A New Police Squad In Quebec Will Hunt Down Marijuana Dealers After Legalization


Well-Known Member

The legalization of recreational marijuana in Canada is less than one month away!

Once that October 17th deadline arrives, an entire new legal code will immediately come into effect.

ALSO READ: The First-Ever Complete List Of Every Recreational Marijuana Store In Each Major Canadian City

It's up to the individual provinces to regulate both the distribution and consumption of the newly legal drug.

In Quebec, the new marijuana laws are perhaps the most severe. The penalities for driving high are the most unforgiving in the country.

Moreover, the provincial government will maintain a complete monopoly of marijuana sales through the new Société québécoise du cannabis (SQDC).

Any sale of marijuana outside of these stores will be completely illegal.

It is for this reason that Sûreté du Québec, the provincial police force, announced today the creation of a new squad to crack down on illegal marijuana products and sales.

It seems provincial law enforcement will be tougher on illegal marijuana consumption than it ever has been.

The new squad will include dozens of police officers whose mission will be to identify marijuana sales outside of provincial regulation.

Quebec is intent on securing its dominance of marijuana sales.

In some ways, it may become more difficult for marijuana users to consume the drug after legalization.

Prices in the SQDC will be markedly higher than street values because of taxes and added labour value.

There are now also restrictions on where users can smoke marijuana.

Whereas before the police might have turned the other way when they come across a person casually smoking a joint on a quiet street, now law enforcement has protocols to enforce new regulations.

Legalization is definitely going to require an adjustment period.
Knowing this, ya gotta ask why anyone would walk into one of those stores. That would be downright stupid, especially if you drive home.
Doesn't surprise me FG...look at the amount of assholes who think my BOYCOTT message is a waste of time. That's ok...those dicks can just pay more.
Now this news is not surprising to me...I said this would happen. Also watch for rat-out lines that reward the snitches. It's comin....you watch.
I said it a few weeks ago....were are going to have to be quiet in the future...back to hiding again. The soccer Mom's are going to be a problem imo. The do gooder attitude in this country is OFF the scale. Ratting out BM growers and dealers will be the norm for some jerks.
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Legal Cannabis in Quebec and Canada ,,,,for that mater will end up equivalent to the worst possible case scenario that the majority of Canadian tokers have feared for years,,,,A legalization designed primarily by law enforcement to continue to punish tokers,,,, long into the future....in a way securing the jobs and lifestyle of the police...in general using money exhorted(
gerund or present participle: exhorting
  1. strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.
    "the media have been exhorting people to turn out for the demonstration"
    synonyms: urge, encourage, call on, enjoin, charge, press
and extorted(
  1. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
    synonyms: blackmail, shakedown;
    "arrested on a charge of extortion")

What was said!!!!!!!
Any sale of marijuana outside
of these stores will be completely illegal.

What was heard?
War on Drugs!!!!!

What was said!!!!!!!
It is for this reason that Sûreté du Québec, the provincial police force, announced today the creation of a new squad to crack down on illegal marijuana products and sales.
What was heard ???
War on drugs!!!!

What was said!!!!!!!
In some ways, it may become more difficult for marijuana users to consume the drug after legalization.
What was heard?
War on drugs!!!!

What was said!!!!!!!
It seems provincial law enforcement will be tougher on illegal marijuana consumption than it ever has been.
What was heard?
War on drugs!!!!

Blah Blah Blah Dung Beetle.....= the sum total knowledge of law enforcement in regards to studies published on prohibition and the war on drugs...(that's not possible to

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The new squad will include dozens of police officers whose mission will be to identify marijuana sales outside of provincial regulation.

[ https:// ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1122552/cannabis-pot-policiers-formation-enpq-loi ]
SRC: Légalisation du cannabis : 11 000 policiers à former au Québec (2018-Sep-7)

« D’ailleurs, pour lutter contre le cannabis illégal, le Service de police de la Ville de Trois-Rivières a reçu une subvention du ministère de la Sécurité publique pour la création d’une escouade spéciale.

