equality isn't fair


Well-Known Member
I also deeply care about people who fight every day just to eat a meal.
Animals and the elderly are my soft spots, I do what I can, more than most but I guess It's never enough.
So, you got me there Paddy touché.
reposting an adoption day ad on your facebook wall really isn't doing much.


Well-Known Member
Taxpayers pay for secondary education. I would have no problem at all if my taxes funded a students college education. Having an educated population is beneficial for society.

Who gets to go? Those that have the grades and pass the entrance exams, like any college.

The price is the same for anyone: free, as long as they keep sufficient GPA's & don't fuck around and get in trouble with the law

Taxpayers pay the salaries of teachers, deans, janitors, service people, gardeners, etc..

Students are not required to take out loans, freeing up another aspect of the financial system.

Every measurable metric shows American citizens are overwhelmingly in favor of providing taxes to support secondary education to educate the populace, the problem, as usual, is the allocation of funds and the lobbying industry for greedy fucks in the education industry. Croney capitalism.. These people should be put on trial for treason against the American people.
I actually sort of agree with this, to an extent.

Not everyone can or should have an education.

I have a hard time believing that line would be hard and fast if it were equal and minorities didn't get in with sufficient numbers.

So then we have quotas, which leaves deserving students out.


Well-Known Member
Though you certainly can check a box to opt into it..

Can you tell me why that matters, considering her choice to accept it?

She didn't believe in it, she paid into it, then she utilized it. Wouldn't her message of "this is all bullshit" have exceeded herself if she didn't use it? Wouldn't' it have actually meant something had she said "fuck you, I don't agree/need this shit!"?
So do you blame anti war liberals for continuing to have a job, knowing the tax generated from their work goes to fund the war, or are you a hypocrite?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
How does that negate the fact her entire career was built upon the idea of self sufficiency? She actively utilized a government program she spent decades fighting against. She is the definition of hypocrisy in action.
That's an interesting discussion, it leads to other good questions....

If a person is against the war on drugs and is kidnapped by the drug warriors, sentenced and caged, should they eat the food provided in jail although they oppose the system that caged them?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So do you blame anti war liberals for continuing to have a job, knowing the tax generated from their work goes to fund the war, or are you a hypocrite?

It seems that some anti-war liberals have a blind spot. They rightfully oppose the force used by Empire Building regimes like the USA, yet they cast a blind eye on domestic tyranny such as using force or threats of it to make people buy things they don't want and don't need.

Separating the "goods and services", from the "bads and disservices" that a coercive government provides can only be done using free market methods and voluntary trade.


Well-Known Member
whilst ones perception of their own importance is made mostly by life experience, their true position is made reality by social influence. There will never be equality, when equality means loss of assets. One who believes they deserve more than another, will keep finding reason to believe this, as it means they don't lose their position.


Well-Known Member
So do you blame anti war liberals for continuing to have a job, knowing the tax generated from their work goes to fund the war, or are you a hypocrite?
Not sure what you mean

That's an interesting discussion, it leads to other good questions....

If a person is against the war on drugs and is kidnapped by the drug warriors, sentenced and caged, should they eat the food provided in jail although they oppose the system that caged them?
If someone spends decades decrying prison food and writes books based on that, then gets jailed and eats said prison food, I would absolutely call that person a hypocrite, same as Rand


Well-Known Member
Padawan, to answer the two questions that were put forward about the cost of healthcare and education, I'd say the Govt are to blame.

Unlimited student loans + Private Colleges

Unlimited insurance payouts + For profit hospitals

Nationalised healthcare and subsidised (yet limited funding per person per place to stop colleges scalping the taxpayer) education are simply a pen stroke away and provide the same/better results as your current system with a demonstrably lower price tag.


Well-Known Member
Padawan, to answer the two questions that were put forward about the cost of healthcare and education, I'd say the Govt are to blame.

Unlimited student loans + Private Colleges

Unlimited insurance payouts + For profit hospitals

Nationalised healthcare and subsidised (yet limited funding per person per place to stop colleges scalping the taxpayer) education are simply a pen stroke away and provide the same/better results as your current system with a demonstrably lower price tag.
I agree


Well-Known Member
So instead of just arguing along partisan lines why not try convince the American people it's not "socialism" together, the Republicans should love it too cos no one would have an excuse not to "bootstrap up" any more.
There's literally nothing you could say to people on the right that would convince them otherwise