Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
Stopped name calling,in HS.Sry Woody. you just dont get it I ask no one for nothing.I do everything 110p.
I do not lie.You are not perfect,I am not.No one is! I can not tell you what other members and I PM.

But,No has nothing to do with the member you mentioned.This is the last thing I will ever... ever... "SAY To YOU".
if that dont stick what is it?........ why you gonna come at me for no flippin reason..... I don't know you.......


Well-Known Member
Hey bro Somebeech is cool as shit in my book, IDK what the beef is between the two of you. But RIU is not a place to fight. Somebeech may come of as a dick or rude sometimes, but he really isn't trying, thats just how he is sometimes. Just relax, take a dab and shot. It will all be alright.
I don't know what it is either...... been asking.... gets frustrating....