Dès le 1er octobre, deux enquêteurs se joindront ainsi à l’équipe d’enquête des stupéfiants déjà en place à la police de Trois-Rivières. L’objectif : lutter contre l’économie souterraine liée au cannabis illégal.

E. G.: A "formation course" for 11000 agents so they can fight "illegal" cannabis, just a few months after Lucie "Nez Rouge" Charlebois gave 3.5 M$ to senator Jean Lapointe for his "re-hab" center (possibly with ties to the scientology sect, see Narconon Trois-Rivières) while it's clear we're on direct trajectory toward Cultural Genocide via mari-caca (LP) pushers anyway...

Actually Québec's political "elite" turned my province into a prototype of bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionism since the 1890 Pharmacy Act, long before it was even a problem, then again in 1923 by Liberal senator Henri-Sévérin Béland when he unilaterally transfered a previous provincial competence to Ottawa, for some "mysterious" reason federalists can never admit, naturally...

IMO it won't be much of a wonder to future historians what was the purpose of Mark Ware, leader of Trudeau's "science" in the "Task Force" of Bill G20 Blair, which explains how evil people as Kevin Sabet and Nora Volkow ended up at hotel Marriott in Montréal to discuss "addiction" right in time for Halloween:

Kevin Sabet [440x260] .PNG

Kevin Sabet at secret Int'l Montréal congress on addiction (2016-Oct) .PNG

Nora Volkov [440x260] .PNG

...initiated from Calgary/Alberta:

[ http:// ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/811093/legalisation-marijuana-canada-mise-en-garde-experts-americains ]
SRC - Légalisation de la marijuana: des experts américains mettent en garde le Canada (2016-Oct-26)

Doesn't it feel like the dots align the way i always wrote they did, for example when i predicted that Trudeau would bring armed forces in Montréal streets much like his father before him, resulting in the KILLING of Bony Jean-Pierre by SPVM-GTi agent Christian Gilbert, who's walking away with it i'll bet.

Etc., etc. Ad Nauseam.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Legal Cannabis in Quebec and Canada ,,,,for that mater will end up equivalent to the worst possible case scenario that the majority of Canadian tokers have feared for years,,,,A legalization designed primarily by law enforcement to continue to punish tokers,,,, long into the future....in a way securing the jobs and lifestyle of the police...in general using money exhorted(
gerund or present participle: exhorting

    • strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.
      "the media have been exhorting people to turn out for the demonstration"
      synonyms: urge, encourage, call on, enjoin, charge, press
and extorted(

    • the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
      synonyms: blackmail, shakedown;
      "arrested on a charge of extortion")

What was said!!!!!!!
Any sale of marijuana outside
of these stores will be completely illegal.

What was heard?
War on Drugs!!!!!

What was said!!!!!!!
It is for this reason that Sûreté du Québec,
the provincial police force, announced today the creation of a new squad to crack down on illegal marijuana products and sales.
What was heard ???
War on drugs!!!!

What was said!!!!!!!
In some ways, it may become more difficult for marijuana users to consume the drug after legalization.
What was heard?
War on drugs!!!!

What was said!!!!!!!
It seems provincial law enforcement
will be tougher on illegal marijuana consumption than it ever has been.
What was heard?
War on drugs!!!!

Blah Blah Blah Dung Beetle.....= the sum total knowledge of law enforcement in regards to studies published on prohibition and the war on drugs...(that's not possible to

you know it Mr
Hi there!

You know it...

One simply needs to pay attention in good time.

For example:

[ https:// montreal.ctvnews.ca/bloc-pot-leader-hugo-st-onge-outlines-party-s-proposals-for-oct-1-election-1.4095437 ]
CTV: Bloc Pot Leader Hugo St-Onge outlines party's proposals for Oct. 1 election (2018-Sep-15)

About Hugo St-Onge, head of the Bloc Pot...

