The real racists.

Here's the problem the Republican Party had such a glorious past and it was my fathers party but somehow the rich elite and fundamentalist christians somehow have hijacked it and unfortunately it's now a party of big industry and the social elite mixed in with religious zealots, religious orgs and in the mix are some crazies with extreme right wing views and throw in a dash of underlying racism and you get the modern Republican Party.
Democrats have nuts like PETA, NAACP, ultra left wing feminists and the most hated of all the politically correct police or as I refer to them as the no fun police, these folks have taken away our right to be offended or to offend and they suck! So which way do I vote? Depends on which party is pissing me off the most. They are both full of loonies and radicals.
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I'm brainwashed am I?
Your going to name a single democrat who's dead, who was a racists,
Let's count most of white America in the last 230 years then. So let's see your calling Climton, carter, Kennedy, Johnson, racists? I vote both ways or a swing voter my friend but you are obviously a hardcore right wing voter who wouldn't vote democrat if his life depended on it, I can't reason with that sort of logic sorry and by the way Nixon was a racists.
Awe, I can see from your temper that you are a hard core leftie but that's ok.
Take a guess who said "I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years"
That would be Johnson, the same Johnson on your list.

There are racists in every party, to think it's exclusive to one is ignorant..

If you were told that those old racist democrats turned republican, I have news for you, you were lied to.

I am a moderate left leaning voter and yes I have voted red before, and in 1963 all blacks were referred to as coloureds or niggers that was just how they spoke. Johnson happens to be one of my favourite presidents because he pushed through an agenda that furthered the black cause and gave them equal rights under the constitution. He sent the national gaurs down to defend their rights as American citizens to get a proper education and to integrate, he was a hard talking no nonsense president so you say what you like the history books disagree. My first love was a black womaN and she was a beautiful soul and I had to fight not only mine and her family but society in general because we were rejected so I understand racism a little better than you, experiencing it first hand and defending my love for another because White and black people are so dumb and backwards that they can't see that two hearts connected, but I certainly do know which party is less racists.
No he isn't way out in right field.
He's just some non thinking stupid racist, that gets his opinions from fright wing news
I've only had one account my friend, there's no need to perpetuate an UncleBuck lie, I thought you were an independent thinker, it's ironic that you call me the liar.

I may disagree with most of your politics, but the fact is I've never gave you grief unless I was giving it back.

And you of all people, you're the pot calling the kettle black.
You are constantly spewing radical left wing propaganda in here and have the nerve to try and marginalize me, gimme a break chesus.
Are you attempting to expose a persons real identity on a Marijuana growing forum? Why? What are your intentions? Did he upset you so bad that you're willing to bury him? Did he hurt your feelings to the point that you would like to see bad things happen to him? Are you really that sensitive?

Fucking crazy.
If that's a RUI member that's dead wrong unless he put it up there himself
I've only had one account my friend, there's no need to perpetuate an UncleBuck lie, I thought you were an independent thinker, it's ironic that you call me the liar.

I may disagree with most of your politics, but the fact is I've never gave you grief unless I was giving it back.

And you of all people, you're the pot calling the kettle black.
You are constantly spewing radical left wing propaganda in here and have the nerve to try and marginalize me, gimme a break chesus.
It's ok I read your profile and figured it was impossible for you to be here 8 times and have that many posts. And your join date didn't correspond with that info either. But I still disagree with your politics
It's ok I read your profile and figured it was impossible for you to be here 8 times and have that many posts. And your join date didn't correspond with that info either. But I still disagree with your politics

i went to draw a dick on his avatar the other day and wanted a slightly larger image of it. it sent me right to his twitter and everything else.

in one of his facebook pics, he is standing in front of the same neon corona sign he bragged about getting for xmas last year.

he's on his second account. his first was beenthere.
If that's a RUI member that's dead wrong unless he put it up there himself

There are several people here who take pride in exposing the true identities of those who wish to remain hidden. They gain satisfaction in seeing peoples lives ruined.
There are several people here who take pride in exposing the true identities of those who wish to remain hidden. They gain satisfaction in seeing peoples lives ruined.

if i wanted to ruin his life, i easily could in any number of sick, twisted ways.

i prefer a simple laugh at his expense instead.
i went to draw a dick on his avatar the other day and wanted a slightly larger image of it. it sent me right to his twitter and everything else.

in one of his facebook pics, he is standing in front of the same neon corona sign he bragged about getting for xmas last year.

he's on his second account. his first was beenthere.

So you feel you are doing some kind of service by exposing him? How do you justify your actions? Let me guess, they deserve it. Right?
if i wanted to ruin his life, i easily could in any number of sick, twisted ways.

i prefer a simple laugh at his expense instead.

Is that why you keep trying to convince people that I am a member who is on Federal Probation? Do you have any idea what could possibly happen in that type of situation? Do you even care? Would it make you laugh to see someone taken away from their family, again?
So you feel you are doing some kind of service by exposing him? How do you justify your actions? Let me guess, they deserve it. Right?

i never exposed him in the least. his own avatar exposes him. i didn't post a thing i found, and believe me, there are some fucking gems.

think piss stained carpets in his tiny apartment.
Is that true? how can pot smokers be such dicks?
I think there's an asshole test in order here. If you've ever exposed anyone here you deserve nothing but disdain and should be banned in my opinion.
Just my two cents
Is that true? how can pot smokers be such dicks?
I think there's an asshole test in order here. If you've ever exposed anyone here you deserve nothing but disdain and should be banned in my opinion.
Just my two cents

one member exposed all my shit once and even dropped a line to some skinheads in my area telling them where me and my jewish wife lived right at outdoor harvest time.

none of the righties made a peep about it. the racists here stick together.

you'll see it soon enough.

wanna hear a story of how i ran off a white nationalist without exposing him?
Is that why you keep trying to convince people that I am a member who is on Federal Probation? Do you have any idea what could possibly happen in that type of situation? Do you even care? Would it make you laugh to see someone taken away from their family, again?
look who you're addressing
