Anyone remember -- Johnny Apple Seed?


Well-Known Member
Great old story about how Apples became prevelant in the U.S.A.

We should follow suit with Cannibis!

if 10's of thousands of plants started showing up in every state the GOVT & LEO would be lost.

First the price on the street would collapse because of the surplus in supply, then GOVT & LEO would exhaust itself trying to deal with the issue.

Finally they would have to accept that they can't pull up every plant and every garden.

Anyone remember Victory Gardens?

We have the ability to force the law to change.
Just Sayin.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I meant the original.

Perhaps my idea is not new and the Board had its own J.Appleseed.

Still say If plants showed up all over I mean everywhere, we could overwhelm the Negative response to cannibis.

My 81 year old Mom, voted pro amendment 2 in Florida.


Well-Known Member
Yay mom!

But they would just spend our tax dollars on some task force to pluck everything

Very very likely , they will just borrow another few billion from china (our enemy), That we dont have and likely never will

I find auto seeds self seed very well , I grew a seed crop this year, now I have a second sizeable crop going that self seeded

Ever hear about 'seed bombs' mix seed with a handfull of moist clay and toss where ever it's likely to grow