Ingesting 0.05 of a gram of oil will put most people on thier ass.That's 50 mgs
Just sayin
c ray... 10 mg's
I've got my wife taking cannacaps at a .2g dose of oil 3x per day. Best medicine available imo. Pain in the ass to decarb and fill.
Hippy - as far as relief, the best we've found is when the strain manages to give her sensations on her scalp. These seem to always be combined with a release of the pressure in the frontal lobe and the base of the cranium.
I've not been able to discern what strains/cannabinoid profile/ or terpene profile is responsible for this. All I can say is the best strains seem to be hybrids that are almost 50:50 sat/ind.
CBD doesn't seem to have much or any impact on her pain.(I.e. The few CBD rich strains we've managed to acquire were not nearly as effective).
I do all the research I can on the subject but stay pretty quiet online - that is unless I'm fed-up with a terrible LP.
I'll look at that compassion club - wonder if they'll take mmpr documents...