Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014


I've been trimming since 10am. I need to roll some Bubba Kush and get back to that groovy feeling and back to the most mind numbing monotonous tedious job I've ever done. . ever.
I'm reconsidering growing beasties, too much fricken trimming.
I feed Matisse at 3pm....that's when I'll start trimming, again. Maybe.
lol "wax on...wax off"....
I'm not smoking one joint until PUrkle is dried and weighed. I want to get a very accurate weight. Same goes for POG. They were my biggest plants.

The USA channel is showing Law & Order: SVU, all day. I've been listening to one pervert story after another. I kinda got into trimming while getting lost in daytime drama.
I think I'll watch a Hitchcock film for my next trim session. Rear Window, I think.
I haven't posted in this thread for a while. You guys did great this year. I didn't feel like comparing my quarter pounders with you guys multi-pounders. It's like walking into the locker room with the littlest dick and letting it hang out. Anyways, I'll be in San Diego next week if any of you wanna meet up I'll bring a little taste of Hawaii with me, pm me if your in the area, Aloha

Your dank is always worth looking at. Hey PM when your in town,see if we can grab some lunch or something.
She's beautiful, TWS... I am so sorry.
A wise cowboy I know told me animals don't fear death, they fear pain. I think its true but not very consoling to us humans.
My sympathies to you and your family.

I remembering you saying this to JJ and it really is helping keeping me as strong as possible. This is the second time in my life that I have had to do this. I will be doing it by myself. I think it's easier on me and the family.
I remembering you saying this to JJ and it really is helping keeping me as strong as possible. This is the second time in my life that I have had to do this. I will be doing it by myself. I think it's easier on me and the family.

It is hard for me to come up with words when it pertains to animals so I fall back to that tidbit I found comforting.
What you have to do tomorrow is the kindest most loving tribute to Babes anyone could do.
Big huge hug.
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So so sorry,

Just had to do this with our LB girl.. We stayed with her the whole time. The vet was great, he gave her something to put her asleep first, like they do before surgery, then once asleep they gave her what sent her to Kitty heaven..

Hurts my heart still.. If you need someone to go with YA, I'm not to far but if you want to do it alone I tottaly understand..

Very sad night at home today. We will be saying good by to Babes tomorrow. We love you girl.

Very sad night at home today. We will be saying good by to Babes tomorrow. We love you girl.

I had to put my Dog Nina down bout a yr ago due to cancer.. we got er as a stray. An she was def. An the first thing the cancer took from her was her eye sight slowly.. an watching her suffer was the worse ever, i didn't want to put er down an lose my best friend an pal, but i couldn't let er be in pain an suffer. Was the hardest thing I ever did, puting my best friend down. But after it was done I knew it was the right thing.. My condolences go out to you.. i know the feeling an pain of loss of a best friend..
Thanks Flkeys. FMily said he would go with me too but it just makes it harder for me when someone else is there and sympathetic.. I would be more of a mess.. I can't stay with her while it happens. Im a big baby. I want to be with her but it hurts.
I had to put my Dog Nina down bout a yr ago due to cancer.. we got er as a stray. An she was def. An the first thing the cancer took from her was her eye sight slowly.. an watching her suffer was the worse ever, i didn't want to put er down an lose my best friend an pal, but i couldn't let er be in pain an suffer. Was the hardest thing I ever did, puting my best friend down. But after it was done I knew it was the right thing.. My condolences go out to you.. i know the feeling an pain of loss of a best friend..

thank you. I know time heals the heart but I still have Problems from our Beagle we had to put down early in life about 5 years ago. We have two more dogs and I don't think we will have any more
why are pet fish so easy to let go ? lol. Man Ive killed my share of fish and birds on accident. from going on vaction and not feeding the fish to blowing remote control airplane exhaust on the finches.
:sad: my favorite love bird, before we left on vacation I put a paper towel tube in his cage to play with and he crawled inside and got stuck and probably had a heart attack.:-( This dog shit sucks .:roll:
TWS sorry for your loss brother, but dont let that stop you from having some more of the most amazing creatures ever. They can make you happy, cry, and everything in between. All my life since I was a babe we had 3-4 around constantly and though it hurt like fck everytime we had to let one go, there happened to be another beautiful soul to replace him/her a little later. I love dogs as they are very soothing, help you relax, & smile.

Edit: fkn hell that set off the emotions. Healthy to feel love though...