Mushrooms growing in my soil, is this good?


Well-Known Member
Hello this is a picture of shrooms growing in my soil. This plant is being revegged at the moment. The soil was advanced #4 fed with Nectar for the gods and plant success. It had been flushed for a good three weeks and now it has only been fed fish emulsion. It has been growing mushrooms for about the last week but now they are starting to go crazy.I guess my question is this healthy for the plant or can it do harm? I have had mushrooms in my pots for a long time now.CAM01622.jpg
From what I read/learned from the webs is that means your soil is well alive and the you have a good habitat for growing cannabis and mushrooms.

But your growing cannabis , and watering to frequently is making it more shroom friendly. How about a picture of the plant itself to view whether or not , or just plain period , Lets see that girl.
Oh and after looking further , whats growing left of the stalk in that picture , looks like a bud emerging from the soil/low stalk?

And if so damn , must be some good lighting.
I would doubt that those are safe to eat, very few out of the wide variety are , seems like the not so stereo type looking mushrooms are the more edible in the wide range of them.

I also forgot to mention, is that to grow mushrooms, it requires just the right range of RH
so , which just points to the fact that your top soil is staying to wet , simple as that let it dry out more.

In my case when I sprout some mushrooms , it was because of newbie mistake , and trying to keep the surface soil as wet and the bottom pot soil.
From what I read/learned from the webs is that means your soil is well alive and the you have a good habitat for growing cannabis and mushrooms.

But your growing cannabis , and watering to frequently is making it more shroom friendly. How about a picture of the plant itself to view whether or not , or just plain period , Lets see that girl.
Cool, she is re-vegging at the moment so she is kinda ugly. But here she is pre-harvest CAM00977.jpg
^ Why would anyone reveg, unless its a suprise then your like DAMN! REVEG!

Been thinking alot about reveging I would pull clones , when you get some shoots and restart.

Would like to see a follow up on the reveg.
^ Why would anyone reveg, unless its a suprise then your like DAMN! REVEG!

Been thinking alot about reveging I would pull clones , when you get some shoots and restart.

Would like to see a follow up on the reveg.
I re-veg all the time. Its not the fastest way to get things done. But sometimes I forget to take cuts, or don't take cuts of every pheno. And if a pheno stands out I sometimes it's the only way. And if done right she can come back twice as big.
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I have nothing but massive amounts of respect for you! Ive had a lots of different weed species pop up in my soil but never mushrooms. You are my icon for today.