Fat Chicks <3

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, some of them truly cannot help it.So why assume you know the cause?I think it's more disgusting to let yourself get awful on the inside.
Because it is just plain disgusting to let yourself go that bad. It's even more disgusting that they make excuses for it.
Well, at least you're honest about it.
and yes, I would make fun of people like that behind their backs. I'm not going to lie.


New Member
You know, I've seen groups of folks huddled around, chuckling away and making comments as a very large women went by...and it's fucking awful....would they make fun of a person with visible tumors?Are they deaf because theyre fat?Do they have no feelings?Don't you think they know how they look?

How can you even compare tumors with obesity? Obesity is 100% preventable and fixable.. But they choose to just feel sorry for themselves instead of doing something about it. If they can't love themselves enough to take care of themselves, then I refuse to have pity for them.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Because some obesity is not a product of over eating.So you're assuming that every fat person did it to themselves.It's misinformation, starvation, fad diets,you don't think these folks have tried them?And it just throws their bodies into a starvation cycle...the body stores fat when they resume normal eating...and it stockpiles.Who would choose to feel like shit all day?
How can you even compare tumors with obesity? Obesity is 100% preventable and fixable.. But they choose to just feel sorry for themselves instead of doing something about it. If they can't love themselves enough to take care of themselves, then I refuse to have pity for them.


New Member
It's not like I would laugh in their faces.... I just don't pity them. I make fun of everyone, and I think it's funny when people make fun of me, too. It's just they could have done something before it got that bad...

and I don't really buy into the whole medical conditions excuse. Maybe in some cases, that is plausible, but most people will choose 'I have a medical condition' over 'I'm lazy and I am too depressed to stop eating cake'


Well-Known Member
haha i used to be a fat kid...and i lost like 25 pounds in less than a year

i see this as the excuse for me to make fun of fat people. i know what its like...and will never go down that road again. besides, if fat chicks didn't get fun made of them, there would be more of them that go down the easy road. you don't have to be supermodel skinny, but when you haven't seen you vag in more than a year its time to set down the pork rinds.

...and now let the thread continue on the direction towards hairy girls...

please spare me pictures of naked girls that look like they have a fucking chinchilla in between their legs.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Always the teaser huh miss mcfried???????
But if you have no pity for them because they brought it on themselves...if you follow that line of thinking then I guess folks with lung cancer who smoked cigarettes deserve no pity either?Most of these people will die from being obese.You're laughing at a person living on borrowed time.I'm not ragging at you, I just want you to think about it.
It's not like I would laugh in their faces.... I just don't pity them. I make fun of everyone, and I think it's funny when people make fun of me, too. It's just they could have done something before it got that bad...

I agree.But since we don't know, why assume?and I don't really buy into the whole medical conditions excuse. Maybe in some cases, that is plausible, but most people will choose 'I have a medical condition' over 'I'm lazy and I am too depressed to stop eating cake'
So did I...and I wasnt even that fat...but the taunts and the torture will be remembered forever.Not everyone who is fat overeats.Many undereat.Many don't leave their house and get proper exercise because there are assholes yelling hey fatty fatty.That isn't right.
haha i used to be a fat kid...and i lost like 25 pounds in less than a year

i see this as the excuse for me to make fun of fat people. i know what its like...and will never go down that road again. besides, if fat chicks didn't get fun made of them, there would be more of them that go down the easy road. you don't have to be supermodel skinny, but when you haven't seen you vag in more than a year its time to set down the pork rinds.

...and now let the thread continue on the direction towards hairy girls...

Every man should be able to handle a natural vagina, lol.please spare me pictures of naked girls that look like they have a fucking chinchilla in between their legs.
always the sex with you;)
You know what to do with a Fat chic..?

You flip em over on their belly .. Most of the time the back is Flat...


Well-Known Member
I could take 1 of them to tijuana and come back with a pound or 2 hid inside her!!!!!!Is it just me or do they all look like they want to whip youre ass!!!!!!
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