« He suggested the paper-producing region in central Quebec could provide rolling paper... »

Clearly put even our ambassadors prove acting like they're trying to assist the enemy camp, in this present quote going as far as to suggest that Trois-Rivière's wood transformation industry should supply rolling paper for a socio-toxic/antiquated smoker market!...


Never forget Québec's provincial politicians were unanymous voting the infamous loi #44 of Lucie "Nez Rouge" Charlebois.

Lucie Charlebois - Drink to that - TLMEP @ SRC (2017-Nov-19) [480x400] .PNG
[ https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBZBACE7G3A&t=874 ]
YouTube: Légalisation du cannabis, la ministre Lucie Charlebois à Tout Le Monde En Parle SQC TLMEP (2017-Nov-19)

YMMV connecting the dots. Meanwhile display of a cannabis leaf is about to become yet another crime...


Good day, have fun!! :peace:
its how they deal with people who (edited)cant be beat.
Turn them into criminals!

broken record
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Well, Québec's people can be beaten only because of Justin's "Divise to Conquer" (cheating) strategy, initially based on primitive hate fueled by the language barrier, for example:

2015 Electoral Platform [480x360] .PNG

It turns out the Liberal's late French version which eventually followed failed to translate "incidental possession" as "possession simple" in proper time for elections day, which ain't no trivial detail IMHO. As a matter of fact, i recall over 2 years were required to clarify this element of confusion alone...


Anyone remembers the "Task Force" report of August 24th, 2016??

HC - Task Force (2016-Dec-13) [640x220] .PNG

Nonetheless, thanks to the political/cultural/linguistic fracture between Canada and its only French-speaking province this "consultation" was allowed to support Mark Ware's Halloween "science" party (read supervised by Bill G20 Blair, of course)! ... So, nobody cared to complain somehow.

Then, right when the population was busy preparing for new year's eve it was discovered (in English...) that the relatively unpopular "medical" marijuana of our only "LP" had been sprayed with some BANNED pesticide known as myclobutanil - long after many LPs discussed its application in secret.

Which is more cheating again. :mad:

More recently it became increasingly evident to me that industrialization will impose "tumbling" as the new standard, and now this:

[ https:// www.ledevoir.com/societe/537048/legalisation-du-cannabis ]
Le Devoir: Du cannabis de qualité, foi de producteurs (2018-Sep-19)

« Mardi, la SQDC a reconnu ne pas avoir lancé d’appel d’offres afin de trouver un laboratoire pour effectuer des contre-vérifications de qualité, ne pas avoir trouvé de partenaire pour effectuer des échantillonnages sur les produits qui se préparent à rentrer dans ses succursales et a avoué ne disposer ni de l’équipement ni de l’expertise à l’interne pour tester ses produits. »

E.G. NO QUALITY testing was ever planned, right from the begining... Which explains the need for more police repression, considering that consumers will be required to trust, pay then complain once their purchase is finally delivered i guess. As if early drafts for the Cannabis Act (and 15+ CDSA modifications) came directly from true organized crime installed in Ottawa.

In other words Harper was successful using the same old tricks and so is Trudeau after him. That must be why i can concatenate the whole thing as a single 1, common characteristic: VILIFICATION.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Hi again,

Personally i consider this is one twisted part which still didn't get the coverage it deserves, even many years later:

Most particularily this passage as it made its way into Québec's loi #44 of Lucie "Nez Rouge" Charlebois, in 2015 (...):

Smokeless tobacco products

Electronic nicotine delivery systems, electronic cigarettes/non-nicotine delivery systems

Waterpipe tobacco smoking

What's most peculiar with bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists installed outside our democratic space is their persistance confusing the substance and a self-poisoning (socio-toxic/self-vilifying) consumption method. Although i wouldn't target rolling paper myself i certainly wouldn't contribute to its promotion. The bigots have a different approach: to ban on an international scale all which comes in and out of our body orifices...

