Club 600

When my sister died i was 12 years old and i feel for him. It showed me early that life iis short so enjoy it with your friends/family. Say you love who you love often. I am tearing up. I am praying for him.
So true I lost a really good friend back in high school and to this day the thought of h brings me to tears like right now...on another note I'm at the hospital my gf was rushed here from her job today and I just got here the doc says she's got a stricture and its stopping her from swallowing I'm not really sure what to do guys....
Before we lost our son, I had no idea what people walk around with. The pain inside, it's amazing. Also amazing how we keep doing our thing even with the loss of a parent, child, sibling, friend, partner, pet, loved one.

NYC, just be there for your gf, try to be calm for her and ask the docs questions.
So true I lost a really good friend back in high school and to this day the thought of h brings me to tears like right now...on another note I'm at the hospital my gf was rushed here from her job today and I just got here the doc says she's got a stricture and its stopping her from swallowing I'm not really sure what to do guys....
you cant do anything but just being there is huge. You may have to baby her a few days and that will be your job.
for all the pain in his life right now there must still be a part of him that is full of happiness, the time shared with loved ones that can never, ever be taken away. it may be a while before he smiles again, but love is so powerful nothing can destroy the memories.

The guy seems very grounded in love. Bless him. Glad I got my gals. Here's his words on the passing of his son.

Dear friends, family, and supporters; it is with an unbelievably heavy heart that I write this. My little fighter, Lennon James Picco went to sleep in his daddy's arms late last night. He was surrounded by family, friends, and the best doctors, nurses and hospital staff in the world. He was dressed in an outfit that Ashley bought for him, with little guitars on it, and wrapped in a blanket made by a dear friend. I am so thankful for the four unforgettable days I got to spend with him. His mommy would have been so beyond joy to see him and to hold him, touch him, bathe him, sing to him - as I have had the privilege of doing. I have been so blessed and honored to love him before he was formed, to cherish him while mommy carried him, meet him face to precious face, and hold his perfect little body while we said "goodbye for now". There are no words, but I wanted to keep you updated, as your love and support has meant more than anything in the world. All you need is love.

Don't mean to bring things down... just this has been heavy on my heart and mind the past few days and I enjoy sharing with you all (my friends).

And @Bman24, like NYC said, leave your leaves alone.
So true I lost a really good friend back in high school and to this day the thought of h brings me to tears like right now...on another note I'm at the hospital my gf was rushed here from her job today and I just got here the doc says she's got a stricture and its stopping her from swallowing I'm not really sure what to do guys....
Hope she's send a prayer that way
Okay i added boiling water to all 17 plants in flower. this will put them into overdrive finish while they get so sticky and dry on the plant. 2 weeks my flower room will be empty and cleaned then its a veg area for 3-4 weeks till i get the veg plants topped and ready for another round. I have already dried 1/2 oz from lower buds(popcorn) they are awesome.
I'm wanting to try the boiling roots method. Is it really that good as what I hear?
@jigfresh made me cry this morning man. Even the thought kills me. If specially lately.

Also Your an awesome guy. If what happened to u two happened to us I doubt we would have kept trying.

We need to get together w the kiddos again!
Better to revel in what we do have than think about all that can/does go wrong... Live in the moment right! :-)
I'm wanting to try the boiling roots method. Is it really that good as what I hear?
it gets the plant going into super finish mode. yes it rocks. some let them dry on the plant for 3 days some 10 and ive seen 47 days and was told it was amazing. I will be cutting off buds starting when its dry around day 8-10 then every day till i like it. I leave mine in my grow room and let the lights come on like normal while its doing its thing. some remove them with just dim light.
boiling your roots:shock: what's the reasoning behind that? please indulge me!
I cant remember the whole breakdown but it gets the plant to sue all remaining resouces in its roots/ stems/ and i tried it last time and loved how it turned out. so this time i did all 17 ladies in flower. that is around 4lbs of smoke, so you know i wouldnt do it if it wasnt good. you can let them dry on the plant or just give them 3-4 days minimal time. if you give them 4 days you will have to finish drying them like normal. I am gonna go for 8 days min maybe even 14.
so just treat it like any other day, leave the lights on and water with boiling water? do you do it once or multiple times?
so just treat it like any other day, leave the lights on and water with boiling water? do you do it once or multiple times?
1 time. You can turn the lights off or leave them on. i have only done the lights on method. after 3-4 days the lights can be shut off till its done to save power. the reason i leave them on for 3-4 days at 12/12 is so the plant can finish off. just make sure plenty of air movement(fans) since it will not drink the water form the soil(boiled roots) my rh went up about 20% more for a couple hrs after doing this.