Thanks Obama!


Well-Known Member
Because Rosetta/Philae...

failed? The ESA has been peculiarly silent since having problems getting the harpoons to "fire" (something tells me that is code for "we fucked up in thinking this was a ball of frozen, primordial soup, instead of a gawd-damned piece of a MOUNTAIN"). Saying now "we'll know more tomorrow". As someone elsewhere poignantly asked, "Why do we have to wait? Is it night-time on the comet or something?" :lol:

I don't know, though. We'll all know more in about 16 hours when they finally decide to give us another "update" (unless they postpone it...again).
But I won't be surprised to find the mission was a 10-year long PhD thesis flushed down the toilet.
Sometimes it takes great failures to shake the paradigm into submission, as opposed to great success.
The wait might be something with aligning antenna or burst transmissions.
The probe is still sending valuable info


Well-Known Member
Alright, grandparents, what's the damn difference.
I live by myself in an apartment in Los Angeles

Your ad hominem attacks aren't worth the time you spent typing them out, and certainly don't invalidate any of my points

Where is the proof of me "snitching" on another member? It's been a day and a half, are you going to present it for me to examine or are you going to show yourself to be a liar to try to score internet points?


Well-Known Member
I live by myself in an apartment in Los Angeles

Your ad hominem attacks aren't worth the time you spent typing them out, and certainly don't invalidate any of my points

Where is the proof of me "snitching" on another member? It's been a day and a half, are you going to present it for me to examine or are you going to show yourself to be a liar to try to score internet points?
How do you manage to live by yourself in an apartment in one of the most expensive cities in the world??? I thought you were destitute earning minimum wage... Just shows how deluded Paddy is...


Well-Known Member
How do you manage to live by yourself in an apartment in one of the most expensive cities in the world??? I thought you were destitute earning minimum wage... Just shows how deluded Paddy is...
I thought the same thing, but it must be science! :lol:


Well-Known Member
How do you manage to live by yourself in an apartment in one of the most expensive cities in the world??? I thought you were destitute earning minimum wage... Just shows how deluded Paddy is...
I used to make minimum wage, like most people. I make many times more than that now, and life is awesome


Well-Known Member
Where is the proof of me "snitching" on another member, beenthere?

Why are you avoiding answering this question? Are you a liar?
Not a liar, I told you, I'm on slow down mode for UncleBuck reporting me.
I can't even use the search feature.
Is it really true that you work for minimum wage?


Well-Known Member
Not a liar, I told you, I'm on slow down mode for UncleBuck reporting me.
I can't even use the search feature.
Is it really true that you work for minimum wage?
then why did you get slowed down several days after GWN (whose name appears in 7 variations on stormfront) made clear that calling people snitches was OK and i stopped bothering to report it?



Well-Known Member
stories like that usually start out

Dear Penthouse Forum,
I never thought this would happen to me but...
That's cool, it still doesn't invalidate anything I've said. Would you like to try to refute what I've actually said instead of resorting to logical fallacies?


Well-Known Member
Not a liar, I told you, I'm on slow down mode for UncleBuck reporting me.
I can't even use the search feature.
Is it really true that you work for minimum wage?
Do it manually

If you weren't willing to do it manually, why did you bring up a claim which you knew would require proof? Are you an idiot?

I work for much more than minimum wage no matter how much you wish I didn't


Well-Known Member
Do it manually

If you weren't willing to do it manually, why did you bring up a claim which you knew would require proof? Are you an idiot?

I work for much more than minimum wage no matter how much you wish I didn't
you should post a pic of the pay stub.

beenthere might follow you around for two years trying to deny the reality of it, just like when i showed him my paystub showing my withholding.

he has a delicate and fragile little ego for a bible smasher.


Well-Known Member
How do you manage to live by yourself in an apartment in one of the most expensive cities in the world??? I thought you were destitute earning minimum wage... Just shows how deluded Paddy is...
When I lived in Long Beach, LA apartments were quite a bit less, have they really gone up that much?