Worse, i'm genuinely concerned that the "Légaleezation" of Trudeau actually attacks the rights of children while it pretends aiming for the exact opposite goal, in other words "In The Name Of Children" as to render the irony complete. Socio-cultural pressure exerted on adults via Mass Media propaganda is one thing, i believe it really gets dirty when opening a few doors to public-funded evils as "Fix-my-Kid" and "Kids-for-Cash" à la Narconon (scientology style), imported from the south and soon to appear in a neighborhood near you!...

After metal detectors (and beyond) in schools now lets expect THC scans at the entrance, with threaths which can cause permanent prejudice from such trauma: get caugth and you get coerced "re-hab" or worse, dady and mom go to jail for 14 years... So, try alcohol instead, or prescription pills, solvants...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
La Belle Province eh.... The draconian laws they wish to enforce may meet court challenges but Quebec is a tricky province with all of that distinct society nonsense.
Ontario laws are better but it should have included you can partake anywhere you can smoke cigs legally instead of just in a private residence.
But whatever. It is the new frontier.
Now that it is legal i might as well quit. It is losing the panache. :D
Salutations GWHeels,

...Quebec is a tricky province with all of that distinct society nonsense.

Non-sense? The Pharmacy Act of 1890 is as real as it gets since it had to be approved by the British Empire in days when Canada was still part of Victoria's dominions. So, here's the prototype of all "schedules", for your own convenience:

L'Acte de pharmacie de Québec - 53 Vict (1890) - Chapitre 46 (137328) .PNG

The real non-sense is when Canuck racists fail to respect the 1867 spirit of a Confederation Act which actually saved the sorry bankrupt asses of their ancestors while in Harper days it allowed the creation of a twisted, totally artificial and bipolar "medical" vs "criminal" (soon ""legal" and heavily taxed...) predatory system turning vulnerable patients into hostages, in exchange for legal signatures meant to support even more obscenity and now going as far as to target legally vulnerable (minor) children!


The tricky part is Justin SuperPéteux Trudeau using the "science" of his mentally-challenged mother right during the electoral campaign of 2015:

CBC - Margaret Trudeau back in headlines (2015-Oct-30) [400x300] .PNG

Advertizing her book$ in the process.

Or bringing back the memory of his deceased brother Michel who died on a mountain and yet the dead fueled monologues on impaired driving somehow... All thanks to buzzed clueless TrudeauManiac voters falling for it again and again and again, blinded by their own personal failures.

The English against French barrier was exploited via MiniPET's electoral platform, idem about Canada against Québec via the report of his task force, etc., etc. Numerous political messages have been sent all along and i must conclude you never paid attention, not even after a French-speaking man was KILLED over 8 oz in Montréal-Nord/Québec...

Where Bony Jean-Pierre was fatally hurt over 8 oz (2016-Apr-4) [400x300] .PNG

Too bad you can't seem to perceive your own federalist contradictions: lets abuse Québec in every possible form then blame its population instead of vile Liberal politicians, unable to realize nationalism emerged from decades of such anti-canadian abuse, quite exactly.


M'well, good for you. Welcome to your dream land, dear puppet - and to my [ IGNORE ] list too by the way... The fact remains you're simply repeating provocative mass mediatic shortcuts equating Québec's population to its Liberal government although these self-serving (evil) politicians dare rule a province like a majority which they are NOT, counting on support from English voters and friends from Montréal and around as an excuse.

What's genuinely tricky is the present "Légaleezation" after sunny boy managed to eclipse his very own political 1923 heritage which left practically no traces in any of our democratic institutions - blaming Nixon's "Drug War" era for it instead, no wonder why: another spineless cheat... M'well, at least now i'm sure it's all too much for your kind to manage, while being instrumentalized by a common enemy. So it's all because of the "Stockholm Syndrome" i guess...

