how often do you shower


Well-Known Member
once every 2 days except summer. I don't have armpit hair leg hair chest hair, I haven't had to shave once yet and I'm 28 in oct. I wear no deoderant, no cologne and I don't stink. oh and I do have some peach fuzz down there but i just shave that off cuz it looks like a bunch of spider legs here and there,LOL. I'm so glad I don't have asshole hair, you'd have to use twice as much toilet paper. But I do love that smell good shampoo shit. I smell like my shampoo and my tide from my clothing.

P.S. I know original post was how much you shower. then some guy brought up his teeth and brush so I thought I'd bring this to the table.


Well-Known Member
2 times a day..... morning, after they day's work... for the evening i have another shower.....

so 14 times a week :D


Well-Known Member
once every 2 days except summer. I don't have armpit hair leg hair chest hair, I haven't had to shave once yet and I'm 28 in oct. I wear no deoderant, no cologne and I don't stink. oh and I do have some peach fuzz down there but i just shave that off cuz it looks like a bunch of spider legs here and there,LOL. I'm so glad I don't have asshole hair, you'd have to use twice as much toilet paper. But I do love that smell good shampoo shit. I smell like my shampoo and my tide from my clothing.

P.S. I know original post was how much you shower. then some guy brought up his teeth and brush so I thought I'd bring this to the table.

dude maybe u think that u dont stink cuz your nose has just got used to the bad smell :D



Well-Known Member
That's a LOT of water... And the timing of this thread is such that it's eating at me. Our water heater broke two days ago, no warm showers, let alone hot. :(
i'll shower once a month or so
You and my father-in-law. We have to tell him to brush his teeth, bathe, wash his clothes. If we didn't... oh my God.

Every other day here, especially for washing my hair. Takes too long to wash it every day and it doesn't respond well to daily washing (unless I'm in a place like Bali or Puerto Rico, but if I'm spending time in the ocean then I just rinse off with fresh water). If I feel skanky I'll put it up in a towel turban and just wash my funky butt. However, because we're on a well I try to make my showers really count. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Damn Seamaiden, no hot water must really suck, I hate cold showers!

The heavy rain last night did a number on the soil around my outdoor grow, been fixing things back up all morn, Im dirty, time for a HOT shower.


Well-Known Member
every dang day. I am extremely obsessive about showering. I can NOT focus or feel right if I don't shower. even if I sleep allll day I will AlwAys take a shower. I can't start my day and will NOT do antyhing outside without a shower.

If I work out I'll take one after that too. So sometimes twice a day. I also do wash cloth to face every night as I brush my teeth, heh.
Gotta stay clean!


Well-Known Member
I know Im going off topic a bit but we already did it with brushing teeth so hear I go about cleaning ears.

I have always religously used qtips for as long as I can remember. But last night my sister gave me some EAR CANDLES that she got at a health store. Yall ever hear of these things? Tried em? I didt it last night and was amazed, that shit is a serious deep clean like you cant imagine. Yall gotta try it


Well-Known Member
I've heard of them, but I've also heard they're complete bunk.

I got a hot bath, in a Turkish kind of way. :D I heated up three of my biggest pots with water, put that in a big blue bin, but it was too hot so I had to add more cold water. I had PLENTY to totally wash my body down. It felt deee-LISH-ous. 8)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I used to be very obsessive....sometimes I still put bleach in my bath water.I've bathed with lysol before.Now its every day, sometimes every other day if I'm lazy.I wash my ass every time I take a dump, though, after I wipe.Yeah.TMI.


Well-Known Member
I cut the ear candles open when I was finished, looked like a years worth of ear wax inside, fucking disgusting.