The real racists.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Are you one?

“Poor black kids trapped in failing neighborhoods schools, that’s the biggest race problem of today,” Rice said. Her comments were in response to a recent court ruling in California that said teacher tenure violates children’s civil rights.

According to Condi Rice, real racism is being perpetuated by contemporary liberals who defend teachers’ unions that keep minority children trapped in failing schools in predominantly poor neighborhoods.

“That’s the biggest civil rights issue of today. Anybody who isn’t in favor of school choice, anybody who isn’t in favor of educational reform, anybody who defends the status quo in the educational system, that’s racist to me,” said Rice who is currently a professor of political science at Stanford University.
Which political philosophy is aligned with unions and covets power above all else, certainly above the fates of poor children?

it's a rhetorical question. Look inward. Answer to your own conscience.
Republicans were more left than democrats back in the day, they abolished slavery, pushed for equal rights and pushed through the ammendment in the constitution to say all people, including blacks are created equally, they also pushed the woman's vote forward and made changes to labour laws benefitting workers. That was then and this is now and the Republican Party is now a sad caricature of itself in the past.
I never joined any racist group.

where is your pride?

I received an invite. I accepted out of courtesy.

Republicans were more left than democrats back in the day, they abolished slavery, pushed for equal rights and pushed through the ammendment in the constitution to say all people, including blacks are created equally, they also pushed the woman's vote forward and made changes to labour laws benefitting workers. That was then and this is now and the Republican Party is now a sad caricature of itself in the past.
That's what you are brainwashed into believing, so I can forgive your ignorance.
It was a republican president (GW Bush) who appointed the first black Sec of State in history and the first black woman to the same post. He also appointed the first latin american ever o Attorney General.

Let me ask you this, senator Robert Byrd (democrat) was a KKK grand wizard, did he switch to republican or remain a democrat till the day he died?

Democrats didn't miraculously turn into republicans my friend, they just went underground and are playing the game for votes.
That's what you are brainwashed into believing, so I can forgive your ignorance.
It was a republican president (GW Bush) who appointed the first black Sec of State in history and the first black woman to the same post. He also appointed the first latin american ever o Attorney General.

Let me ask you this, senator Robert Byrd (democrat) was a KKK grand wizard, did he switch to republican or remain a democrat till the day he died?

Democrats didn't miraculously turn into republicans my friend, they just went underground and are playing the game for votes.
DId Byrd renounce his views? Quit the Klan and strive towards equal rights?
Or did he go all Strom Thurmond?
For the 2003–2004 session, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)[62] rated Byrd's voting record as being 100 percent in line with the NAACP's position on the 33 Senate bills they evaluated. 16 other senators received that rating. In June 2005, Byrd proposed an additional $10 million in federal funding for the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington, D.C., remarking that, "With the passage of time, we have come to learn that his Dream was the American Dream, and few ever expressed it more eloquently."[63]
DId Byrd renounce his views? Quit the Klan and strive towards equal rights?
Or did he go all Strom Thurmond?
Byrd had to renounce his past if he wanted to stay in a public position but his racist ways leaked out from time to time and he remained a democrat till the day he died.

That's what you are brainwashed into believing, so I can forgive your ignorance.
It was a republican president (GW Bush) who appointed the first black Sec of State in history and the first black woman to the same post. He also appointed the first latin american ever o Attorney General.

Let me ask you this, senator Robert Byrd (democrat) was a KKK grand wizard, did he switch to republican or remain a democrat till the day he died?

Democrats didn't miraculously turn into republicans my friend, they just went underground and are playing the game for votes.
I'm brainwashed am I?
Your going to name a single democrat who's dead, who was a racists,
Let's count most of white America in the last 230 years then. So let's see your calling Climton, carter, Kennedy, Johnson, racists? I vote both ways or a swing voter my friend but you are obviously a hardcore right wing voter who wouldn't vote democrat if his life depended on it, I can't reason with that sort of logic sorry and by the way Nixon was a racists.
Byrd had to renounce his past if he wanted to stay in a public position

strom thurmond just had to become a republican.

ditto jesse helms.

they never renounced their racism, they just found a party that would accept it. that would be your political party.
I'm brainwashed am I?
Your going to name a single democrat who's dead, who was a racists,
Let's count most of white America in the last 230 years then. So let's see your calling Climton, carter, Kennedy, Johnson, racists? I vote both ways or a swing voter my friend but you are obviously a hardcore right wing voter who wouldn't vote democrat if his life depended on it, I can't reason with that sort of logic sorry and by the way Nixon was a racists.
And now you understand the mean comments
Btw the guy you are addressing is on his 8th account. He gets banned about once a month
Well he's way the hell out in right field, so what if GWB appointed the first African Americans to higher office it was long overdue, that kinda thinking is so backwards it's scary.