Outdoor thieves/stupid trespassers. Any solution?


Well-Known Member
Put up some trespassers will be shot signs.
Maybe get some nra member stickers made for ur windows
A couple hidden trail cameras.
Chain the dogs up outside for a couple nights
Get an electric fence and a rottweiler that stays outside

Kush Knight

Well-Known Member
One big dog or 2 small dogs. Weiner dogs are notoriously alert dogs. Or Corgies. Ooooooor get a rotty. Slap a doghouse by your plants and have a name plaque on top of the doorway that says Lucifer.
I have (read my moms dogs are) a chihuahua, a piebald dachshund, and their progeny, a chiweenie. I can't remember the year of my moms car (Chevrolet cavalier i think a 93 or 94),but they can't hear that outta tune engine for some reason and my mom makes it inside 60% of the time before they notice. I've had my step-brother and his friends make it to my room before the dogs barked.

I cant really get more dogs though because were renting and the landlord has 2 dogs, putting the property at the 5 dog restriction.

Useless mutts lol. The other day at 6am, a deer was right outside my window trying to figure away around my shotty critter fence and chair blockade. I woke up cause I could hear the heavy footsteps impacting on the clay. 2/3 of my dogs were sleeping near my pillow. I sprung to the window ready to jump through my screen and kill a bitch, which saved the whole plant lol. Deer ran off, loud as hell through the neighbors fence, knocking one of the corner poles so the fence kinda leans in now.
Used to take my dogs a good hour to realize there was a stray cat on the other side of the door, meanwhile the cats trying to be seen from every window, begging for food.
Also it takes hours to get the 2 hounds to come out from under the house and leave the possums or skunks alone.
They piss me off sometimes.

Its off season, and I haven't had an intruder (that I know of -_-) since. I moved my new-this-year Troy bilt weedwhacker inside as a precaution. My tomato plant now has 8 or 9 tomatoes again and ~8 more flower clusters, but still hasn't been cloned. About to make DIY cloning gel. And I did learn my lesson on potted plants. They left the 8" candyland clone in the ground, which I dug up and put in a 5 gal the next day because I assumed they would've taken it if they had seen it. I mean I apparently left the trench spade 2' away....

I am pretty sure I can put a few stretches of randomly placed barbed wire and put maybe 3 motion detection lights around strategic places. I will try to get a hunting camera, at the very least to have an idea of identity. I also considered a tripline to airhorn, but could see neighbors throwing a hissy fit at 3am.
This is Amador county, where everyone is an entitled pothead or a god damn entitled tweaker. I guess since its the poorest county in CA, makes sense that no one has any morals. A few weeks ago someone was ripping lbs off peoples immature plants, not even cutting them down, just ripping the buds off . One of my moms friends caught the guy though, and he was such a twacked out pussy. My moms other friend (was packin') almost took the guys car, but settled for ~4 lbs of schwag.

But yeah,
A place to find those security essentials really cheap would be useful, but I DO know how to google :)!
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Well-Known Member
No landlord can say u cant get another dog, ive never heard of a fukin dog count.

Sounds like ur dogs are just lazy. They get complacent especially when everyone tells them to shut up all the time lol.

I find it amazing that they can probably smell another dogs asshole from the moon but couldnt tell there was a deer on your patio.

Get a rottie or a giant mastiff those things would eat a tweaker lol
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Kush Knight

Well-Known Member
No landlord can say u cant get another dog, ive never heard of a fukin dog count.

Sounds like ur dogs are just lazy. They get complacent especially when everyone tells them to shut up all the time lol.

I find it amazing that they can probably smell another dogs asshe from the moon but couldnt tell there was a deer on your patio.

Get a rottie or a giant mastiff those things would eat a tweaker lol
I only tell em to shut up after I check windows and front/back porch lol. My mom on the other hand.....
They react to dishes clinking and setting stuff (used to be my bong that would do it) on the table, but normally to get any reaction from them I have to say, "Who's there dogs?" or " Mom home?" and they bark at the doors for a few minutes.
It could be cause my mom used to take them for rides all the time and my mom is going deaf from constantly blasting the radio full volume (with a broken subwoofer:wall:) in her car. Maybe they are going deaf too lol.

Also I don't know if the limit is a county law, or if its the landlord. But my mom isn't assertive at all and thinks this place is such a great find. She'd be eaten by a big dog If I'm not around. She's one of those people that dogs instantly realize is at the bottom of the pack and thus she can't even control these dogs. The piebald bitch runs away twice daily (JUST exploring, hasn't found another dog or anything) and all but the chihuahua end up walking into the street twice a week.

From this, 2-3 dogs per household is common in a lot of cities.
Even if there are no imposed ordinances, if a nuisance complaint occurs (our dogs being in the street has already made 2 neighbors talk to us), we could be ordered to get rid of them.
Did I mention my mom REFUSES to register them. Good thing cops cant tell just by looking at them, cause they've gotten testy with officers before. Its good they're small.
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King Tut
There can be limits placed on the number of animals one may own. Most of the time it is a city ordinance but the landlord can place any limits he wants as long as you sign the lease/rental agreement.

Kush Knight

Well-Known Member
There can be limits placed on the number of animals one may own. Most of the time it is a city ordinance but the landlord can place any limits he wants as long as you sign the lease/rental agreement.
Which my mom did unquestioningly, but I refused to sign cause I had just turned 17. If I had, I guess I would've been required to perform his weekly yard care. Lol, hope he doesn't tell me to sign it now that I'm 18.


Well-Known Member
i would place thin fishing line to it and fish hookes on the line it will hook there clothsand go off. the pepper spray works alot better then one would think and if your close to it. hurts like hell and burns more then just your eyes and throat.