Pity! :roll:

Have your free lunch propagating pure Québec bashing as a side-line, lets see how "Divide to Conquer" works for you when deployment is complete:

[ cndblog.org/2017/01/cnd-intercessional-25-january-2017-preparations-for-the-62nd-session-in-2019/ ]
Commission on Narcotic Drugs ** CND intersessional – 25 January 2017: Preparations for the 62nd Session in 2019
Anyone remembers the onusian slogan « A Drug-Free World: We Can Do It. » of 1998?? What makes you think it's finally over and your kind won't need allies when the sky starts to fall for real?...

Ontario laws are better...

Kathleen Wynne au parlement de Québec (2017-Sep-21) .GiF
M'Yeah, that must be why Kathleen Wynne went to Québec, to make sure our respective anti-tobacco laws are made coherent...


In any case you've only confirmed my opinion that there's ZERO "canadian way" in such political travesty. The bipolar way...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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Salutations GWHeels,

Non-sense? The Pharmacy Act of 1890 is as real as it gets since it had to be approved by the British Empire in days when Canada was still part of Victoria's dominions. So, here's the prototype of all "schedules", for your own convenience:

The real non-sense is when Canuck racists fail to respect the 1867 spirit of a Confederation Act which actually saved the sorry bankrupt asses of their ancestors while in Harper days it allowed the creation of a twisted, totally artificial and bipolar "medical" vs "criminal" (soon ""legal" and heavily taxed...) predatory system turning vulnerable patients into hostages, in exchange for legal signatures meant to support even more obscenity and now going as far as to target legally vulnerable (minor) children!


The tricky part is Justin SuperPéteux Trudeau using the "science" of his mentally-challenged mother right during the electoral campaign of 2015:

Advertizing her book$ in the process.

Or bringing back the memory of his deceased brother Michel who died on a mountain and yet the dead fueled monologues on impaired driving somehow... All thanks to buzzed clueless TrudeauManiac voters falling for it again and again and again, blinded by their own personal failures.

The English against French barrier was exploited via MiniPET's electoral platform, idem about Canada against Québec via the report of his task force, etc., etc. Numerous political messages have been sent all along and i must conclude you never paid attention, not even after a French-speaking man was KILLED over 8 oz in Montréal-Nord/Québec...

Too bad you can't seem to perceive your own federalist contradictions: lets abuse Québec in every possible form then blame its population instead of vile Liberal politicians, unable to realize nationalism emerged from decades of such anti-canadian abuse, quite exactly.


M'well, good for you. Welcome to your dream land, dear puppet - and to my [ IGNORE ] list too by the way... The fact remains you're simply repeating provocative mass mediatic shortcuts equating Québec's population to its Liberal government although these self-serving (evil) politicians dare rule a province like a majority which they are NOT, counting on support from English voters and friends from Montréal and around as an excuse.

What's genuinely tricky is the present "Légaleezation" after sunny boy managed to eclipse his very own political 1923 heritage which left practically no traces in any of our democratic institutions - blaming Nixon's "Drug War" era for it instead, no wonder why: another spineless cheat... M'well, at least now i'm sure it's all too much for your kind to manage, while being instrumentalized by a common enemy. So it's all because of the "Stockholm Syndrome" i guess...

Pity! :roll:

Have your free lunch propagating pure Québec bashing as a side-line, lets see how "Divide to Conquer" works for you when deployment is complete:

[ cndblog.org/2017/01/cnd-intercessional-25-january-2017-preparations-for-the-62nd-session-in-2019/ ]
Commission on Narcotic Drugs ** CND intersessional – 25 January 2017: Preparations for the 62nd Session in 2019
Anyone remembers the onusian slogan « A Drug-Free World: We Can Do It. » of 1998?? What makes you think it's finally over and your kind won't need allies when the sky starts to fall for real?...

M'Yeah, that must be why Kathleen Wynne went to Québec, to make sure our respective anti-tobacco laws are made coherent...


In any case you've only confirmed my opinion that there's ZERO "canadian way" in such political travesty. The bipolar way...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

Wow....testy. Must have been waiting a while to unload the vitriol on sentence. :)

It doesn't change the stupid interpretation of the inbound pot laws. I guess english quebecers see the language thing differently.
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