Mohican's 2014 Season

Last of the 2014 seeds have been collected and I made another nice batch of oil with the JIlly Bean.

Hey Mo. I have 2 plants left that I really dont feel like trimming. I was thinking of making either keif or hash. Should I dry it or freeze it fresh? I have seen both ways and was wondering which you and the thread prefer. I guess I could make butter/oil too. Undecided. Thanks

Yes - a meat grinder. I bought the beef from Albertsons and Costco. I ground up some Rib Eye steaks and I also tried some sirloin. The sirloin was too dry for burgers. The Rib eye made burgers that tasted like steak! I made the spaghetti sauce with some of the frozen ground sirloin.

I liked fresh unfrozen the best for making ice water hash. I have not tried fresh for dry ice or kief. For both of those I used well dried buds.

I put some of the Jilly Bean oil on my face and licked my finger and also put some in my coffee. Much racier than the Jesus OG oil.

The JB oil smelled so good while it was cooking. It smelled like coconut orange yeast bread! You could smell it outside strongly and I wonder what the neighbors thought I was making :)
It is harder to make seeds than they make it sound. Unless you have a male in the middle of your grow for two months!


It's funny you say that because I was kind of thinking about doing that. Although it would be indoors and I don't think that is best way to go about it since there will probably be pollen everywhere after. Plan would be to make sieve with that entire crop while collecting the seeds. Then again I have no idea what I am talking about and am still a long ways off from getting into breeding. Love your seed pics BTW.
Yes - a meat grinder. I bought the beef from Albertsons and Costco. I ground up some Rib Eye steaks and I also tried some sirloin. The sirloin was too dry for burgers. The Rib eye made burgers that tasted like steak! I made the spaghetti sauce with some of the frozen ground sirloin.

I liked fresh unfrozen the best for making ice water hash. I have not tried fresh for dry ice or kief. For both of those I used well dried buds.

Ok Thanks. So minor trimming of fan leaves and hang to dry. GT
Made some more coconut oil with the Jilly Bean buds this time:

Cooked the flowers in the oil at 160-170 for 3 hours:

Drained out the solids:

@Mo Where did you get that digital thermometer? I have been looking for one of those. Also the metal strainer. Are you still using coconut oil? What happened when you rubbed the oil on your face?

Do you make your butter the same way or do you use the crock pot? Have you compared the stove top once cooker for 3 hrs to the one where you additionally cook it in the oven? what was the difference? Sorry for all the questions but I have read a lot about this but never done it so I dont want to mess it up. Thanks again. GT
It is harder to make seeds than they make it sound. Unless you have a male in the middle of your grow for two months!

Actually pretty easy. There is so much pollen which you can collect and paint on the pistils or bag a branch with pollen in it. I had a male one time and kept it on the other side of my yard. It pollinated all the early females and the first calyxes of the plants. What is hard is not to pollinate too much so you don't end up with all seeded flowers. GT