Making alcohol tincture first time~


Well-Known Member
your supposed to soak bud for weeks at a time in GLYCERIN. like mentioned quick wash is what u want to do, then dry it and add back desired amount of alcohol to hash. im about to do this in few weeks, do you really have to take a 1 ounce shot? lol i was kinda hoping for a full dropper (1-5ml) or few drops like lets get the testing started then shall we :D

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
you can just search cannabis alcohol tincture and find MANY more articles... long story short, if done properly, you can just put a drop or two under your tongue to absorb arterially .... riding a cloud minutes later:)
1oz SBC 192 proof solvent 8-16-14 012.jpg

This oil or tincture, is slightly diluted with grain alcohol to keep it in a liquid state to be useable in a small vial with a dropper. This vial is a small 4 dram size. It required 1 ounce of top shelf buds to almost fill the 4 dram vial. Keeping in mind the concentrate is slightly diluted with alcohol. 28 to 30 grams of premium bud converted to less than 4 grams of oil/tincture.

2 small droplets on the tongue, once per day, everyday. I take it in the morning and I will wake up the next morning still buzzing good. Just 2 tiny drops per day last me over 24 hours. 1 drop per day using my oil that was winterized.

QWET-ND_Sap 11-2-14 025.jpg

QWET-ND_Sap 11-2-14 027.jpg

I used to use RSO but no more. I consider that more of a low grade oil. Why? One reason, HEAT. No heat, heat bad. How do I decarb my oil? Super old school. Maybe thousands of years old. Actually, it is quite simple. I put the oil into a vial, only half full, then place that sealed vial in someplace dark. I let it sit for 100 days. Then B I N G O! Naturally decarbed concentrate. For some reason with the naturally decarbed oil the buzz last twice as long as RSO.

Medicinally speaking, this oil is far superior to concentrates that utilize heat for decarbing. Basically any heat above room temperature the terpenes and other medicinal properties evaporate out. I believe even some CBDs evaporate out above room temperature. These terpenes and such are very valuable medicine, they can make the difference between life and death in my opinion.

I make this pretty much the same as RSO doing a quick frozen extract with alcohol. I just use a fan to air evaporate the solvent off. Shown above, the concentrate was made using 192 proof polish vodka.

I have taken a lot of oils and have been for more than 4 years. I haven't had any oil that compared to the naturally decarbed sap. It is noticeable in the buzz, medicinally, and mentally. I truly notice the difference in the medicinal properties between the different oils. Like I said, nothing has come close to the ND Sap I make, you can make it too.


Well-Known Member
Grow Goddess, I need to try your natural decarbing method, sounds great. While heating is quick, I suspect the decomposition of the THC is quick too. I made drops before, but I used oil that I had made the year before, so it was probably naturally decarbed. The oil was similar to RSO, but made with an alcohol reflux process that never went above 110°F.

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
I had some buds sitting around on a plant I never finished trimming and made some edibles with the naturally decarbed stuff, much better then tryn to decarb with heat, good tip
Good idea.

I think if I were to make something with buds (medibles), I would use buds that have been naturally decarbed like you mention. Preferably dried out and sealed in a jar for 3 or 4 months. I would try to avoid the buds ever seeing heat.

I would look at my grinder as if it were a pepper mill LOL. Sprinkle onto pizza or over a plate of pasta. Then all of the nutritional and medicinal properties of the buds would be there.

Never tried it, but I think I might just do it in the near future. I have some buds that should be naturally decarbed.

The only thing stopping me is I hesitate to not take my dose of oil! :D
I made two batches of tincture for the first time yesterday. I read a variety of techniques and opinions (and are there a lot of them!), and this is what I did:

-chopped up my bud in my cuisinart
-decarbed it
-put it into a mason jar
-poured Everclear 181 over the top of it, covering it plus 1/2 inch over top
-stored in my closet to do its thing

Additional notes:
-There was tons o' kief clinging inside Cuisinart, so I scraped that as clean as I could - waste not want not. ;)
-I read that if you were using fresh bud that the tincture would be stronger, so instead of 1/4" Everclear over top
of leaf/bud, I poured 1/2" . I will find out if this was a good idea in a few weeks.
-I scraped "a little" of the kief into each jar before adding the Everclear.
-One Jar was made w/ Agent Orange, the other Blueberry.

I can hardly wait until it's done!
Disgusting! You will get so much green goo it will taste like poo. Soaking in any high proof grain or iso will take out lots of bad tasting matter. Period
You would be much better off doing it the way most do.

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
Disgusting! You will get so much green goo it will taste like poo. Soaking in any high proof grain or iso will take out lots of bad tasting matter. Period
You would be much better off doing it the way most do.
What you say is true, but also false just the same.

All I have worked with is alcohol. Just one basic filtering with no winterizing.

Quick wash with 99% iso, and top notch buds.

Decarbed RSO
First picture, High grade left, low grade right. Each about the same potency
2013_03190056.jpg 2013_03190064-cropped.jpg Premium RSO 2013_0330-15.jpg RSO 2013.jpg 2013_03190036.jpg

Non Decarbed QWISO
QWISO 2013_11150018.jpg QWISO 2013_11150022.jpg QWISO 2013_11160002.jpg QWISO-KISS strain selection 2014_03290006.jpg

Winterized QWISO
QWISO hash winterized 4-2-14 020.jpg

All produced with alcohol...

I usually make 30 or more grams at one time. At least with the RSO, and a couple batches of the QWISO.

Been taking it 4 years straight now, no going back.

Although now I am using Naturally Decarbed oil, also made with alcohol. Looks with the naturally decarbed oil does not mean much to me. The medicinal qualities are very noticeable. The quality and length of the buzz is also very noticeable.

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
did u soak for 2 weeks?
I have tried it, only once, will never do that again. Aside from the nasty taste and all, the buzz was not what I was looking for. Crawled to bed and every 5 minutes or so having major panic attacks. This went on for a good 4 or 5 hours. It was a very bad trip.

I do quick 1 to 3 minute washes now, which is what I show in the pictures on my previous post. I usually wash the material up to 3 times for a batch of oil.