Cooking soil help


Well-Known Member
My soil has been cooking since 10/28. all the way up until yesterday there was heat coming from soil. I read this is good however yesterday the heat went away and the soil is a much more even temperature.

Is this normal for 2 weeks cook time? also should I be stirring my cooking bins and if so how often?
also i made enough soil to sustain my grow for 2 months. is it ok to let cooked mixes sitt for up to 3 months before use?? or should i make smaller batches every few weeks (perpetual grow, 5500Watts, i usually start new plants every 10 days into flower).
thanks all my organic teachers!
My soil has been cooking since 10/28. all the way up until yesterday there was heat coming from soil. I read this is good however yesterday the heat went away and the soil is a much more even temperature.

Is this normal for 2 weeks cook time? also should I be stirring my cooking bins and if so how often?
also i made enough soil to sustain my grow for 2 months. is it ok to let cooked mixes sitt for up to 3 months before use?? or should i make smaller batches every few weeks (perpetual grow, 5500Watts, i usually start new plants every 10 days into flower).
thanks all my organic teachers!
yes youre fine, when it cools and smells like freshearth it is ready... but,you Can definitely let it cook/cure longer.! longer the better...
hey update on my soil. checked it today andeverything smells nice and looks like soil?? however i found 2 little taproots going out of something. Im hopeing its just some seed that came with the steer manure?? and i am hopeing it means good things about the soil. any thoughts?
sounds like you're good to go, GM.

yeah, steer manure could have a lot of .. life incl. seeds and bacteria, lol, but we using it.. +diversity

if unsure its done, could always inoculate with vc aact or compost tea to re-boost, finish cycling/mellowing things

if its finished, or you're almost for sure, could always do ph test of the supersoil/ its run off.

test one transplant if you can
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sounds like you're good to go, G-machine. but a test would be best. and yea..steer manure could have a lot of .. life. lol. we endorse it though. diversity very goooo
I bought this one a while ago. It was cheap. Do you think will be sufficient or do you have other products to recommend?


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rock what you got, why not see what it says, G. upgrade on the fly.. I've been straying from ph tests being a coco guy but now after reading teaming wit microbes, i think the more you can know the better. then you can use green/brown mulches, compost, and aerated brews to develop and alter the food webs, making them more or less fungal/bacterial, depending how the strain likes to live and get its N, etc. Usually both is the way to go. Synergy
rock what you got, why not see what it says, G. upgrade on the fly.. I've been straying from ph tests being a coco guy but now after reading teaming wit microbes, i think the more you can know the better. then you can use green/brown mulches, compost, and aerated brews to develop and alter the food webs, making them more or less fungal/bacterial, depending how the strain likes to live and get its N, etc. Usually both is the way to go. Synergy
I plan to use this supersoil in conjunction with layers and spikes. Ewc teas and lots of microbe life! I have teaming with microbes in my cart on amazon. Hope to read soon. I enjoyed "true living organics" by the rev. Yeah, ph is something I hope to not worry about anymore! I just wish the test for n p k were more scientific readings instead of the, adequate, sufficient, surplus. I feel it's probable not suited for cannibus,
hey update on my soil. checked it today andeverything smells nice and looks like soil?? however i found 2 little taproots going out of something. Im hopeing its just some seed that came with the steer manure?? and i am hopeing it means good things about the soil. any thoughts?
If seeds are sprouting it's a good sign. Chuck a test plant in if you're keen - maybe a $1 plant from the local garden shop if you have nothing else.

Don't bother with layers and spikes - they seem pretty gimmicky. Good soil with plenty of life; you'll be fine.
If seeds are sprouting it's a good sign. Chuck a test plant in if you're keen - maybe a $1 plant from the local garden shop if you have nothing else.

Don't bother with layers and spikes - they seem pretty gimmicky. Good soil with plenty of life; you'll be fine.
i have a cat that sits like that, but I've never been able to get him to grip a bong!! classic.

and yea i prefer spikes and layers if u had no time to mellow a mix, but to each their own!! I'm sure you're gonna have a good run
If seeds are sprouting it's a good sign. Chuck a test plant in if you're keen - maybe a $1 plant from the local garden shop if you have nothing else.

Don't bother with layers and spikes - they seem pretty gimmicky. Good soil with plenty of life; you'll be fine.
Good to see someone has layers and spikes figured out. ;)

Just put super soil in bottom of pots so roots grow to it.

Hey Anzo!

I feel like this is a subtool misnomer. If you go out into nature, where is the most nutrients found, deep in the ground, or at the soil surface where things are decomposing, animals are pooping, etc? The problem is subtool adding everything but the kitchen sink to his mixes. It's way overload for the plants, often causing burning. You would be far better off working some of these nutrients into your worm bin and letting them break down way ahead of time.

Just my 2¢

Hey Anzo!

I feel like this is a subtool misnomer. If you go out into nature, where is the most nutrients found, deep in the ground, or at the soil surface where things are decomposing, animals are pooping, etc? The problem is subtool adding everything but the kitchen sink to his mixes. It's way overload for the plants, often causing burning. You would be far better off working some of these nutrients into your worm bin and letting them break down way ahead of time.

Just my 2¢

I agree i made his mix and i burned badly with going from 1.5 gallon to a 5 gal bucket that was filled of ss. After i used it and literally flushed it to keep plants from dying as they burned and burned severely bad. i had nothin left so had to reammend for next round. I then halfed my 5 gal bucket and it worked pretty good so. But yes it was a chunk of change to Make subcools mix. I wanna switch to 10 gal smart pots or etc to help w the organics and keeping it living
Hey Anzo!

I feel like this is a subtool misnomer. If you go out into nature, where is the most nutrients found, deep in the ground, or at the soil surface where things are decomposing, animals are pooping, etc? The problem is subtool adding everything but the kitchen sink to his mixes. It's way overload for the plants, often causing burning. You would be far better off working some of these nutrients into your worm bin and letting them break down way ahead of time.

Just my 2¢

I would tend to agree (and the same goes for Rev mixes). However indoors our contains are certainly not very deep in the grand scheme of things (as compared with soil horizons). If you put your rich soil mix at the bottom of the container the plant roots are going to grow into it...unless you have a container much bigger than 5 feet which would be a bit ridiculous for indoor.
Tested my ss with cheap npk an ph test. Ph was 7 on the money. N :excessive
I'm thinking of cutting it with more perlite and coco before useing? Any thoughts. I want to finish in three gallon pots.