"service economy" jobs pay far less than manufacturing jobs.
when good paying jobs are offshored to escape confiscatory taxation, over-regulation, and the total lack of tariffs and import taxes, the net result is lower wages across the board.
add in huge numbers of unskilled labourers from other nations competing for those same Mcjobs, and the wages are depressed even further.
a rising tide lifts all boats... unless the left drills holes in our hull and dumps concrete in our bilge.
the schemes instituted by YOUR side (and some rascals who claim to be on my side too, of course) have scuttled our economy, and it will continue to sink.
those with wealth and Capital are insulated from the economic meltdown (for now) and thus are not going broke, and some are even profiting by it, through the very Offshoring you claim to despise, yet your favoured policies make it inevitable.
but by all means, focus on your "unfairness" nonsense, rather than the actual causes and the only realistic solutions