What Am I Missin?

Hey guys and gals. So the tent is wrappes, and I'm about to hang the light. Going with a One plant Dwc Scrog. Then I realize it is gonna be a bitch trying to change water once the tent is up so Im gonna have to make a reservoir to feed the 5 gallon bucket. I have the buckets, tubing, air pump and airstones. What all do I need to fill my plant bucket.


Well-Known Member
I did a remote res for the same reason, I wanted keep the res water in the cooler air outside of the tent and I did not want to deal with lifting pots in a screen. You can also get a gromet for the bottom of the bucket and a barbed elbow and include a fill tube. This would allow you to both monitor the water level externally, and you can connect to the tube to fill the res.

If you do an external res, you will want to have the buckets inside of the tent be slightly elevated so the flow back to the external res. I am switching after this grow to an ebb and flow ststem so I can get a bonch of smaller plants instead of a couple large ones. Less veg time.
I did a remote res for the same reason, I wanted keep the res water in the cooler air outside of the tent and I did not want to deal with lifting pots in a screen. You can also get a gromet for the bottom of the bucket and a barbed elbow and include a fill tube. This would allow you to both monitor the water level externally, and you can connect to the tube to fill the res.

If you do an external res, you will want to have the buckets inside of the tent be slightly elevated so the flow back to the external res. I am switching after this grow to an ebb and flow ststem so I can get a bonch of smaller plants instead of a couple large ones. Less veg time.
Thanks for your reply! My next question may be a dumb one but I gotta ask. For a 5 gallon lowes bucket, what sizes would you recommend for the grommet, barbed elbow and fill tube?


Well-Known Member
1/2" is fine. Just make sure you get a bulkhead grommet and the barbed elbow to match so you done have leaks.


Active Member
You could add a pump inside your res dedicated to pumping out old "nutes". Even if you leave a little bit of old nutes in the bucket; A fresh batch will blend it all and be good.