Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
a blackout is not remembering how you got there or what you did .

Example : waking up in the morning under someones Christmas tree from a party you were at and not knowing who's Party or where you were. cause: frozen Vodka :roll:

Passing out is just that but remembering what happened.

Example : 1983 US festival , been taking acid since the night before when we got there, Van Halen on Stage and lite a big Thai joint and fell over backwards .
cause; drug and rock n roll exhaustion . :mrgreen:
One time I truely blacked out I hit the bong hard as I always do I was 18 I was standing by my cobra and my friend said I hit the ground .. My friend said I fell back hit the car and my body slid down to the ground.. He said I got up as soon as I hit the ground... I still don't believe him I felt like I was standing the whole time.. But my bong was broken so it must be true..... I said black out I meant my bud induces whiteys fairly easy..u feel weak wobbly like a tree that's being chopped down.. Start sweating it takes a minute or two to's fucken awesome!!


Well-Known Member
@gR33nDav3l0l & @FLkeys1 How much longer on those plants ya think? And when did they start budding?

I ask because my bahia blackhead in the ground looks to be at the same stage as @FLkeys1 blue dream. But mines been flowering since september lol. Probably got another six weeks on her.....maybe lol. If I would have started this plant in april it would have been 20 feet right now. The flowers look like they are going to fill in like @gR33nDav3l0l pic above, but who knows......Plants are crazy. And really smart too lol
Mine's about a month and a half, maybe 2 months into flowering, this week it started to fill in like that. I'm guessing 3 or 4 weeks left, heavy sativa heritage in it, tall lanky branches, covered to fuck in buds (everything bagweed down here you can grow, has been most likely crossed with a mexican sativa male, or a male jamaican haze if you're really lucky)
I think it was @TWS who told that if the weather is great, sativas will just keep on trucking


Well-Known Member
@gR33nDav3l0l & @FLkeys1 How much longer on those plants ya think? And when did they start budding?

I ask because my bahia blackhead in the ground looks to be at the same stage as @FLkeys1 blue dream. But mines been flowering since september lol. Probably got another six weeks on her.....maybe lol. If I would have started this plant in april it would have been 20 feet right now. The flowers look like they are going to fill in like @gR33nDav3l0l pic above, but who knows......Plants are crazy. And really smart too lol

October 20 I noticed the first female flowers on her and on October 30 she had noticeable buds.. I am guessing first of the year that would be 10 weeks.. But at the speed the buds are developing now maybe sooner. I wonder if the really shorter days will speed up flower time? But then I wonder if the lack of full Sumer sun will slow down and develope smaller buds...


Well-Known Member
That Confi is the shit Mo. so earthy ganja like.. Do you think it brings on the munchies ? FM and I do.

No secrets or nothing special I suppose that you ain't all ready got Mo. My season wasn't spectacular but successful none the less.:weed:


Well-Known Member
When I chopped Bubba Kush I cut off her huge buds and left the bottom 1/3 to finally get some sun. Well, I chopped it a couple of days ago. That is all I have left to trim....if I trim it. I'm going to see if it works....and then throw it into the trim pile for recycling into edibles, whatever.
Now it is burping jars and tubs....


Well-Known Member
:leaf::razz::-PAnyone looking for lights for a indoor grow, discount Hydro. In Riverside has a sale!!
400w ballast $24.95
600w ballast switchable HPS. And MH $34.95-$39.95
They also have a 1000w system that was $599.00 for $99.00 however it is only a 240 power plug..

I was able to get a 600w complete set up for $98.00 including tax. :fire:
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