Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
I've got a delima and need some opinions. On one hand I've got my best friend of over 12 yrs. On the other is her boyfriend who I've become pretty close with over the last couple yrs. She's cheating on him. He suspects it and is asking questions. I've been playing dumb but he's a really good dude who does a lot for her and doesn't deserve that shit. Do I say something or let it play out? I hate seeing my buddy being fucked over but I've known her longer and she's kept plenty of my dirt to herself. Any advice?
Somethings are better off left alone.


Ursus marijanus
You chose your time brilliantly. Requsting a vegan dinner from a polar bear is a bit of a non-starter. but as an honorary Pinworm I can feed you better, uhm, stuff. Howzabout some nice Malai Kofta to go with much beer?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Gorgeous! You know I've never had cookies. I've got some cali connection 'cookies' or whatever passed for cookies LOL. So maybe one day.

if drinking beer and doing a paper on fetal alcohol syndrome is wrong id ont wanna be right LOL
@cannabineer @curious2garden mommmm daddd where r u :(

i request dinner!
OMG you really ARE my daughter!

I was out at the local brewery like an hour before they opened. Turns out I hadn't set the car clock back an hour. The bartender walks up and is not all the surprised to see us! I'm still pondering the meaning of that! So apparently we were both on the beer wavelength at the same time!

<insert twilight zone theme here>

Oh and young lady I'm still waiting on a picture of that ice cream cake LOL!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Might I recommend the Pure Afghan? It's been biologically tested for not feeling large parts of anatomy!
Really, dude, you just called me a cockroach? ummmmmmm huh? Yeah you've got the hub's back.

He just destroyed the only extra IEC320C14 I had. I soldered the hair sized stuff and he 'offered' to do the large connector. 24+ years on heavies and he melts my connector!

shit shit shit...... fuck ...... sigh.... Yeah I am a roach, you had it right... someone please step on me now!