have u tried spraying with "mollasses/milk/water" solution?
I see this horrible concoction recommended every now and then. Why on earth would you want sour rotting milk smelling mould infested bud? Because this is what you will get. Milk, raw organic matter, a day in the sun is enough to get some nasty stuff happening, molasses, basic sugar, great food for any quick bad microbe already present, definitely going to speed up your fermentation that will be going down. It is the latter that produces microbes that are capable of battling molds and fungi, but you don't want the process happening on the plant. Those things, milk, molasses, and water, are three of the four ingredients needed to produce a lactobacillus or lactic acid bacteria serum. Simply combining them and spraying borders on the ludicrous. What is the point of an organic measure that ruins the bud? Personally I cant recommend LAB enough, it really beats down any mold. But put the week it takes to make it properly into making it properly. Alternatively, soak some Bokashi in water for an hour or two, strain and spray. Or make a Bokashi tea, dilite and spray. You make a Bokashi tea just like ACT but with bokashi instead of EWC. Or get a bottle of EM-1 and use that. These are all methods to supply an abundance of a competitive microbe, not simply supplying food stock and hoping that the lactobacillus breeds faster than the mold. I apologise for jumping on you with this one, but i do feel your recommendation was not very well thought through. Organic technologies are more within grasp than any other, but we still neednto apply them properly. Working with microbes against microbes you want to have as pure amculture as possible, always.