mtl-Qc [420x390] .PNG
    641.3 KB · Views: 20
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Québeker's Mass-Media evening news, in French (so far...):

2016 ... 2020
Un travailleur de rue accusé de trafic d’armes (2020-Dec-9)
"...en plein cœur du quartier que les policiers surnomment le Bronx..."

Very same spot! -- A social "street worker" faces charges because of weapons - AND - cannabis.

Once more!!


Except this time nobody died it seems. Which is an improvement, so to speak. Besides i wasn't actually aware of a TV show inspired by the "bronx" which is called "District-31", apparently. More incentive to ignore, quality TV programming is so rare these days. If only "information" were a lesser problem, specially under both Harper and Trudeau during this last decade.

So lets be patient, e.g. hold no breath... If i may say so! ...

Armes et stupéfiants: importante opération policière dans le fief des «Bloods» (2020-Dec-9)
Un bilan complet de l’opération policière devrait être divulgué plus tard.

Hummm... Quite possibly there's going to be some gangs-based report published just in good time for use in these other judicial proceedings i guess:

L’emploi de la force durant les opérations policières au cœur des plaidoiries (2020-Dec-2)
Le juge rendra au début du mois de février son verdict qui n’aura vraisemblablement pas seulement un impact pour M. Gilbert, mais aussi sur l’utilisation de la force lors des opérations policières partout au Québec et au Canada.


Christian Gilbert will get his verdict early in February and this could as well affect police law enforcement everywhere in my province and also even beyond, in particular when it comes to "necessary" or "justified" force and all associated jurisprudence across Canada i presume...

Planned to conclude in February 2021, so now it makes much more sense indeed!

Opération majeure du SPVM dans Montréal-Nord (2020-Dec-9)

Not to mention L'Actualité just prefered to take their related article off-line at the time of my typing.

