Club 600

Is this done after the 2 week flush ? Just pour hot water on the plant and let it dry?
when you are ready to have start harvest, anything you do like flush is done, apply boiling water dotn need run off. in 10 gal pot i use 1.5 gal boiling water. that hits the roots and it goes into turbo finish mode. it will take 3-4 days to get it to eat and finish. then its dark or low light for another 3-44 days depending if you got the room to brown bush it. dont pay attention to the name (brown bush) stupid name. it allows the plant perfect finish and your buds will be amazing. Try it. you then will know what i do. i cant explain since i am not a botanist. you will love its affect.
Adjusted the tension on the drive chain of the Ninja and took it out for a test ride.
Just got back from a 1-hour ride in 33f grooviness!
Hit some roads that allowed for 70-ish mph here & there.
We've had freezing rain for the last few nights, but day times it gets just warm enough to melt and partially dry off.
But the temperature is dropping quick (will be down to 25f tonight), and I was noticing sheens of ice on the wet areas of the roads coming in the back way to get home.
Not a slip, trip, or potato chip!
Will be getting a set of Michelin Pilot Road 4 tires come the 1st of December to help with wet/cold roads and they'll be good for sport touring in Summer.
But the OEM tires did better than I thought they would, all things considering.
I'd never run them at a track, or do much heavy canyon carving with them, but they did better in the wet & cold we've had lately than any online review ever gave them, and I'm not planning any Track Days up in Portland until I have the suspension upgraded & good SS-braided brake lines, and money to burn on a set of tires I'd hope to ruin by the end of the day.
But, having fun riding again! (The scooter was fun, but well, there is no comparison)
It's like flying with your eyeballs.
Adjusted the tension on the drive chain of the Ninja and took it out for a test ride.
Just got back from a 1-hour ride in 33f grooviness!
Hit some roads that allowed for 70-ish mph here & there.
We've had freezing rain for the last few nights, but day times it gets just warm enough to melt and partially dry off.
But the temperature is dropping quick (will be down to 25f tonight), and I was noticing sheens of ice on the wet areas of the roads coming in the back way to get home.
Not a slip, trip, or potato chip!
Will be getting a set of Michelin Pilot Road 4 tires come the 1st of December to help with wet/cold roads and they'll be good for sport touring in Summer.
But the OEM tires did better than I thought they would, all things considering.
I'd never run them at a track, or do much heavy canyon carving with them, but they did better in the wet & cold we've had lately than any online review ever gave them, and I'm not planning any Track Days up in Portland until I have the suspension upgraded & good SS-braided brake lines, and money to burn on a set of tires I'd hope to ruin by the end of the day.
But, having fun riding again! (The scooter was fun, but well, there is no comparison)
It's like flying with your eyeballs.
I so want to go for a ride. I have to redo suspension on the bike my brother traded me. Its a S&S race harley and its setup for 170 lbs. I am 235 now and can get to 265 easy. The season ran out so i have to wait and fix it over winter. it also has to ride my ol lady she is 131lbs wet. Back on track i so want a bike ride its killing me. ride for me please.
doc i found the problem and the ladies are on it.