Herbies Vs Attitude

That sucks. I don't believe seed banks have much control about bunk seeds. Figured that should all be on the breeder.

Mind you if a seed bank doesn't sell a certain strain for a long time and its been on the shelf for years, then I could see it being the seed banks responsiblity to clear out old inventory (freebies?). And get new/fresh stock.

And of course they nor the breeder have control on the method being used to germinate them. User ends responsiblity to do it correctly.

Blame the breeder not the bank if best buy sells you a shitty Viewsonic TV, do you blame the middle man or the manufacturer? Fucking people need to learn who's responsible
That sucks. I don't believe seed banks have much control about bunk seeds. Figured that should all be on the breeder.

Mind you if a seed bank doesn't sell a certain strain for a long time and its been on the shelf for years, then I could see it being the seed banks responsiblity to clear out old inventory (freebies?). And get new/fresh stock.

And of course they nor the breeder have control on the method being used to germinate them. User ends responsiblity to do it correctly.
I was being sarcastic lol. I love Herbie's no homo
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Didn't bother reading all the rest but


I like herbies if i only want a couple/they have better selection usually (more breeders)

I like attitude for their promos...

Either way skip this month, I can almost guarantee this December you'll get 6-12 free seeds with 30/40p order

Their December and their birthday promos are the best, always a couple legit things I'd buy anyways
Either way don't forget to use promo codes on both sites

Yeah im always using promo codes, Im following them both on facebook and there always putting new codes out there. I think im going to stick with the single seed centre for now, i like how fast they came and how well the seeds look.
now it's 12/16 lol

I ordered a total of 9 seeds from the single seed centre, it was 11 total with the two freebies. I went out and bought a germinating heating mat yesterday morning, I used the paper towel method and started to germinate 7 seeds. Its only been 24 hours and 7 have germinated even one of the freebies they gave me.. I just popped them in dirt a sec ago, The root was at least a half inch on each one. Im guessing the heating mat really does work well. Im going to germinate the other 4 next week. im hoping my herbies order comes by then so i can have 7 more to pop. If not ill just do the 4 for now. I will most definitely be ordering from the single seed centre again, I wanna try that dark devil. I've been hearing good things.
I know some dont have good results via germination but i honestly think its just on there end. I've been reading up on seeds and what there exactly made of and its helped a lot with germination. Once i found that out i just figured if i made a good enough enviroment for the seeds they will all germinate and i guess i was right. Seeds are made of 3 parts. 1 shell, 2 food supply and 3 embryo. The shell prevents sprouting until the proper growing conditions exist, after finding that out i figured if my seeds dont germinate maybe the enviroment isnt ideal. So i've made the perfect germination station, and im hoping to keep results high. All though there are plenty of bad seeds i just believe that any seed can be germinated. Someone correct me if im wrong.
The green tape of shameeeee from some dudes at the attitudes. Got the form n shit too. Any harm in using the reship option? I read a scary story, but never know if they're trollin.
Never heard any stories. Always a first though. Lots of ppl here reship and get their seeds with no problems. Sometimes you might get another green tape package as well. Re-ship or refund.

If your worried, take the refund and go to a different bank. Lots of other reputable seed banks and less reports of packages be intercepted @ the border.
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The green tape of shameeeee from some dudes at the attitudes. Got the form n shit too. Any harm in using the reship option? I read a scary story, but never know if they're trollin.

I chose the reship option because i was hearing so many good reviews. When i contacted customer service i asked if they could resend the package to the same address but under a different name. I FINALLY received my herbies order yesterday. Once i saw that it was no green tape i knew i was a winner!:)

Herbies order finally came in the mail yesterday. They resent it october 29th, so it took approximately 8 working days. They resent it using a completely different method which i wont disclosure. I was actually surprised, It was much better than the bead method. Im glad i trusted you guys and had it resent.
wel, swim chose random shipping option and it was worse then any of the other options.did you get a slip from isc cust ?
I chose the reship option because i was hearing so many good reviews. When i contacted customer service i asked if they could resend the package to the same address but under a different name. I FINALLY received my herbies order yesterday. Once i saw that it was no green tape i knew i was a winner!:)
My last order arrived crushed, sent them a picture and they sent out an extra set with double freebies.

Attitude seeds has always been good to me. Herbies has also been good to me but I don't feel that their freebies entice me to use them.
That's how I feel too. Attitudes freebies and promos are usually more enticing, so they get the nod over Herbies.

So far the freebies have treated me amazingly well, I like to stick one or two or three into the run and get some variances in what I will be smoking. Since it takes quite a while to go from seed to harvest it is like a super treat to have something different to smoke. I don't buy my smoke from anyone really, I may get some concentrates but that is only because im still a newbie at making hash.
Blame the breeder not the bank if best buy sells you a shitty Viewsonic TV, do you blame the middle man or the manufacturer? Fucking people need to learn who's responsible

You said it yourself. If you buy a "shitty" view sonic tv who do you blame. Well you can blame view sonic for putting out a shitty tv.

Depends on where you buy it and the return policy and warranty on the purchased set. If you buy a poor/shitty quality tv that has known issues then you can blame yourself for buying a tv known to have issues and can also blame the company for selling a poor quality set.

Some places don't have any warranties and its up to the manufacturer to repair the tv within the 1 year warranty period.

Some places have different return policies. So it can very.

I guess it depends on where you buy your seeds from weather they have a germination guarentee?

Some breeders are known to have poor germination rates on there seeds.

I gave a few different examples on different circumstances that can be factored in. I would talk to the seed bank first and if they won't replace then I would go to the breeder.

Not sure if you were agreeing or disagreeing with me ;)